A Ban on Good Hair
“So he published an edict that everywhere men should cut their hair close to the skin and that no Roman should be permitted to wear his hair below the neck.” […]
“So he published an edict that everywhere men should cut their hair close to the skin and that no Roman should be permitted to wear his hair below the neck.” […]
“The emperor took exception to this: “Could you do anything like that, you effeminate gelding?” “Having never learnt to operate two lances, emperor, I cannot,” Krateros replied; “nor is there any need of such foolishness in war.”” […]
“Manuel set off, but the emperor was too afraid and did not flow, so he was obliged to turn back again. When the emperor missed his chance again, he came back a third time and threatened him with death if he did not follow. It was thus that, very late in the day and with great difficulty, the emperor was saved.” […]
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