Greek and Roman

The Off-Key Emperor

THE SCENE: Being the most powerful person in the land doesn’t insulate you from criticism, as is demonstrated by this passage about an emperor who vastly overestimated his singing skill. THE TEXT: He was very […]

Greek and Roman

Beware the Advice of Raving Hermits

“For your part, you are to remember to threaten him with the imminent loss of his life and his fall from the throne, unless he choose of his own free will to embrace the dogma of the emperor Leo the Isaurian and to cast out the idols.” […]


The Point of No Return

“The army returned at once, terrified and amazed by the unexpected nature of this occurrence. They demanded to know the reason for it and began to utter mutinous threats. What they heard was something they had long yearned to hear.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Stink of Commerce

““Who ever saw a Roman emperor or his spouse indulging in commerce?” With these words, he gave orders that at that very hour, merely allowing time for the crew to disembark, the ship was to be given to the flames.” […]

Greek and Roman

Dangerous Dolls

“Once when Theophilos was infuriated with his wife, and asked the court fool whether “mama” was still kissing her pretty dolls, setting his hand to his lips, the fellow replied: “Hush emperor, hush! Not a word about the dolls!”” […]

Greek and Roman

The Grasping Goes Too Far

“When the accused saw her, he was thunderstruck and stood there, speechless, for some time. Then he just managed to regain enough of his composure to embrace the emperor’s feet in tears and become a humble petitioner.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Controversial Image of God

“The fire devoured his flesh to the point at which the athlete lost consciousness and lay half-dead. But the grace of God must have determined that he survive to be a spark [to ignite] those who would come after.” […]