“These Balshi contrive by their enchantment and their art that the full cups rise up of their own accord from the floor on which they have been standing and come to the Great Khan without anyone touching them.” […] Whenever there occurs a surplus of population of men, the leaders of the different provinces meet together and order the young men of the entire realm to gather before them. They then cast lots and so pick out the most able and the strongest, who must journey off to foreign lands and seek a living for themselves.” […] “”Sire,” said they, “we fear the sea, and we are not bound to serve beyond it; speak for us, we pray you, we put the speech upon you. You shall say what you will, and we will do accordingly.” “Do you put it upon me?” said he. “Yes,” said each, “I agree, let us go to the duke; speak for us, for you know our minds.”” […] “A similar incident occurred in the time of the exile of blessed Thomas primate of England, because to insult him (as they believed, but their wickedness deceived them) the people of Rochester disfigured and cut off his horse’s tail, which has let to their descendants in that place being found both with tails.” […] “The charge of pride was also leveled him, although he had been very humble even as emperor – moreover he was, on the contrary, very polite at banquets, very liberal with signing petitions, and very reasonable over cases of personal freedom.” […] “Behind her came a foal, of the same height and breadth of chest and rump as his mother, black eyed and holding his tail high, with black testicles, and iron hooves. His body was a wonder to behold, like saffrom petals, mottled red and gold.” […] “Having called in an old Greek woman who was expert in the preparation of poisons, she persuaded her by means of gifts and promises to concoct a lethal potion. And one evening, without giving the matter a second thought, she served this up to Restagnone.” […] “In addition he went into a coma and immediately lost his memory altogether. He could scarcely remember that he had a name.” […] “They attacked harder than every, thrusting at Gisli with their spears until guts spilled out. Gisli gathered the guts up together in his shirt, and bound them with a cord.” […] “In fact, if I killed you, there are plenty of nobles and politicians in Rome who would thank me for it” […] “I was seated on the ground, taking in those delicious draughts, my face turned up to heaven, my eyes half closed the better to enjoy the toothsome liquor, when the wicked blind man took his revenge. He raised the jug with both hands, and, with all his might, sent it crashing down on my mouth.” […] “It seemed as if we were being tossed about on a wild sea without any oar. Unsure as to what would happen, we were indeed worried and very deeply disturbed.” […] “In spite of the fact that you bore me, and his mother only adopted him, his mother loves him, while you, you do not love me!” […] “It had the human shape, however, in every detail, both as to hands and face and feet; but the entire body was covered with hair as the beasts are, and down the back it had a long coarse mane like that of a horse.” […] “The universal nature has no external space; but the wondrous part of her art is that though she has circumscribed herself, everything within her which appears to decay and to grow old and to be useless she changes into herself, and again makes other new things from these very same, so that she requires neither substance from without nor wants a place into which she may cast that which decays.” […] “Frea gave counsel that the women of the Winnili should take down their hair and arrange it upon the face like a beard, and that in the early morning they should be present with their husbands and in like manner station themselves to be seen by Godan.” […] “He picked out two young men of his acquaintance who had fresh and girlish faces, but eager and manly spirits, and changed their outward appearance almost entirely by giving them warm baths and keeping them out of the sun, by arranging their hair, and by smoothing their skin and beautifying their complexions with unguents.” […] “Vortigern immediately said the words “drinc hail” and ordered Renwein to drink. Then he took the goblet from her hand, kissed her and drank in his turn.” […] “So he shewed it to the messenger, and the shrewd varlet said to him off hand, ‘Nought is there, and nought shalt thou have! therefore look for nothing!'” […] “Overcoats have sleeves reaching down to the hells “Often, moreover, even if there was no religious reason, he dined happily on green vegetables and beans, without meat.” […] “The dashing youth need not have wasted so many words, for the Messinese who were with him, being avid for plunder, already had visions of themselves performing the deed to which Gerbino was inciting them with his oratory. So that when he reached the end of his speech, they filled the air with a thunderous roar of approval, trumpets were sounded, and they all took up their weapons.” […] “The venerable father and his companions saw how the unhappy man was carried off by a multitude of demons to be tormented and was set on fire among them. He said: ‘Alas for you, my son, that you have received such fate as you have deserved while living.'” […] “I want to make a deal with you, Aud,” he said. “You tell me where Gisli is and I will give you three hundred pieces of silver, which I have received as the price on his head. In addition, I will arrange a marriage for you that will be superior in every way to this one.” […] “. They had a force of six thousand cavalry, each of whom had selected from the whole army, for his personal protection, one infantryman of outstanding courage and speed of foot.” […] “The romans therefore captured him, held him in prison and, dressing him in a cloak of undressed goatskins reeking with blood, placed this devious antipope, nay antichrist, across the back of that devious animal, the camel.” […] “The Chancellor was in his gown, and besides ancient, and not able to struggle with such a strong fellow. My lord had a little dog with him; said he, “Let us first throw the dog down, and see what sport that will be.” […] “There is now ice available in Ziranum, much of it. Place your servants there to watch over it so they can keep it safe for you.” […] “The site, too, was overturned, so that those parts of the earth which had formerly pointed downwards were now turned upward; and all the houses and halls were turned town into the earth and thus it has been ever since.” […] “How unsound and insincere is he who says, I have determined to deal with thee in a fair way.- What art thou doing, man? There is no occasion to give this notice.” […] “And then it visibly appeared to many that a good and a bad angel proceeded by night through the city and as many times as, upon command of the good angel, the bad angel, who appeared to carry a hunting spear in his hand, knocked at the door of each house with the spear, so many men perished from that house on the following day.” […] “They took away the old timbers from time to time, and put new and sound ones in their places, so that the vessel became a standing illustration for the philosophers in the mooted question of growth, some declaring that it remained the same, others that it was not the same vessel.” […] “In the midst of this enclosed park, where there is a beautiful grove, the Great Khan has built another large palace, constructed entirely of canes, but with the interior all gilt and decorated with beasts and birds of very skillful workmanship. ” […] “Satan entered his heart, so that the fell in love with Renwein and asked her father to give her to him. I say that Satan entered his heart because, despite the fact that he was a Christian, he was determined to make love with this pagan woman.” […] “Poor diviner indeed must he be about me, who could predict nought about himself. If the things to come were known to him, he might well have foreseen his own death.” […] “And running up she whispered in the king’s ear: ‘I shall reveal to you, my lord, the accomplices of my accursed son who are traitors to you and the manner of their treachery, if you come with me.'” […] “While he was affable in conversation, in reality he was ungenerous and almost mean – to the extent of serving half-portions of lettuce and artichoke at banquets while a private citizen.” […] “They sewed a doll of silk, that was the same height as this lion who had not yet tasted milk, and stuffed it with sable fur. Its face shone like the sun and the evening star.” […] “on’t watch as the sorcerer begins his incantations to bring out this lion from within her body: he will cut open the cypress’s belly, and she will feel no pain. Then, driving all fear and anxiety from your heart, you must sew up the wound where the sorcerer cut her.” […] “Realizing that the invalid would be unable to withstand the pain unless he were doped beforehand, the doctor issued a special prescription providing for the distillation of a certain liquid which he intended to administer to the patient in order to put him to sleep for as long as the pain and the operation where likely to last.” […] “Even before he had finished speaking, the same savage came to the shore near where they were, carrying a tongs in his hands that held a lump of burning slag of immense size and heat. He immediately threw the lump on top of the servants of Christ, but it did no hurt to them.” […] “At that very moment, Thorgerd returned and Helgi turned round quickly and fell off the partition. Thorgerd asked him what he was doing climbing up the rafters instead of lying still. He said he was so racked with pains in his joints that he could not lie still.” […] “Our troops attacked with such vigour when the signal was given, and the enemy also dashed forward so suddenly and swiftly, that there was no time to throw spears at them. So the men dropped their spears and fought hand to hand with their swords.” […] “My master got up and took me by the head. Presently he began to smell me, and forcing my mouth open, he put his nose in. It was a long pointed nose.” […] “Caught taking part in this terrible ploy, he was mercifully condemned to losing his eyes and genitals when he deserved to be choked to death by a noose.” […] “I want it very much; do not withhold it from me. In this I will see whether you love me as a real father does.” […] “It is always a great comfort to me that I shall leave much wealth for my own true son to enjoy after my days but should scarcely regard him as a son, though I had begotten him, if he were a fool.” […] “There is no man so fortunate that there shall not be by him when he is dying some who are pleased with what is going to happen.” […] “While king Cunincpert was taking counsel in what way he might deprive Aldo and Grauso of life, suddenly in the window near which they were standing sat a fly of the largest kind which when Cunincpert attempted to strike with his knife to kill it, he only cut off its foot.” […] “But Lycomedes, either because he feared a man of such fame, or as a favour to Menestheus, led him up to the high places of the land, on pretence of showing him from thence his lands, threw him down the cliffs, and killed him. Some, however, say that he slipped and fell down of himself while walking there after supper, as was his custom.” […] “Renwein collected all the information she could about noxious poisons and then, by the hands of one of his servants whom she had first corrupted with innumerable bribes, she gave Vortimer a poison to drink.” […] “Then one of his men ran forward and put his hand on a hut, and took a handful of the thatch, and turned to the duke, saying heartily, ‘Sire, come forward and receive this.'” […] “Another time, when he was sleeping in a tavern, a snake wound itself round his head, and when his friends were alarmed and shouted out, the creature went away without harming him.” […] “For such things as these, to be sure, he was strong enough, but otherwise he was weak and feeble, even having something wrong with him in the groin, which stuck out so much that the Roman people could detect the swelling through his silk clothing. Many verses were written on this subject. ” […] “He slept again, and again the dragon emerged from the dark. Rakhsh stamped on Rostam’s pillow and pawed at the ground, and once more Rostam woke. He sprang up, his face sallow with apprehension, and gazed about him, but he saw nothing except the darkness. He said to his kind, wise horse, “You should sleep in the night’s darkness, but you keep waking me up; why are you in such a hurry for me to be awake? If you disturb me again like this, I’ll cut off your feet with my sword. I’ll go on foot, dragging my lance and heavy mace to Mazanderan.” […] “So the young man lay down at her side without attempting to touch her, and, concentrating his thoughts on his long love for her, on her present coldness towards him, and on the dashing of his hopes, he resolved not to go on living.” […] “The bird stretched her talons to seize the servants of God. Just then, suddenly, the bird which on the earlier occasion brought them the branch with the fruits, flew swiftly up to the Gryphon, which immediately made to devour her. But that bird defended herself until she overcame and tore out the eyes of the Gryphon.” […] ” They continued to search the place even so, but not as carefully as they might have done if they had not had to suffer such a torrent of abuse from the farmer’s wife. Having found nothing, they left and wished the farmer well.” […] “For my own part, however, I do not approve of opium entering into the composition of eye-salves, and still less of the preparations from it known as febrifuges, digestives, and cœliacs: the black poppy, however, is very generally prescribed, in wine, for cœliac affections.” […] “Sir Thomas Moore’s discourse was extraordinarily facetious. Riding one night, upon the sudden, he crossed himself with a great cross, crying out, “Jesu Maria! Do you not see that prodigious dragon in the sky?”” […] “Suddenly the king’s men cast off their cloaks and unsheathed their swords, but the villagers, seeing what was coming, surged forward vehemently with their weapons.” […] “Indeed if there is much gold (in Egypt), do send me as much as your fathers did. In case there is little gold, send me half of what your fathers did, but why in the world did you send only two pounds of gold to me?” […] THE SCENE: In this passage, King Hakon IV of Norway describes to his son the … “If, then, it happens to thee in such way as thou art formed by nature to bear it, do not complain, but bear it as thou art formed by nature to bear it. But if it happens in such wise as thou art not formed by nature to bear it, do not complain, for it will perish after it has consumed thee.” […] “Since he had offended king Cunincpert while they were conversing at a banquet, the king commanded to be prepared for him when he was returning to his inn a fierce and untamed horse who was accustomed to dash to the earth with a great snorting those who sat upon him.” […] “This man called his wife Phersephone, his daughter Cora, and his dog Cerberus, with which beast he ordered that all suitors of his daughter should fight, promising her to him that should overcome it.” […] “They give the dead girl to the dead boy as a wife and draw up a deed of matrimony. Then they burn this deed, and declare that the smoke that rises into the air goes to their children in the other world and that they get wind of it and regard themselves as husband and wife.” […] “The moment they heard this signal the Saxons drew their daggers, attacking the leaders standing near them and cut the throats of about four hundred and sixty counts and earls, who were thinking of something quite different.” […] ‘But Harold refused, and said that Ourth should not go against the duke and fight without him; and that he would not burn houses and villages, neither would he plunder his people. “How,” said he, “can I injure the people I should govern? I cannot destroy or harass those who ought to prosper under me.”‘ […] ” But as to what any man shall say or think about him or do against him, he never even thinks of it, being himself contented with these two things, with acting justly in what he now does, and being satisfied with what is now assigned to him.” […] “May God so will that you and I, duke Ferdulf, may not depart from this life until others know which of us is the greater coward.” […] At night he entered the bed-chamber, and beheld a very superb couch, full of sharp razors. “What!” exclaimed he, “am I to sleep in this bed?” “Even so, my lord,” replied the attendants; “for in this bed all our kings have laid, and have perished.” […] “He came back to his ship, got a wind, and sailed out to sea. When he was far from land, the same mermaid came up. She took hold of the bow of his ship, and she held onto the ship so that it went nowhere.” […] “He acquiesced; and the lady, after salutation, requested him to let her touch the bird. No sooner was it in her possession, than she wrenched its head from the body.” […] “Nature has willed that only in man is the breath made bad in several different ways, namely by tainted food, decaying teeth, and most of all by old age.” […] It is told about this spring, or the water flowing from it, that it tastes exactly like ale and is very abundant. It is also said that if drunk to excess, it goes into one’s head.” […] “While Bevis was carrying out his responsibilities one day, the king’s son, like the fool that he was, went to the stables and attempted to untie Arundel. The horse kicked him so hard with a back hoof that the young man’s brains were splattered against the stable wall.” […] “The king had ordered them not to fight back. So I grabbed hold of Bodvar and braced my feet against the footboard. I hunched my shoulders and strained with my arms. I tried then with all my strength, but he sat perfectly still and there was no way I could budge him.” […] “Clad in this kind of garment, he secretly entered the magnates’ bedrooms by night in the form of an angel and amazingly deluded their sense or rather their understanding, wide-awake as they were.” […] After the battle, Thrandur proposed that they should kill the boys, Sigmundur and Thorir. Heaven rejoiced in his evil doing. But vast Earth groaned within, being straitened, and she made the element of grey flint and shaped a great sickle, and told her plan to her dear sons. […] “One time at a tavern Sir Walter Raleigh beat him and sealed up his mouth (i.e. his upper and nether beard) with hard wax.” […] “At this time an old woman came in and dressed my wound. Then the neighbours began to take off the bandages. They rejoiced when they saw that I had recovered my senses and began to laugh over my misfortunes while I, as the sinner, mourned over them.” […] “Thus our troops were able, without any risk, to kill as many of them as there was time to kill.” […] “A pillar in the sea appeared to them that seemed to be not far distant. Still it took them three days to come up to it. It was higher than the sky. THE TEXT: One day when they had celebrated their Masses, a pillar in the sea appeared to them that seemed to be not far distant. Still it took them three days to come up to it. When the man of God approached it, he tried to see the top of it – but he could not, it was so high. It was higher than the sky. Moreover a wide-meshed net was wrapped around it. The mesh was so wide that the boat could pass through its opening. They could not decide of what substance the net was made. It had the colour of silver, but they thought that that it seemed harder than marble. The pillar was of bright crystal.” […] “They bestowed the kingdom of the Visigoths on Athavulf his kinsman, a man of imposing beauty and great spirit; for though not tall of stature, he was distinguished for beauty of face and form.” […] “My helmet is all gilded. My armour is also laid with gold. There have never been more hold and precious stones on a shield than there are on mine.” […] “These spectres make those who are ignorant of their death receive them as though they were alive and offer their right hands; nor is the mistake detected before the shades have vanished.” […] “In appreciation of what had happened and as a mark of favour to the dog, which had almost died of starvation, the English, who nevertheless hated the Welsh, had the corpse buried with all due ceremony.” […] “The King ordained that his dress, for the time to come, should he of a different texture and colour; one side to be composed of the most ordinary materials, and the other of the most valuable : so that when he looked upon the baser portion, his pride might be abated, and the vicious propensities, in which he had indulged, relinquished; on the other hand, when he surveyed the more gorgeous part, his hopes might be raised, and his spirit animated to goodness.” […] “O valiant Amleth, and worthy of immortal fame, who being shrewdly armed with a feint of folly, covered a wisdom too high for human wit under a marvellous disguise of silliness!” […] “The general bee population shows a remarkable obedience to her. When she sets out, the whole swarm goes too, and the groups round her, encircling and protecting her, and not allowing anyone to see her. At other times, when the bees are at work, she goes round all the works inside, like someone offering encouragement, while she alone is free from any duties.” […] “Their shields were split and broken, their coats of chainmail torn and damaged. They turned their horses around and rushed at each other again.” […] “Then Gudrun said, “I was worst to the one I loved the most.”“I think,” said Bolli, “that the truth has now been told.”” […] “It can be killed but never subdued alive. And if ever by the exertion of hunters it happens to be taken alive, it immediately dies.” […] “Here Sigmundur showed his skill; he tossed his sword with a flourish aloft and he caught it with his left hand, holding his shield in his right. He slashed at Randver with his sword and cut his right leg clear off below the knee. Randver pitched over, and Sigmundur gave him a blow to the neck which severed off his head.” […] “And there, all in their order, are the sources and ends of gloomy earth and misty Tartarus and the unfruitful sea and starry heaven, loathsome and dank, which even the gods abhor.” […] “Sir Walter Raleigh ordered him to carry up the first dish at dinner, where the queen beheld him with admiration, as if a beautiful young giant had stalked in with the service.” […] “You are only a boy,” he replied, “and cannot understand the things appertaining to honor in which, at the present time, is all the wealth of respectable people. You must remember that I am, as you know, an esquire. I swear to God that if I met a count in the street and he did not salute me, I would not salute him if I met him again.” […] “Did those pygmy Romans, they asked, wither their feeble hands and muscles, imagine that they could mount such a heavy tower on top of a wall?” […] ‘Then she handed me a sword with a highly polished hilt. “When I am sitting here I feel as if I were in a paradise of delights in contrast with my fear of the torments that lie before me this evening. For I burn, like a lump of molten lead in a pot, day and night. But here I have a place of refreshment every Sunday from evening to evening, at Christmas until the Epiphany, at Easter until Pentecost, and on the feasts of the purification and assumption of the mother of God. After and before these feasts I am tortured in the depths of Hell.” […] “I would rather die here and now than let the 9 king’s daughters or their mother see me bound, and after that be insulted by all ladies and maidens as long as I live.” […] “You are never in greater peril or nearer to death than when you set off skating while the ice is covered with even the thinnest layer of snow.” […] “They are surprised that, from all the great and striking subjects which the world can offer, I choose to extol in my writings and to adorn with all the flowers of my rhetoric those rugged countries.” […] “The fools, of course, believing it to be Paradise, while they themselves were the chosen and happy possessors of the land, gave not another thought to the future. The consequence was that, one night, finding them asleep, the magician cut them off; and thus, through the instrumentality of a factitious Eden, perpetrated the foulest enormities.” […] THE SCENE: Being the most powerful person in the land doesn’t insulate you from criticism, … “Messalina, the wife of Claudius Ceasar, thinking it would be a royal triumph, chose to compete against a certain notorious prostitute.” […] “They saw a ship with men on board floating before the anchor cable; and soon they saw a man leap overboard and dive down to the anchor as if to release it. The movements of his hands and feet and all his actions appeared like those of a man swimming in the water.” […] “As soon as the boar saw Bevis, its bristles stood on end. It looked at him with piercing eyes as though imagining how pleasant it might be to swallow him whole, then opened its mouth and gave out an almighty snarl.” […] “Vigdis raised the purse and struck him on the nose with it, drawing blood; she accompanied this with a stream of derisive words, adding that he would never get the money back, and told him to clear off.” […] “Then after she had drained the lethal draught she immediately began: “But that witch’s potion ought not to suffice as full atonement for me who committed such a great crime. No! rather should I be tied to the tails of horses and dragged off to be hanged and this unspeakable body should be burnt to ashes in fires of thorns and the ashes scattered to the wind.” […] “Sigmundur cut his way forward easily, fighting with a two-handed sword. When he came upon Bjorn’s standard-bearer, he dispatched the man with a lethal blow. He called to his men to break their shield formation when he saw Bjorn himself directly ahead.” […] “The goddess fierce Echidna who is half a nymph with glancing eyes and fair cheeks, and half again a huge snake, great and awful, with speckled skin, eats raw flesh beneath the secret parts of the holy earth.” […] “I, this morning, not having the fear of God before my eyes but by the instigation of the devil, went to a whore.” […] “Such lords do not want to see virtuous men in their houses. On the contrary, they hate and despise them, calling them useless and unacquainted with business. I do not wish to trust my fortunes with such people.” […] “t. But the enemy clearly had a preconcerted plan. They equipped themselves with arms that they had hidden, or with shields made of bark or wickerwork, and soon after midnight their whole force suddenly made a sortie at the point where our fortifications appeared easiest to scale.” […] “When the fish heard him singing, they came up from the bottom and began to swim in a circle round the boat – in such a way that the brothers could not see beyond the fish anywhere, so great was the multitude of the different fishes swimming.” […] “This nocturnal play of supernatural being the natives call ‘the dance of the elves’, and this is their belief about them: that the souls of people who devote themselves to bodily pleasures (becoming as it were their servants), giving way to the incitements of their lusts and profaning the laws of God and man, assume corporeal form and are whirled about the earth.” […] “Here are two things worth remembering: the Irish are the most jealous people on earth, but the Welsh do not seem to know what jealousy is; and in every Welsh court or family the menfolk consider playing on the harp to be the greatest of accomplishments.” […] “We wander through various regions of the air and the firmament and the earth, just like the other spirits that travel on their missions. But on holy days and Sundays we are given bodies such as you now see so that we may stay here and praise our creator.” […] “When Caesar had concluded the campaign he turned towards Rome, marching with his forces across a river, distinguished by the name of Rubicon. Here a phantom of immense stature, standing in the middle of the water, opposed his passage.” […] “Unwearying flows the sweet sound from their lips, and the house of their father Zeus the loud-thunderer is glad at the lily-like voice of the goddesses as it spread abroad, and the peaks of snowy Olympus resound, and the homes of the immortals.” […] “All other animals derive satisfaction from having mated; man gets almost none.” […] “When he reached Crete on his voyage, most historians and poets tells us that he got from Ariadne, who had fallen in love with him, the famous thread, and that having been instructed by her how to make his way through the intricacies of the Labyrinth, he slew the Minotaur and sailed off with Ariadne and the youths.” […] “Bevis and his contingent killed sixty-thousand that day; they had all come from Damascus, but they never returned home.” […] “You are remarkably unlike your noble kinsmen if you don’t want to avenge such a brother as Kjartan was. Your grandfather, Egil Skalla-Grimsson, would never have behaved like this. It is cruel to have such craven sons; and I for one believe it would have suited you better to have been your father’s daughters and been married off.” […] ” While the dogs were unleashed and they were running about in all directions chasing wild beasts for about the length of a day, a certain hound, which used to follow the scent on the tracks of the beasts, was stolen away by the Picts, and was immediately discovered in their possession.” […] “The next day, Haraldur called over to Sigmundur’s ship to ask if they wanted to fight again. Sigmundur answered that he had no reason to consider anything else.” […] “For so did Styx the deathless daughter of Ocean plan on that day when the Olympian Lightener called all the deathless gods to great Olympus, and said that whosoever of the gods would fight with him against the Titans, he would not cast him out from his rights, but each should have the office which he had before amongst the deathless gods.” […] “The king was mighty inquisitive to know who this Raeph was. Ben told him ‘twas the artist at the Swan tavern, by Charing Cross, who drew him a good canary.” […] “ere was no remedy, for if on the days of the funerals I lived, on the days when no one died I was starving, and I felt it all the more. So that there seemed to be no rest for me but in death, and I often desired it for myself, as well as for others.” […] “Their diet, daily exercise, and the freedom from restraint that they enjoy – for from childhood they do not know what compulsion or discipline is, and do nothing against their inclination – combine to make them strong and as tall as giants.” […] “Fearful of awakening her, he softly entered the apartment and – perceiving two persons in bed – instantly concluded that his wife was disloyal. Without a moment’s pause, he unsheathed his sabre, and slew both.” […] hese great Cronos swallowed as each came forth from the womb to his mother’s knees with this intent, so that no other of the proud sons of Heaven should hold the kingly office amongst the deathless gods. […] “A gargle of vinegar and water helps in heat exhaustion, and the same mixture is a very good restorative for the eyes when used as a fomentation.” […] “This monster is tall and of great size and rises straight out of the water. It appears to have shoulders, neck and head, eyes and mouth, and nose and chin like those of a human being; but above the eyes and the eyebrows it looks more like a man with a peaked helmet on his head.” […] “The fighting was so fierce that the gutters of every street ran with blood. So many men lay dead that the waters of the Thames turned the colour of blood.” […] “For your part, you are to remember to threaten him with the imminent loss of his life and his fall from the throne, unless he choose of his own free will to embrace the dogma of the emperor Leo the Isaurian and to cast out the idols.” […] “If destiny deceives not, the Scots will reign ‘tis said “A warm, foamy stream of Danish blood, squeezed from their veins, gathers in waves to form broad lakes, an inundation which rolls the scattered corpses.” […] “And ready-witted Prometheus he bound with inextricable bonds, cruel chains, and drove a shaft through his middle, and set on him a long- winged eagle, which used to eat his immortal liver; but by night the liver grew as much again everyway as the long-winged bird devoured in the whole day. ” […] “They alighted out of the coach, and went into a woman woman’s house at the bottom of Highgate Hill, and bought a hen, and make the woman exenterate [disembowel] it, and then stuff the body with snow.” […] “At that time a blind man came to lodge at the inn, who, seeing that I would do to lead him, asked for me from my mother. She gave me to him, saying that I was the son of a good father, and boasting that he had been killed at the Island of Gelves.” […] “Thus they combine the mobility of cavalry with the staying power of infantry; and by daily training and practice they attain such proficiency that even on a steep incline they are able to control the horses at full gallop, and to check and turn them in a moment.” […] “After these three pleas asking for deliverance, a mighty monster passed near them from the west going to encounter the beast. He immediately attacked the first monster, emitting fire from his mouth.” […] “Sigrid answered, ‘I won’t go out with things as they are! All of those who are dead are standing there before the door; among them I recognize your husband Thorstein and myself as well. How horrible to see it!'” […] “And he said to Heym: ‘I would just as readily have a woman’s help as yours, for you were bad to me. We were fighting 2 against 5, and you stood by and watched, and would not help us. When I see you rewarded for this, it will not be forgotten.'” […] “It was done like this: a small staff, engraved with certain Gothic characters, was thrown towards him by his master, and when Gilbert caught it in his hands he remained fettered and unable to move. Nor could he free himself when he applied his teeth to it, for it was as if they were stuck together with an adhesive pitch, nor with his feet when, on the crafty advice of his master, he tried to use them.” […] “It is also said that if a couple come to have intercourse on this spot, or nearby, which they do frequently, great drops of sweat drip from the stone.” […] “As the slave cut off the horse’s member, and was about to throw it away, the farmer’s son ran by laughing, caught it, and took it into the parlour. There, his mother was sitting, accompanied by her daughter and the slave-woman. He shook the phallus at them, shouting mocking remarks.” […] “The emperor, therefore, in this dilemma, constructed two rings; and upon the jewels with which they were richly ornamented, he sculptured images possessing very singular virtues. One bore an effigy of Memory; and the other an effigy of Oblivion.” […] “Grettir swung his short-sword at Hjalti Thordarson’s follower Vikar, striking him on the left shoulder as he jumped down into the hut and cutting right through his shoulders and down his right side. The man was chopped clean in half and his body fell on top of Grettir in two pieces.” […] ‘“That which you have eaten,” replied the knight, “was in fact the heart of Guillaume de Cabestanh, with whom you, faithless woman that you are, were so infatuated.’ […] “Thus Harold and Gurth disputed, till their words grew angry, and Gurth would have struck his brother, had he not spurred his horse on, so that the blow missed, and struck the horse behind the saddle, glancing along Harold’s shield. ” […] “They have trained their horses so well that they wheel this way or that as quickly as a dog would do. When they are pursued and take to flight, they fight as well and as effectively as when they are face to face with the enemy.” […] “You know what I call a mother who bears a son like you? A sewer of shrouds, or a mourner at a wake. Bringing your cronies here against me is as pointless as throwing walnuts at a dome in the hope that they’ll stick there.” […] “When Rothari found out that he was detected, he straightway leaped backwards and unsheathed his sword to strike the king. On the other hand the king drew forth his own sword from his scabbard.” […] “Bjorn gave Ari a choice: either he fight him on the island of Stokkaholm in Surnadal or hand over his wife, Ingibjorg.” […] ” After making his will he did in fact attempt to kill himself again; when the dagger was taken from him he became more violent. He sought poison from a doctor, who killed himself to avoid giving it.” […] “He made worthy widows wail with sorrow, “The king mounted someone else’s horse and returned to combat in a spirited fashion. He shouted and called his men back, urging the boldest by name not to flee. With sword unsheathed the king rushed amid the enemy ranks to help those whom he could and chose those who were fleeing.” […] “Then they wished their father and mother a good life and set off on their way, journeying until they reached King Hrolf.” […] “They bore harps and were clad in snowy robes, and chanted in suppliant strains to the gods of their fathers that they might be propitious and repel the Macedonians.” […] “The sword that he bore cut armor and helmets as easily as birch bark, and did not spare the bones or flesh of men.” […] “They had great faith in a certain cow, and they called her Sibilja. She received so many sacrifices that men could now withstand her bellowing. It was the king’s custom, when an invasion was expected, that this very same cow went in front of the ranks.” […] “Gizur said: ‘A great chieftain have we laid low now, and it has cost us dear, and his defence will be remembered as long as men live in this land!'” […] “Then,” answered the elder, “the kingdom must be mine; for I am so lazy, that sitting once by the fire, I burnt my legs, because I was too indolent to withdraw them.” […] “Dromund took hold of the sword and immediately wielded it and struck at Hook. The blow hit him on the head with such force that it sank down to his jaws. Hook dropped down dead to the ground, ignobly.” […] “My daughter, it was always my dearest wish that you should marry a man whom I considered worthy of you; and if you did indeed choose such a man, and he was pleasing to you, then I could have wished for nothing better.” […] “he archers came forth, and touched land the foremost; each with his bow bent, and his quiver full of arrows slung at his side. All were shaven and shorn, and all clad in short garments, ready to attack, to shoot, to wheel about and skirmish. All stood well equipped, and of good courage for the fight.” […] “Next morning, when they were on the point of setting out, the hot wind came down on them and stifled them all, so that not one survived to carry back the news to their lord.” […] “He grabbed him by the head and ears, and holding on to his shoulders with his other hand tore the demon’s head off, like a ravening lion, and flung it covered in blood into the crowd of warriors.” […] “The young man took it, turned to one side, unfastened the peace straps and drew the sword. When Thorkel saw that he said, “I did not give you permission to draw the sword.” “Then he rode into the host, hacking through helmets, “Some of them shouted out and jokingly suggested that the kings do battle on that flimsy bridge which would immediately tumble down; and being both reckless and brave, King Louis was eager to do this.” […] “Go to the field of Asfeld and there you can find by experience beyond a doubt how stoutly those you call mares succeed in kicking; there the bones of your brother are scattered in the midst of the meadows like those of a vile beast.” […] “Frodi invited him to remain there, offering him a half-share of everything. But Bodvar declined. He thought it wrong to kill people for their wealth, and so he prepared to leave.” […] “He rejoiced at this gift and, being ambitious, thought he had been appointed ruler of the whole world, and that through the sword of Mars supremacy in all wars was assured to him.” […] “He stretched forth his hand, and they were quite red and rather darkened from blood and the cuts of weapons, but when he pulled back his sleeves, they were laden with gold rings up to his shoulders.” […] “It is maintained that many Egyptians as well as Greek foreigners, panic-stricken, not through fear of man only, but rather by dread of the gods, fled far from Egypt and their native country. Seeing the terrible plagues and wonders with which they had been afflicted, through Moses, they feared exceedingly, neither durst they remain there longer.” […] “Now do one of two things: you kill him, or I’ll take him for my own husband and we’ll drive you away. He spoke seductively to me.” […] “But if this suit is tried at the Assembly and an objection is raised on the score that you gave Thorgeir the first blow, and therefore may plead neither your own suit nor that of others, then I shall answer this point by saying that I declared you inviolable at the Thingskalar Assembly.” […] “Lunging at Paris, he grabbed his horsehair crest, swung him round, started to drag him into Argive lines and now the braided chin-strap holding his helmet tight was gouging his soft throat – Paris was choking, strangling.” […] “He knew that his opponents were hunger-starved and gluttonous; and that, overjoyed to find such excellent quarters, they would drink to excess, and fall into a death-like sleep.” […] “Her husband replied, ‘It’s about time that you reveal the sort of woman that you really are. Where is the man whose voice was booming just now? I expect you think he sounds better than I do.'” […] “Gabriotto did not reply, but simply lay there gasping for breath and perspiring all over, and shortly thereafter he gave up the ghost.” […] “They see the Normans meanwhile pressing on from behind, but there was no escape; they go along the banks of the river, seeking for fords and crossings, throwing away their arms and plunder, and cursing their having brought so much. They go straggling and stumbling over the ditches, helping each other forward, the Normans pursuing and sparing no one, till all those who had not crossed the bridge were either taken prisoners, killed, or drowned.” […] “In case of need, they will ride a good ten days’ journey without provision and without making a fire, living only on the blood of their horses; for every rider pierces a vein of his horse and drinks the blood.” […] “You are ugly and evil, and your name will be struck from the list warriors. Your fate is decided now; the woman who bore you will weep for you.” […] “Then one of them drew his sword to cut off his head, but straightway his right hand stiffened while suspended in the act of striking, nor could he draw it back. So he let go of the sword and dropped it upon the ground.” […] “Gisli, who was out in the woods, heard this and answered, “Find some better employment for your farmhands. Here is a man who dares to fight you.” […] ‘ You yourself know what your grandfather Hadrian said: “The lot of emperors is wretched, for they cannot be believed in cases of attempted usurpation – unless they have been killed!”’ […] “Then the true royals of the Round Table “In an outburst of love which her weakness hardly allowed, she slid along like a snake, dragging her own completely bloody body up beside the lifeless corpse. As if he were alive, she gave him as many sweet kisses as she could and broke out into a sorrowful song.” […] “Then, just as King Adils was pulling the spear shaft with the ring on it back towards him, King Hrolf galloped up and sliced off both his buttocks right down to the bone.” […] “These valiant men gained the chance they had longed for–to be free to die in battle rather than to perish of hunger–and immediately took arms to kill the generals Lupicinus and Maximus.” […] ” The king bade them do so, and they then made a knife and brought it to the king. He tried it on his beard, and took off the beard as well as the skin, so that it took hold in the flesh.” […] “Numberless springs also well up, and burst forth from the hills and the sloping ridges of the mountains, and, trickling down with sweetest sound, in crystal rivulets between flowery banks, flow together through the level vales, and give birth to many streams; and these again to large rivers, in which Scotia marvelously abounds, beyond any other country.” […] “After many generations, since, while living there, they were completely ignorant of any other part of the world, it happened one time that in their pursuit of a deer, they forced their way across the Meotic marshes that had hitherto proved impassable to all men.” […] “Kolskegg said: ‘No need to look! It’s just as you thought; the leg is off!’ Then Kol fell dead to the ground.” […] “It happened that the female stork brought forth young, and the male flew about to procure food. Now, while he was absent, the female admitted a gallant; and before the return of the male went down to the fountain to wash herself, in order that the other might perceive no disorder in her appearance.” […] “Then she wrapped the head in a piece of rich cloth, and laid it in a large and elegant pot, of the sort in which she planted several springs of the finest Salernitan basil.” […] “When he tried to go off, and his horse had begun its course, a knight came pricking, and hit him, striking him with such violence as to stretch him out at full length. And he soon fared still worse than even that; for as he recovered himself, and would have mounted his horse, and had laid his hand on the saddle bow, the throng increased around, and bore him from the saddle, throwing him down; and the horses trod him underfoot, so that they left him there for dead.” […] “Never in our time were so many men engaged on one battlefield, especially so many horsemen. So many died on either side that it was a marvel to behold.” […] “One dies from a sword blow in the midst of battle; vultures and ravening lions devour his body, spears and swords slash his head. Another dies in his bed, but it is certain that we must all die.” […] “When the servants announced to the king that he was drinking insatiably, the king merrily answered: ‘Let that drunkard drink; but tomorrow he will spill out the same wines mixed with blood.'” […] “When I was coming to you just now, the porter closed the gates in front of me. So I kicked the gate with my foot so that the iron broke to pieces, and the gate fell all to pieces.” […] The patient felt no pain; but added, “I wish you would hasten to restore my eyes.” The operator cheerfully complied; but as he prepared his implements, a crow entered by an open window, and, seeing the eyes upon the table, snatched one of them up, and flew away with it.” […] “Thorbjorn rushed forward and swung a blow at Grettir, who drew his buckler with his left hand to parry it, then thrust out with his sword, splitting Thorbjorn’s shield and striking him such a blow on the head that his brains spilled out and he fell down dead on the spot.” […] “Then Zeus no longer held back his might; but straight his heart was filled with fury and he showed forth all his strength. From Heaven and from Olympus he came forthwith, hurling his lightning: the bold flew thick and fast from his strong hand together with thunder and lightning, whirling an awesome flame.” […] “The bishop turned back into the city with Adalbert and was released from his oath, as it seemed to him, because he had already permitted him to remain in safety in his own place.” […] “Let, wing’d with pleasure, the soft minutes flow, “As ravening fire rips through big stands of timber high on a mountain ridge and the blaze flares miles away, so from the marching troops the blaze of bronze armor, splendid and superhuman, flared across the earth, flashing into the air to hit the skies.” […] “In the thick of the fighting, Bui and Sigmundur closed on one another in single combat. Bui was the stronger man, but Sigmundur was the quicker and better with a sword. Sigmundur switched his weapon to his other hand, as he could fight equally well with either hand – something which few or no men can do – and in a blinding slash, he cut off one of Bui’s hands at the wrist.” […] “When he was alive he had lacked a brain, and now that he was dead he lacked a heart, for they ripped it from his entrails and impaled it on a stake, swollen as it was with fraud and evil.” […] “They put themselves between the open sea and the shore and drive the mullet into shallow water. Then the fishermen set their nets and lift the fish out of the water with two-pronged spears. The speed of some of the mullet enables them to leap over the barriers, but the dolphins still catch them.” […] “One thousand and five hundred years, and seventy, less one, “The pilgrim turned, and pointed with his finger to the road they were to take; but as he turned, the angel seized him by the shoulders, and precipitated him into the stream below.” […] “Wives are shared between groups of ten or twelve men, especially between brothers and between fathers and sons, but the offspring of these unions are counted as the children of the man with whom a particular woman cohabited.” […] “Then they struck the dragon until it died. Sintram’s sword bit into it like the sharpest shaving knife bites into a beard.” […] “Therefore, to avoid stooping to a trial of strength with pirates at sea, he would cause the waves and winds to rage by means of his sorcery and induce them to wreck his foes.” […] “She went over to a jug of milk, which had been set aside for the man’s son and heir, stood up on her hind legs, spat the venom which she had inside her body into the milk and so infected it with deadly poison.” […] “On seeing him enter, al-Rashid said: ‘They tell me that you say very amusing things. Let us have a sample of your quality; but I must warn you that, if you do not make me laugh, the stick awaits you.'” […] “‘That is a senseless question,’ replied Har, with a smile of derision. ‘Hast thou not been told that the gods made a bridge from earth to heaven, and called it Bifrost? Thou must surely have seen it; but, perhaps, thou callest it the rainbow.'” […] “For whoever of the deathless gods that hold the peaks of snowy Olympus pours a libation of her water is forsworn, lies breathless until a full year is completed, and never comes near to taste ambrosia and nectar, but lies spiritless and voiceless on a strewn bed: and a heavy trance overshadows him.” […] ” One morning he went off with Atli’s farmhands and worked like a man with a thousand hands. Ali kept this up through the summer. Atli ignored him, but had him fed because he approved of the work he was doing.” […] “The goldsmith on hearing this remained silent as if it were no great moment. But when the job was finished and delivered, he asked for and obtained a few days off. He met the duke, and standing in his path as he was going to the affair, he related to him what he had heard.” […] “I was told that every ten years, witchcraft increases and the old witches begin to lead the women astray.” […] Long time ago a clownish fellow lived in that country; his name was Klefsan. It is told of this own that there was never a man who, when he saw Klefsan, was not compelled to laugh at his amusing and absurd remarks.” […] “Then onto the flaming chariot Pallas set her feet and seized her spear – weighted, heavy, the massive shaft she wields to break the battle lines of heroes the mighty Father’s daughter storms against.” […] “Now I’m going to present you with two extremely unequal options. The better one is that you convert to the true faith and be baptized. If you are unwilling to do this, then the other option is that we’ll kill you right here and now.” […] “Hugh proved to be a worthless shoot who took after his father with every kind of evil, but ‘those whom his father beat with whips, he, more despicable than his parent, beat with scorpions.'” […] “The tenant of the next shoemaker’s shop killed the bird, either out of rivalry or in a sudden fit of anger because he claimed that some droppings had spotted his shoes. This aroused such an uproar among the general public that the man was driven out of the district and subsequently lynched, while the bird’s funeral was celebrated with great pomp.” […] “t is both pleasanter, and more praiseworthy, for us to suffer death bravely in battle, than, barely dragging on an ignoble existence, to die daily, miserably fettered under the burden of an execrable subjugation.” […] “Quitting his stable, the donkey entered the hall, and running up to the king, raised his clumsy feet with difficulty around the royal neck.” […] “One device, however, that our men had prepared proved very useful – pointed hooks fixed to the end of long poles, not unlike the grappling-hooks used in sieges. With these the halyards were grasped and pulled taut, and then snapped by rowing hard away.” […] “Arnkel was then drilling into the cross-plank of the door, and had laid aside his adze while he did it. Thorleif picked it up and lifted it quickly above his head, intending to bring it down on Arnkel’s head. But when Arnkel heard the whistling sound of the adze through the air, he jumped out of the way of the blow.” […] “She looked gently at Detsleff, and he liked that. So he squeezed her fingers when he was taking hold of a bowl. When she came with another bowl he trod on her foot. And so they fell in love.” […] “The wizard then enters a room, satisfied to have with him his wife and one other companion, and strikes over an anvil a prescribed number of blows with a hammer on a copper frog or serpent.” […] “Before Jesus Christ was born in the flesh, devils had great power over human beings; but when He came, this power was greatly diminished. They were dispersed, some here, some there, for they fled headlong from His presence. I remember that I myself jumped down a well.” […] “‘O Abu Yusuf, tell me what this stain may be?’ The kadi went up to the bed, placed his finger in the middle of the stain, carried it to his eye and his nose, and then said; ‘Commander of the Faithful, it is a man’s semen.'” […] “This old hag is the mother of many gigantic sons, who are all of them shaped like wolves, two of whom are the wolves thou askest about. There is one of that race, who is said to be the most formidable of all, called Managarm: he will be filled with the life-blood of men who draw near their end, and will swallow up the moon, and stain the heavens and the earth with blood.” […] “After they had fought for a while, Atli said, ‘We will earn no prestige from killing each other’s farmhands. There would be more point if we were to fight together by ourselves, for I have never killed a man before.'” […] ” So when Zeus had raised up his might and seized his arms, thunder and lightning and lurid thunderbolt, he leaped form Olympus and struck him, and burned all the marvellous heads of the monster about him.” […] “As the ballad-makers tell us, hell must indeed be a large place, if it can contain so great a multitude of the slain.” […] “God had created for her in the middle of her body a kind of white skin like a thick, strong cloth, which went from her waist to her knees, covering her private parts and it was like a veil attached to her waist to hide her nakedness.” […] But once Diomedes caught Aphrodite, stalking her through the onslaught, gallant Tydeus’ offspring rushed her, lunging out, thrusting his sharp spear at her soft, limp wrist and the brazen point went slashing through her […] “Then Thorir said, “All of our lives, Sigmundur, we’ve been together. You’ve been my only family, and I’ve been yours. But now it seems likely that our dear partnership is coming to an end. I’ve swam as far as I can. I want you to save yourself … save your own life, and forget about me. Because you’ll die, my brother, if you try to save me too.”” […] “When they saw an unarmed priest bravely tearing down the enclosures, they surged forward with their weapons and began striking the palisade with their axes and whatever iron tools they had.” […] “Anthony waited breathlessly to see what on earth she was going to do. Cleopatra took off one ear-ring, dropped the pearl in the vinegar and, when it had dissolved, swallowed it.” […] “The highlanders and people of the islands, on the other hand, are a savage an untamed nation, rude and independent, ease-loving, of a docile and warm disposition, comely in person, but unsightly in dress, and hostile to the English people and language.” […] “The serpent glided towards him, and applying its tongue to the wound, sucked up the poison till its mouth was quite full; and then, hastening to the door, cast it out. It returned twice to the wound, and did as before, until the venom was exhausted.” […] “Then they drew blood and let it drip down on to the soil beneath the turf strip and stirred it together – the soil and the blood.” […] “The Roman soldiers could tell that they were afraid by their cries and hurried movements, and, spurred on by the recollection of the previous day’s treachery, burst into the camp. Those of the Germans who were quick enough in seizing their weapons resisted for a time, fighting under cover of their wagons and baggage.” […] “He went into the village and pawned Heym’s horse, armor, and sword, Nagelring, for 10 marks of gold. He drank and was drunk all the time it went on. Then he pawned Wideke’s horse, Skimling, his armour, and his sword, Mymming, for 20 marks of gold. He made his feast bigger.” […] ” There was a time when the Finns, among other pagan delusions, would offer wind for sale to traders who were detained on their coasts by offshore gales, and when payment had been brought would given them in return three magic knots tied in a strap not likely to break.” […] “Then the animal struck him to the ground with its foreleg. When Fasholt saw Didrik in such trouble, he leapt off his horse at once and ran to help Didrik. He couldn’t find a place where he thought he could injure the animal.” […] “The creature castrates itself before the hunter’s eyes and throws its testicles down.” […] “Earth is his daughter and his wife, and with her he had his first-born son, Asa-Thor, who is endowed with strength and valour, and therefore quelleth he everything that hath life.” […] “I am your ass, my master; but my tale is a strange one. In my youth I was a bad lad, given to all sorts of disgraceful vice.” […] “But Zeus himself gave birth from his own head to bright-eyed (Athena) Tritogeneia, the awful, the strife-stirring, the host-leader, the unwearying, the queen, who delights in tumults and wars and battles.” […] “As Grettir was walking down the aisle a young and quite ugly boy ran up to him and said, ‘What a strange custom in this country that call itself Christian, to allow evil-doers and bandits and thieves to go about in peace and undergo ordeals.'” […] “Simulating an illness, he sent for Giselbert, who stood next in line to succeed to the dukedom of his father, captured him by treachery, and sent him under guard to King Henry.” […] “In this way, he moves over the snow at speed and if it were not for their ingenious contrivance, it would be absolutely impossible to walk, for the snow lies on the earth like sand and never hardens.” […] “Whichever contenders trample on this treaty first, spill their brains on the ground as this wine spills – theirs, their children’s too – their enemies rape their wives!” […] ““There’s little we can do,” replied Sigmundur. “The only chance is to row straight at them and get them to drop their sail, and as our ship comes alongside theirs, you both draw your swords and try to cut the rope-lines on their gunnels so they can’t raise the sail again, and I’ll try to do what I can.”” […] “Thus, although it little befitted a king to do such a thing, he arranged a splendid bath for his foe all the way up to his helmet in that stream.” […] “It struggles with him, embracing him with its tentacles, swallows at him with its many suckers and pulls him apart; it attacks shipwrecked men or men who are diving.” […] “Think not, O Caesar, that thou canst entice us, like children, by the blandishments of cajolery like this – that thou canst succeed in leading us astray, leaving the pleasant and noble road of freedom, our birthright, a road wherein our fathers were ever wont to walk straight forwards.” […] “A sacrificial bowl was placed on the plat form and in it a sacrificial twig – like a priest’s aspergillum – which was used to sprinkle blood from the blow.” […] “Let him attack whenever he pleases. He will discover what German valour is capable of.” […] “A Norwegian woman, intending to provide for the future good fortune of her son Roller, prepared a dish of food, into which she let drip the putrid saliva of three vipers hanging above it from a slender cord.” […] “It seems to me that dreams are like rumours: you must use your common sense, and then accept some but refuse to believe others.” […] “Sister, how can you bear the roughness of your lover’s beard when you kiss him? Surely it must scratch your breasts, and the points of his moustaches stick into your lips and cheeks?” […] “The cow supported herself by licking the stones that were covered with salt and hoar frost. The first day that she licked these stones there sprang from them, towards evening, the hairs of a man, the second day a head, and on the third an entire man, who was endowed with beauty, agility and power.” […] ” Grettir backed away into one seat after another. All the benches were torn loose and everything in their way was smashed. Glam tried to make it to the door, while Grettir struggled for a foothold.” […] ” He replied to the Emperor somewhat sternly, and was cast to the beasts but was unhurt by them. Then he was cast into the midst of a fiery oven, but the flames were put out by an angel and he emerged unhurt.” […] “In the Darkness there is a tree as big as a large village and on it perches an enormous creature, some say a bird.” […] “Now the savage work went on, Acheans and Trojans mauling each other there like wolves, leaping, hurtling into each other, man throttling man.” […] “Simundur jumped onto the dragon-warship, and a large group of men followed after him. Sigmundur quickly became the death of one defender, then another, and corpses soon littered the decks beneath them.” […] “He did nothing worthy of the royal majesty, for he was carried away by lust for the married woman he had carried off and gave himself over to gratifying his desires.” […] “Dolphins are not afraid of humans as something alien, but come to meet vessels at sea and play and leap around them; they try to race ships and overtake them even when they are under full sail.” […] “n the hayfield at Mavahlid a hand was found where the fight had taken place. It was shown to Thorarin, and he saw that it was the hand of a woman. He asked where Aud was, and was told that she was lying in her bed. He went in to see her and asked whether she was wounded.” […] “Do not touch her, for if you do, you will certainly perish. She has been nurtured upon the most deleterious food, which I will prove to you immediately. Here is a malefactor, who is already condemned to death. He shall be united to her, and you will soon see the truth of what I advance.” […] “The Word of God the Father was made flesh, and began to dwell amongst us, 5199 years after the beginning of the world, 2452 after the crossing of the Red Sea, 1206 after the taking of Troy. Seven hundred and fifty-two years had passed from the building of Rome, when Christ sanctified the world.” […] “Narses the patrician of Italy came to the city with many treasures, and there in his dwelling he secretly dug a great cistern in which he deposited many thousand centenaria of gold and silver. And when all who knew of the matter had been killed, he entrusted these to the care of one old man only, exacting from him an oath.” […] “They went out onto the field. Walter took a stone that weighed 2 ship-pounds, and he threw it 9 feet. Then Detsleff threw 10 feet. So Walter threw 13 feet. Detsleff threw 14 feet. Then Walter didn’t want to play that game any more.” […] “Roused to anger, and backed by a numerous band of youths, Gaythelos disturbed his father’s kingdom by many cruel misdeeds, and angered his father and his people by his insolence.” […] “The toads crawled up the tree looking for him. They killed him and ate him right up, leaving nothing but his skeleton.” […] “At once the slave from Madinah clasped his hands and began to caress them gently, while the one from Kufah, lying lower, rubbed his feet and took advantage of her position to slip up her hand from time to time and handle the principal merchandise.” […] “We are far from believing him to have been a god, for he was wicked as are all of his race, whom we call Frost-giants.” […] “They concluded that the evil being, which was there before, had killed Glam, but that he must have dealt it a mighty, fatal wound, because no one has ever been aware of it since.” […] “Hearing these words, the old man bent over flat on his belly on the ass in front of Jafar, in sign of gratitude and respect, and suddenly let a detestable fart.” […] “All that are righteous shall dwell with him in the place called Gimli, or Vingolf; but the wicked shall go to Hel, and thence to Niflhel, which is below, in the ninth world.” […] “How many there are in the world who run from others because they do not see themselves in them.” […] “These crows are hardly four years old, while I have campaigned against the Saracens for more than twenty years and know the science and means of warfare better than them.” […] “”Noel,” they cheered, then “Noel, Noel,” “New Years Gifts!” the knights cried next as they pressed forwards to offer their presents.” […] “Glam replied, “you have all sorts of superstitions that I dismiss as worthless. People don’t strike me as being any better off now than they were in the days when they didn’t practice such things.” […] “Such deeds were wrought, as truly ‘twere a crime, “When the stallions were to leap the mares, they were to be brought before such a part of the house, where she had a vidette (a hole to peep out at) to look on them.” […] “You probably do not remember clearly now when you were the witch on Varinsey and said that you wanted to marry a man and you chose me for the role of husband. And afterward you were a Valkyrie in Asgard and all were on the verge of fighting for your sake. I sired nine wolves on you at Laganess, and I was the father of them all.” […] “But when he learnt what was their errand, and that they wanted to estimate his strength, he had them taken through all the tents, and shewed the whole host to them. Then he used them exceeding well, gave them abundantly to eat and drink, and let them go without injury or molestation.” […] “He took a lozenge, put it in his mouth, and chewed it apace, by means whereof when the fume ascended he began to spattle and spit, saying by Gods bones it is a Cat’s turd.” […] “People thought it so remarkable that Kjartan could live so long without meat that they traveled long distances just to look at him.” […] “The maiden in the vision ordered one of those dressed in white to fill a vessel with blood and give it to Leo’s mother to drink.” […] “She had first picked out with a splinter, and then chewed up the remnant of food that stuck in the crevices between her teeth.” […] “He shattered skulls, arms, shoulder-blades and even legs, causing the greatest possible terror, and before he left the spot he had killed seventy men with the stake which he held.” […] “When the Sheikh desired the death of some great lord, he would take some of these Asssassins of his and send them wherever he might wish, telling them that he was minded to dispatch them to Paradise. They would according go and kill such and such a man; if they died on their mission, they would go there all the sooner.” […] “Hence the following story has also become well known: when he had refused a request to a certain gray-haired man, and the same man petitioned again, but with dyed hair.” […] “Surely I would not be able “With hard steel clubs they clattered at helmets, “Speaking of the good there was in my blind man, your Honour must know that since God created the world He has not made a being more astute and sagacious.” […] “Visina said to Starkad, ‘Now Hel’s greed has come upon you, and now you must die, you ogre.’ He answered, ‘But first, you’ll let King Harald’s banner droop,’ and he cut off her left hand. […] “This was the reason, we are told, why he, together with the Trojans who still survived, was allowed to leave the Troad in complete safety and go to whatever land he wished.” […] “But they in vain to break it did essay, “Now Eirek of Norway draws his sword and grasps it in his right hand and takes one of his companions by the left hand. They rush up and leap into the mouth of the dragon, and it looked to Eirek the Dane as if the dragon swallowed them both.” […] On his return the queen welcomed him home and said, “My lord, I had forgot the fart”. […] “Now one time while they were drinking, the king talked with the women and said: “How do you note the break of day, when the night grows light, if you can not see the heavenly bodies?” The maidservant answered: “This is how I note it: as a child I was in the habit of drinking quite a bit before dawn. And when I stopped doing that, I would still wake up at the same time, and that is my signal.” The king smiled at this reply and said: “That is a poor habit for a king’s daughter.”” […] ” Kjartan plunged into the river and made for this man who was the best swimmer, and forced him under water at once and held him there for a while before letting go of him. No sooner had they come to the surface than this man seized hold of Kjartan and pulled him down, and they stayed under for what seemed to Kjartan a very reasonable time. They surfaced for a second time, and still they exchanged no words.” […] “He also used to thrown the largest coins into cookshops and smash the cups with them.” […] “I have heard tell that the night before the day of battle, the English were very merry, laughing much and enjoying themselves. All night they ate and drank, and never lay down on their beds.” […] “My mouth and my nose purged exceedingly, such yellow, white and tawny fluids as I never saw before, nor thought that any such had been in man’s body. ” […] “He was able to resist from some time by parrying the sword thrusts with the sacred cross, but then he was set upon from all sides, like a wild beast.” […] “Then, cutting his body into morsels, he seethed it in boiling water, and flung it through the mouth of an open sewer for the swine to eat, bestrewing the stinking mire with his hapless limbs.” […] “There emerged two Dragons, one white, one red. As soon as they were near enough to each other, they fought bitterly, breathing out fire as they panted.” […] “Gentlemen, here is something that puzzles me, because I cannot account for it. How is it that in the kingdoms of Persia, which are such near neighbours of ours, there are folk so unruly and contentious that they are forever killing one another, whereas among us, who are all but one with them, there is hardly an instance of provocation or brawling?” […] “But on another day when several old men were rubbing themselves on the wall to arouse the emperor’s generosity, he ordered them to be called out and to rub each other down in turn.” […] ‘The Vikings laughed and said, “may the trolls swallow you whole Tree-Leg, may the trolls topple you all. It’s not often we see men go into battle who can’t even stand up for themselves.” Onund said that there was no telling until it was put to the test.’ […] “I have named a noble knight to act as your guardian, “Sigmund and Sinfjotli put the skins on and could not get them off. And the weird power was there as before: they howled like wolves, both understanding the sounds. They agreed then that they would risk a fight with as many as seven men, but not with more, and that the one being attacked by more would howl with his wolf’s voice.” […] “My master raised his hands to heaven, and turned his eyes up until scarcely anything could be seen but the whites. He prayed to the Lord not to require the death of the sinner, but rather to give his life back.” […] “Your dream needs no interpretation. You yourself can understand what it is: more than likely, in only a little while, it will come to pass that you’ll be dead, and your enemies will seize the kingdom.” […] “An oracle was given to Aeneas, stating that a four-footed animal would lead him to the place where he should found a city, and once, wen he was in the act of sacrificing a sow, white in colour, which was pregnant, it escaped from his hands and was pursued to a certain hill, where it dropped a farrow of thirty pigs.” […] “Upon the head, so fierce he struck at one, “When the king woke, he asked who it was. ‘It is us,’ he said, ‘the envoys of your father. We have been sent over to you to discuss peace-terms.’ When he gathered this, the king wanted to inquire more closely into how his father was, and he put his head a little way over the gunwale of the ship. Then Palna-Toki grabbed him by the ears and the hair, gave a more powerful heave against his unavailing resistance, and dragged him willy-nilly out of his own ship.” […] “When Thomas Hobbes did drink, he would drink to excess to have the benefit of vomiting, which he did easily; by which benefit neither his wit was disturbed longer than he was spewing.” […] “Soon the most kind king, thinking that he did not know how to sing it all, ordered them to help him. When the others sang and the wretched man could not learn the verse from anyone, having sung the responsory he began to chant the Lord’s Prayer in an elaborate way.” […] “Elgrim now tried to get away, and spurred his horse; and when Hrut saw this he raised his halberd and drove it between Eldgrim’s shoulder-blades so hard that the coat of mail burst open at the impact and the halberd came out through his chest. Eldgrim fell dead from his horse, as was only to be expected.” […] “He is a fool,” said Gurth, “who believes in luck, which no brave man ought to do. No brave man should trust to luck. Every one has his day of death; you say you were born on a Saturday, and on that day also you may be killed.” […] “And as I was there about, a crow which belike was by nodding asleep on the chimney top, fell down into the chimney over my head, whose flittering in the fall made such a noise, that when I felt his feet upon my head I thought that the devil had been come indeed and seized upon me. And when I cast up my hand to save me and therewith touched him, he called me knave in his language after such a sort that I swooned for fear.” […] “The army returned at once, terrified and amazed by the unexpected nature of this occurrence. They demanded to know the reason for it and began to utter mutinous threats. What they heard was something they had long yearned to hear.” […] “All he did savoured of utter lethargy. In a word, you would not have thought him a man at all, but some absurd abortion due to a mad fit of destiny.” […] “As each in turn slashed at the other with his sword, the sparks flew from his blows as if he were at once a source of thunder-claps and of lighting-flashes. For a long time it was not clear on which side lay the greater strength.” […] “If wine is boiled over a fire, so that it is partly consumed and turns sweet, they are free to drink it without breach of commandment or law.” […] “You don’t give me good advice, my friends,” said Favorinus, “when you don’t allow me to believe the man who possesses 30 legions to be more learned than anyone else!” […] “hen Grettir drew his sword, Jokul’s Gift, swung at the mound-dwellers neck and chopped off his head. He placed the head up against the mound-dwellers buttocks and took all the treasure over to the rope.” […] “Then jolly that gentle giant out jousted another, “That night the pardoner and the constable, after supper, sat down to play at cards, and they began to quarrel over the game, and make use of bad language. The pardoner called the constable a thief, and the constable called him a liar.” […] “Thorstein paid to have a stone cell built for each of them and provided whatever else they needed to live. When the stone cells had been built, at an appropriate time and when everything was completed, they gave up their secular lives together of their own free will.” […] “Then King Harald sent the man named Herleif, and with him the contingent of Germans, to meet King Hring, and had them set up hazel stakes on the battlefield for him and claim the site of the battled, and pronounce the breaking of peace and friendship.” […] “He paid the penalty of his arrogance towards the gods, since he was slain by a stroke of lightning and his entire house was submerged in the Alban lake.” […] “But Wallace quickly brought the rascal back, “When the last of the men had left, the queen got up. She shaved off all his hair and smeared him with tar. Next, she took a leather sack made for sleeping and placed some clothes in it. After that she grabbed hold of the king and stuffed him into the sack. ” […] “He took a pipe of tobacco a little before he went to the scaffold, which some formal persons were scandalized at, but I think ‘twas well and properly done, to settle his spirits.” […] “Now, at the urging of King Attila, they seized Hogni and cut out his heart. Hogni’s strength was so immense that he laughed while he suffered this torture.” […] – “How badly do you want your sword back?” said Thurid. ” Then Odo, the good priest, the bishop of Bayeux, galloped up, and said to them, ‘Stand fast! stand fast! be quiet and move not! fear nothing, for if God please, we shall conquer yet.'” […] “For the old Priest which was so tumbled among them that his face lay upon a boys bare ass, which belike was fallen headlong under him was so astonished; then when the boy (which for fear beshit himself) had raised his face, he neither felt nor smelt it nor removed from him.” […] “But as he bowed his head and brought his mouth near to the mouth of one of the brothers, this one seized him firmly by the hair and the other brother cut off his head.” […] ” His wiliness (said these) would be most readily detected, if a fair woman were put in his way in some secluded place, who should provoke his mind to the temptations of love; all men’s natural temper being too blindly amorous to be artfully dissembled, and this passion being also too impetuous to be checked by cunning. ” […] “Ceasar’s sword glanced off Nennius’ helmet and cut into his shield so deeply that, when they had to abandon their hand-to-hand fight because of the troops who crowded in on them, the Emperor could not wrench his sword out.” […] “For they said: “If he takes gold, he is an earthly king; if frankincense, a god, if myrrh a healer.” When they had come to the place where the prophet was born, the youngest of the three kings went in alone to see the child.” […] “All the Spaniards had been summoned to an assembly at Tarraco and were “jokingly expressing reluctance” – to use Marius Maximums’ actual words – over conscription. ” […] “. It was very dark and as he was walking down from the boat-shed Thorfinn ran up to him and struck him between the shoulder blades with an axe, which sunk in with a squelch.” […] “Then Sir Gawain on his gray steed “I declared that I should rejoice to see her go in and out of our patron’s house whenever she liked, as I was convinced of her honesty. So we all three continued to have a good understanding as to this, and have never heard more about it.” […] “But since Odin now does not wish to grant me victory; then may he let me fall in the battle with all my host, if he will it not that the Danes have the victory as before. And all the slain that fall on this field, I give to Odin.” […] “The Lacedaemonians, by observing the laws of Lycurgus, from a lowly people grew to be the most powerful among the Greeks and maintained the leadership among the Greek states for over four hundred years, but after that time, as they little by little began to relax each one of the institutions and to turn to luxury and indifference, and as they grew so corrupted as to use coined money and to amass wealth, they lost the leadership.” […] “His dagger with the other hand drew out, “Hrolf struck at Orn, but as he tried to ward off the blow with his shield, the sword sliced through, and the point ripped open the whole of his belly so that his guts poured out.” […] “When he was a boy he exercised his father’s trade, but when he killed a calf he would do it in a high style, and make a speech.” […] “His neck seemed short and thick and his stomach seemed to project, but the symmetry of the other parts hid these flaws. His pace was firm and the whole bearing of his body powerful. Indeed his voice was clear but, given his size, not as strong as might have been expected.” […] “Next morning Olaf went to the place where Hrapp had been buried, and had him dug up. Hrapp’s corpse was still undecayed, and Olaf found his spear-head there. After that he had a pyre built, and Hrapp was burned on it and his ashes were carried out to sea. From that time on no one ever suffered any harm from Hrapp’s hauntings.” […] ““Who ever saw a Roman emperor or his spouse indulging in commerce?” With these words, he gave orders that at that very hour, merely allowing time for the crew to disembark, the ship was to be given to the flames.” […] “He raised his shield by the ‘enarmes,’ and struck one of the Englishmen with his lance on the breast, so that the iron passed out at his back. At the moment that he fell, the lance broke, and the Frenchman seized the mace that hung at his right side, and struck the other Englishman a blow that completely fractured his skull.” […] “But I minding another thing, and seeing that scratching could not move him, suddenly I leapt up and caught him by the genitals with my teeth, and bit so hard, that at last he cried out.” […] “Then Horwendil endeavoured to address the king first, asking him in what way it was his pleasure to fight, and declaring that one best which needed the courage of as few as possible. For, said he, the duel was the surest of all modes of combat for winning the meed of bravery, because it relied only upon native courage, and excluded all help from the hand of another.” […] “. It seemed to him that the goddess stood before him and spoke these words to him: “Brutus, beyond the setting of the sun, past the realms of Gaul, there lies an island in the sea, once occupied by giants. Now it is empty and ready for your folk.” […] Demosthenes was one of the greatest orators of his time, using his profound rhetorical skill … Rene Descartes is well known as a philosopher and mathematician. He tended to view the … Captain William Kidd has come down through history as a notorious pirate, but his true … Sentenced to death at a sham trial of revolutionaries, Marie Antoinette delivered a blistering rebuke … You might have imagined that Mongol executions were a bloody affair. But you’d be wrong. … [Warning: this is gross]. The Thirty Years War was an exceptionally violent and chaotic event … The medieval Mongols had a few unusual drinking habits that gave their foreign associates (notably … Anyone whose ever flown a kite should be familiar with the sickening feeling – however … Winter is usually a time when armies disband and wars go on pause. The logistics … Those who die are dead. As much as we might want them back, there’s generally … ” So he asked her to show her leg and foot, and she promptly did so. And without doubt she had a beautiful leg and a beautiful foot, so that you could not ask for greater beauty. And when the master of the shop, who was as virtuous a man as I have described him, saw this woman’s leg and foot, her was forthwith tempted, because his eyes looked on them with pleasure.” […] “Nor would he appoint anyone tribune who did not have a full beard or was not of an age to assume the powers of the tribunate with prudence and maturity.” […] “The Earl said he had no money with him and asked to be able to pay later. Then Asgrim pressed the point of his spear against the Earl’s chest and told him to pay up at once.” […] “Sinking his sword half a foot through the skin “Wildly as two winter torrents raging down from the mountains, swirling into a valley, hurl their great waters together, flash floods from the wellsprings plunging down in a gorge and miles away in the hills a shepherd hears the thunder – so from the grinding armies broke the cries and crash of war.” […] “It heals the wounds which these animals inflict equally well whether it is applied to them, or taken in food or drink. When taken with honey, it heals the bite of a dog.” […] “They all agreed that the counsel was excellent; and casting lots, the chance fell upon the contriver of the expedient; whose eyes they immediately put out.” […] “Later these clansmen did suffer a fitting and severe though very marvelous punishment, for it is told that all the members of that clan are changed into wolves for a period and roam through the woods feeding upon the same food as wolves, but they are worse than wolves, for in all their wiles they have the wit of men.” […] And indeed, I was extremely glad when the fragrance of the king wafted towards me and there was a festival every day because I was so glad. Also the entire country was in awe of my lord when it heard about the sweet fragrance and the kind messenger who had come to me. […] “Zeus bade famous Hephaestus make haste and mix earth with water and to put in it the voice and strength of human kind, and fashion a sweet, lovely maiden-shape, like to the immortal goddesses in face; and Athene to teach her needlework and the weaving of the varied web; and golden Aphrodite to shed grace upon her head and cruel longing and cares that weary the limbs.” […] “Faustus, who thought he might have tarried long enough now, considered fleeing from his circle, but finally he regained his godless and reckless resolve and persisted in his former intention, come whatever God might send. He continued to conjure the Devil as before, and the Devil did mystify him.” […] “It appears that whatever Geoffrey has written either of Arthur, or his successors, or predecessors, is a fiction, invented either by himself or by others, and promulgated either through an unchecked propensity to falsehood, or a desire to please the Britons, of whom vast numbers are said to be so stupid as to assert that Arthur is yet to come.” […] “They rode up along the ridge and came into Thorsdardal, where they broke open Thorolf’s cairn. Thorolf’s body had not decayed but he was very hideous to look at.” […] “It is worth recording that in Poitou in our own time there was a woman possessed of a devil, which devil used to speak through her mouth, arguing and disputing most cleverly and astutely with intelligent and well-informed people.” […] “But the gods, whose chief seat was then at Byzantium, seeing that Odin had tarnished the fair name of godhead by divers injuries to its majesty, thought that he ought to be removed from their society.” […] “The elephants and musicians, and the various banners of red, white, yellow, and purple silk, made the earth seem like a paradise: with the blare of trumpets and the sound of harps, the squeal of bugles and the ringing of bells, it seemed as if Judgment Day had come.” […] “The archers adopted this scheme, and shot up into the air towards the English; and the arrows in falling struck their heads and faces, and put out the eyes of many; and all feared to open their eyes, or leave their faces unguarded.” […] “And as the day came, in early morning, he had women and men, young and old, impaled near the chapel and around the hill, and he sat amidst them, and at his morning meal with joy.” […] “Mount your horse, and ride naked, before all the people, through the market of the town, from one end to the other, and on your return you shall have your request.” […] “Thoas speared him as he swerved and sprang away, the lancehead piercing his chest above the nipple plunged deep in his lung, and Thoas, running up, wrenched the heavy spear from the man’s chest, drew his blade, ripping him across the belly, took his life but he could not strip his armor.” […] “Almonds make one sleepy, provoke urination, and bring on a woman’s period.” […] “The other assented, and, by the direction of his friend, proceeded to draw blood from his right arm. “I,” said the latter, “will drink of thy blood, and thou of mine; so that neither in prosperity nor in adversity shall our covenant be broken, and whatsoever the one gains, shall be divided by the other.” The foolish knight agreed; and they ratified the treaty by a draught of each other’s blood.” […] “Then Saint Lawrence gripped Stephen in the side and pinched him very hard.” […] “These three men are all drunkards! When they are intoxicated, nobody can make them turn their iron daggers away from an adversary.” […] “Zeus the Father made a third generation of mortal men, a brazen race, sprung from ash-trees; and it was in no way equal to the silver age, but was terrible and strong. They loved the lamentable works of Ares and deeds of violence; they ate no bread, but were hard of heart like adamant, fearful men. Great was their strength and unconquerable the arms which grew from their shoulders on their strong limbs. Their armour was of bronze, and their houses of bronze, and of bronze were their implements.” […] “Now thou shalt know, Fauste, said the spirit, that among us there is a government and sovereignty, just as on earth, for we have our rulers and governors and servants–of whom I am one–and we call our kingdom Legion. For although the banished devil Lucifer brought about his own fall through vanity and insolence, he raised up a Legion, nevertheless, and a government of devils, and we call him the Oriental Prince, for he had his sovereignty in Ascension.” […] “Indeed, he makes the little finger of his Arthur more powerful than the loins of Alexander the Great.” […] THE SCENE: Arnkel thought his life would become easier after the death of his sadistic … “The Dalmacians, knowing that the Saxons were ready for them, threw them a very fat dog as a gift.” […] “Again in our time a bitch near here had a litter by a monkey and produced puppies which were ape-like in front but more like a dog behind.” […] “But no services could assuage the wrath of Rinda; when he was fain to kiss her she cuffed him. For this stubborn-hearted maiden never doubted that the crafty old man was feigning generosity in order to seize an opening to work his lust.” […] “The twelve tall trees, each of which had thirty branches, are the twelve months of the year; twelve times the moon is renewed in her place, like a new king seated on his thrones, and each month has thirty days; this is how time passes.” […] “. The duke spurred on his horse, and aimed a blow at him, but he stooped, and so escaped the stroke; then jumping on one side, he lifted his hatchet aloft, and as the duke bent to avoid the blow, the Englishman boldly struck him on the head, and beat in his helmet, though without doing much injury.” […] “But this captain was not able to burn it on account of resistance from the villagers, and then he came back to Dracula and said: ‘I wasn’t able to carry out what you ordered me to do.'” […] “Incensed for the dead Odysseus speared him straight through one temple and out the other; punched the sharp bronze point and the dark came swirling thick across his eyes – down he crashed, armor clanging against his chest.” […] “So first, take wolf droppings, preferably from a wolf who has eaten bones; enclose them in an earthenware vessel and bind it on the right arm or shoulder.” […] “The king highly applauded the invention, and said, “Friend, the value of thy industry is yet untried: more cruel even than the people account me, thou thyself shalt be the first victim.”” […] “Nevertheless, a king must be allowed to seek diversion now and then, either with hawks, hounds, horses, or weapons, so that his health and agility at arms or in any form of warfare may be preserved.” […] Why do you not write me any letters, why do you not send me any oral message? Isn’t it in reality because people might say: “Perhaps that one [i.e. the writer of this letter] is higher in rank than she.” […] “Then the horned and unhorned denizens of the wood, with teeth chattering pitifully, flee through the copses and glades, and all, as they seek shelter, have this one care, to gain thick coverts or some hollow rock. Then, like the Three-legged One whose back is broken and whose head looks down upon the ground, like him, I say, they wander to escape the white snow.” […] “When these two wicked parties contracted with one another , Doctor Faustus took a penknife, pricked open a vein in his left hand, drained his blood into a crucible, set it on some hot coals and wrote as here followeth.” […] Once, indeed, it happened that this pontiff, meeting with a repulse from the king relative to some petition which he had urged, angrily turned his back in retiring, and threatened him with a curse instead of a blessing. The king, unable to bear his displeasure, fell at his feet, entreating forgiveness, and promising amendment.” […] When Snorri and his men arrive at the haystack, it is not mentioned that they exchanged any words. They launched their attack at once, mostly with spears, and Arnkel defended himself with the running-blade of his sled. […] “In hunting he was most keen, and on one occasion he caught forty or more wild animals; and although at the banquet he was jovial enough, he never diminished anything of his regal demeanor.” […] “Beneath it there was a stone slab, with a leaden cross attached to its underside. I have seen this cross myself and I have traced the lettering which read as follows: HERE IN THE ISLE OF AVALON LIES BURIED THE RENOWNED KING ARTHUR, WITH GUINERERE, HIS SECOND WIFE.” […] “For whilst, in great jubilation of spirit, he was honouring the funeral rites of Rolf with a feast, he drank too greedily.” […] “. Its spittle burned vultures’ wings, its venom scorched the earth; it snatched monsters from the sea and eagles from the air; the earth was emptied of people and flocks, every living thing retreated before it. When I saw that no one dared oppose it, I emptied my heart of fear and bound on my sword in God’s name.” […] “Gurth saw the English falling around, and that there was no remedy. He saw his race hastening to ruin, and despaired of any aid; he would have fled, but could not, for the throng continually increased.” […] “And thus he had the people scream miserably until they were boiled to death.” […] “Paris sprang from the Trojan forward ranks, a challenger, lithe, magnificent as a god, the skin of a leopard slung across his shoulders, a reflex bow at his back and battle-sword at his and brandishing two sharp spears tipped in bronze he strode forth, challenging all the Argive best to fight him face-to-face in mortal combat.” […] “The head is an empire, the stomach a kingdom, the belly a hovel, but the bladder is a hired hand.” […] “For by driving away the flies now saturated with my blood, I should afford an opportunity to those that were empty and hungry to supply their place. ” […] “Some prefer being at court to living in the country (though in the king’s service their labor is as burdensome, or more so) because, though they are of excellent kinship, they have little wealth and cannot engage in trade on account of their poverty.” […] “In reply to Your Majesty’s writing to me concerning the white ceremonial robes: “How many days should I keep on wearing them?” the king should wear them on the 20th and the 21st; two days are more than enough. On the 22nd he can dress normally.” […] “But at that time let me have a shady rock, then also let me drink bright wine, sitting in the shade, when my heart is satisfied with food, and so, turning my head to face the fresh wind.” […] “He likewise enjoyed cooked fare every day, for he was so cunning in sorcery that when he opened a window and named some fowl he desired, it came flying right in through the window. His spirit also brought him cooked meat of a most princely sort from the courts of the nobility in all territories round about.” […] “After every gentle shower, there exudes real, and as it were recent, blood, as though it were evidently proclaiming by this circumstance, that the voice of so much Christian gore still cries to the Lord from the ground, which hath opened her mouth, and drunk in that blood at the hands of Christian brethren.” […] “They went inside after they had finished unloading the hay, and took off their leather cloaks. Arnkel’s followers woke up and asked them where he was. It was as if the slave awoke from a dream, and he replied: “The truth is, he must be fighting Snorri the Godi at Orlygstadir now.”” […] “Hence, whenever he saw anyone who was a thief or a robber, but who was strong of arm and well-suited to warfare, he forgave him his just punishment, and sent him to the suburbs of Merseberg, where he distributed lands and arms, ordering these men to commit no depredations on their fellow-citizens but to practice their robberies upon the barbarians as much as they dared.” […] “When he left they questioned him closely and asked him who he really was. He said that he had been born to some rustic bedlam in the same parish, fathered on her by an incubus who had appeared in the shape of her husband.” […] “However, Thor was swinging his club with marvellous might, and shattered all interposing shields, calling as loudly on his foes to attack him as upon his friends to back him up. No kind of armour withstood his onset, no man could receive his stroke and live.” […] “The sky was clouded by the cavalry’s dust, and swords glittered in the dark like lightning; it was as if the air itself caught fire, flashing like diamonds and burning the ground. The din of weapons deafened the fighters, and fire ascended to the heavens.” […] “You are surely not fitly placed here among the dead. Many an Englishman lies bloody and mingled with the dead, but yet sound, or only wounded and besmeared with gore; tarrying of his own accord, and meaning to rise at night, and escape in the darkness. They would delight to take their revenge, and would sell their lives dearly; no one of them caring who killed him afterwards, if he but slew a Norman first; for they say we have done them much wrong.” […] “The famous spearman struck behind his skull, just at the neck-cord, the razor spear slicing straight up through the jaws, cutting away the tongue. He sank in the dust, teeth clenching the cold bronze.” […] “There is an extraordinarily tall story to the effect that if one covers the penis with it before intercourse, it acts as a contraceptive.” […] “”When I was a girl, and governed by a tyrant, I wished for his removal, and presently we obtained a worse instead. Having got rid of him, a worse still succeeded.” […] “”Inasmuch as I am now an invisible spirit, I cannot visibly come to have speech with physical man, unless I adorn my ugly countenance with a certain corporeal beauty. I shall therefore enter this serpent which God has created with the face of a maiden and which most resembles man in beauty; and I shall speak with his tongue to Eve.” […] “On the eleventh Nabu comes out to have some exercise; he goes to the park, and kills there wild bulls. He then returns and tales his (usual) place. He then blesses the king.” […] “One day our father came to this very place crossing over a great stretch of sea; he left Aeolian Cyme and fled, not from riches and substance, but from wretched poverty which Zeus lays upon men, and he settled near Helicon in a miserable hamlet, Ascra, which is bad in winter, sultry in summer, and good at no time.” […] The house of every man is to him as his castle and fortress. – Edward … The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune. – Plutarch, … They envy the distinction I have won; let them therefore, envy my toils, my honesty, … It belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured. – Tacitus, 1st Century … It belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured. – Tacitus, 1st Century … To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire, and where they … I begin to speak only when I’m certain what I’ll say isn’t better left unsaid. … Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise. – Cato the Elder, … Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow. – Cicero, 1st Century BC If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. – Cicero, … A room without books is like a body without a soul. – Cicero, 1st Century … The summit of happiness is reached when a person is ready to be what he … When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I … In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. – Desiderius Erasmus, 16th … The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to find a … Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing … Fortune favors the bold. – Virgil, 1st Century BC The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral … All cruelty springs from weakness. – Seneca, 1st Century AD Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. – Seneca, 1st Century AD Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. – Seneca, 1st Century AD Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. – … Death smiles at us all, but all a man can do is smile back. – … An unexamined life is not worth living. – Socrates, 4th Century BC An unexamined life is not worth living. – Socrates, 4th Century BC Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. – Socrates, … “If thou canst not live chastely, then will I lead to thy bed any day or night whatever woman thou seest in this city or elsewhere. Whosoever might please thy lust, and whomever thou might desire in lechery, she shall abide with thee in such a figure and form.” […] “When confined by sickness, he was ordered by his physicians, as the sole means of removing his disorder, to partake of sexual intercourse. His friends pressed him to comply, alleging that God could not possibly be offended, as he did it merely as a remedy, and not for sensual gratification.” […] “As the summer passed, they became aware that Thorolf was not resting in peace. People could never go outside in peace once the sun had set. As well as that, the oxen that had hauled Thorolf to his grave had been ridden by trolls, and all livestock which came anywhere near Thorolf’s cairn ran wild and bellowed themselves to death.” […] “But the king listened to wiser counsel, and was unwilling that the noblemen and elders of the people should be thus inconvenienced, and so he decreed that the matter should be decided by a tourney. ” […] The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is … Only the dead have seen the end of war. – Plato, 4th Century BC A friend to all is a friend to none. – Aristotle, 4th Century BC It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought … Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first understood. – Leonardo Da Vinci, … Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence. – Leonardo Da Vinci, 16th Century AD Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo Da Vinci, 16th Century AD All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare. – Baruch Spinoza, 17th Century … If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise. – William Blake, … A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees. – William Blake, … The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. – William Blake, Proverbs of … You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough. – …Image Title Summary Categories Tags hf:categories hf:tags Magically Motivated Refreshments Orient, Supernatural 14th Century AD, Celebrity, Issues, Magic, Marco Polo, Repost orient supernatural regions genre 14th-century-ad celebrity issues magic marco-polo repost Welcome Hengist and Horsa Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Celebrity, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Issues, Legend, Peoples, Repost britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad celebrity geoffrey-of-monmouth issues legend peoples repost The King Who Pleads Wins History, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Clean, Diplomacy, Governance, Roman de Rou history western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad clean diplomacy governance roman-de-rou A Tale of Tails Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 15th Century AD, Humanoid, Mild, Miracle, Peoples, Repost, Scotichronicon, Transformation britons_celts science regions genre 15th-century-ad humanoid mild miracle peoples repost scotichronicon transformation The Crimes of a Nice Emperor Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Issues, Justice, Repost greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history issues justice repost Taming of a Legendary Horse Human Affairs, Orient 10th Century AD, Animals, Horse, Hunting, Legend, Repost, Shahnameh human-affairs orient genre regions 10th-century-ad animals horse hunting legend repost shahnameh Lust, Jealousy, and Revenge Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 14th Century AD, Crime, Decameron, Love, Mild, Sex greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 14th-century-ad crime decameron love mild sex The Horn of Forgetting Britons and Celts, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Loot, Miracle, Music, Sanity britons_celts supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad gerald-of-wales issues loot miracle music sanity The Most Famous Last Stand of All Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Death, Duel, Eyri, Gisli's Saga, Honor, Issues, Poetry, Wordplay viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle death duel eyri gislis-saga honor issues poetry wordplay Enemies both Foreign and Domestic Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Author, Celebrity, Conquest of Gaul, Honor, Issues, Politics, Repost, Speech greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad author celebrity conquest-of-gaul honor issues politics repost speech Crabs in a Bucket Humor, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Author, Booze, Class, Clean, Cruelty, Generations, Lazarillo, Trickery humor western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad author booze class clean cruelty generations lazarillo trickery Torn Between King and Pope Medieval Mentality, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Author, Emotions, Governance, Mild, Religion, Repost, The Deeds of Louis The Fat science western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad author emotions governance mild religion repost the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat Fashion Styles of the Oooold School Human Affairs, Orient 10th Century BC, Class, Clean, Clothes, Family, Letters from Mesopotamia, Repost human-affairs orient genre regions 10th-century-bc class clean clothes family letters-from-mesopotamia repost The Hairy Men of Ireland Britons and Celts, Supernatural 13th Century AD, Clean, Humanoid, King's Mirror, Monsters britons_celts supernatural regions genre 13th-century-ad clean humanoid kings-mirror monsters The World Doesn’t Revolve Around Us Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 2nd Century AD, Clean, Food, Meditations, Philosophy greek-and-roman science regions genre 2nd-century-ad clean food meditations philosophy Competing Prayers to Capricious Gods Supernatural, Western Europe 8th Century AD, Clean, Gender, Gods, Hair, Langobards, Religion, Trickery supernatural western_europe genre regions 8th-century-ad clean gender gods hair langobards religion trickery Men as Women Human Affairs 1st Century AD, Clean, Gender, Plutarch, Ritual human-affairs genre 1st-century-ad clean gender plutarch ritual An Ancient Toast Explained Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 12th Century AD, Booze, Etiquette, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Issues, Love, Repost britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 12th-century-ad booze etiquette geoffrey-of-monmouth issues love repost The Gift of Nothing History, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Clean, Diplomacy, Governance, Roman de Rou, Trickery history western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad clean diplomacy governance roman-de-rou trickery A Critique of Style
Which you could easily wind three times round your arms.
You could wipe you bottom with them instead of rags
In the toilet without doubt.” […]Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 15th Century AD, Class, Clothes, Mild, Peoples, Poetry, Repost, Scotichronicon britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 15th-century-ad class clothes mild peoples poetry repost scotichronicon The Vegetarian King of the World Greek and Roman, History 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Food, Issues, Repost greek-and-roman history regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history food issues repost The Pirate as a Forlorn Lover Greek and Roman, Humor 14th Century AD, Decameron, Love, Mild, Ocean, Speech greek-and-roman humor regions genre 14th-century-ad decameron love mild ocean speech Apathy for the Damned Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 10th Century AD, Demon, Immram, Issues, Religion, Repost, Saint Brendan britons_celts science regions genre 10th-century-ad demon immram issues religion repost saint-brendan A Model Viking Wife Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Eyri, Gender, Gisli's Saga, Honor, Marriage, Trickery, Wordplay human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad eyri gender gislis-saga honor marriage trickery wordplay Rally Round the Rich History, Western Europe 1st Century AD, Conquest of Gaul, Issues, Repost, Tactics history western_europe genre regions 1st-century-ad conquest-of-gaul issues repost tactics The Opposite of a Pope Medieval Mentality, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Animals, Humiliation, Mild, Repost, Revenge, The Deeds of Louis The Fat science western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad animals humiliation mild repost revenge the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat Killing on the Battlements Britons and Celts, History 17th Century AD, Animals, Aubrey, Celebrity, Clean, Crime, Evil britons_celts history regions genre 17th-century-ad animals aubrey celebrity clean crime evil Ice in Ancient Times Human Affairs, Orient 20th Century BC, Booze, Clean, Diplomacy, Letters from Mesopotamia, Luxury, Repost human-affairs orient genre regions 20th-century-bc booze clean diplomacy letters-from-mesopotamia luxury repost The World’s Gone Upside Down Britons and Celts 13th Century AD, Clean, Fool, King's Mirror, Wisdom britons_celts regions 13th-century-ad clean fool kings-mirror wisdom The Emperor’s Pet Peeve Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 2nd Century AD, Clean, Etiquette, Meditations, Morality, Philosophy greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 2nd-century-ad clean etiquette meditations morality philosophy Rome: Ghost Town Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century AD, Clean, Demon, Health, Langobards, Places greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-ad clean demon health langobards places The Ship of Theseus Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 1st Century AD, Clean, Legend, Philosophy, Plutarch greek-and-roman science regions genre 1st-century-ad clean legend philosophy plutarch A Pleasure Dome of Great Renown History, Orient 14th Century AD, Crafting, Issues, Luxury, Marco Polo, Repost history orient genre regions 14th-century-ad crafting issues luxury marco-polo repost Vortigern’s Weakness Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Governance, Issues, Repost, Sex britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad geoffrey-of-monmouth governance issues repost sex Soothsayer, Sooth Thyself! Human Affairs, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Clean, Death, Fool, Prophesy, Roman de Rou human-affairs western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad clean death fool prophesy roman-de-rou Assassination by an Obvious Trap Britons and Celts, Humor 15th Century AD, Fool, Hunting, Mild, Repost, Revenge, Scotichronicon, Trickery britons_celts humor regions genre 15th-century-ad fool hunting mild repost revenge scotichronicon trickery Petty Complaints About the King of the World Greek and Roman, History 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Feast, Food, Issues, Repost greek-and-roman history regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history feast food issues repost A World Without Baby Pictures Human Affairs, Orient 10th Century AD, Crafting, Family, Issues, Repost, Shahnameh human-affairs orient genre regions 10th-century-ad crafting family issues repost shahnameh Medieval Magic C-Section Orient, Supernatural 10th Century AD, Booze, Issues, Magic, Medicine, Monsters, Prophesy, Repost, Shahnameh orient supernatural regions genre 10th-century-ad booze issues magic medicine monsters prophesy repost shahnameh Full Transparency in Medical Matters Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 14th Century AD, Decameron, Drugs, Medicine, Mild greek-and-roman science regions genre 14th-century-ad decameron drugs medicine mild Fear the Island of the Smiths Britons and Celts, Supernatural 10th Century AD, Demon, Humanoid, Immram, Issues, Legend, Ocean, Places, Religion, Repost, Saint Brendan britons_celts supernatural regions genre 10th-century-ad demon humanoid immram issues legend ocean places religion repost saint-brendan A Bumbling Spy Humor, Viking 13th Century AD, Gisli's Saga, Issues, Manners, Sleep, Trickery humor viking genre regions 13th-century-ad gislis-saga issues manners sleep trickery Romans on the Rhine Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Author, Battle, Celebrity, Conquest of Gaul, Issues, Repost, Tactics, Weapons greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad author battle celebrity conquest-of-gaul issues repost tactics weapons Beware the Sausage’s Return Humor, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Author, Body, Class, Food, Gross, Lazarillo humor western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad author body class food gross lazarillo A Just Castration Violence, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Gore, Governance, Honor, Justice, Mild, Repost, The Deeds of Louis The Fat violence western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad gore governance honor justice mild repost the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat Brats are Eternal Human Affairs, Orient Clean, Family, Generations, Letters from Mesopotamia, Loot, Luxury, Repost human-affairs orient genre regions clean family generations letters-from-mesopotamia loot luxury repost Respect Thy Elders Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Etiquette, Family, Generations, King's Mirror, Manners, Wisdom human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean etiquette family generations kings-mirror manners wisdom What Will People Say When You Die? Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 2nd Century AD, Clean, Death, Meditations, Philosophy greek-and-roman science regions genre 2nd-century-ad clean death meditations philosophy God Speaks in Mysterious Ways Supernatural, Western Europe 8th Century AD, Animals, Clean, Langobards, Miracle, Prophesy, Transformation supernatural western_europe genre regions 8th-century-ad animals clean langobards miracle prophesy transformation The Death of Theseus Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Burial, Celebrity, Clean, Death, Plutarch greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad burial celebrity clean death plutarch Vortigern’s Dying Wish Britons and Celts, Humor 12th Century AD, Burial, Celebrity, Death, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Issues, Repost, Trickery britons_celts humor regions genre 12th-century-ad burial celebrity death geoffrey-of-monmouth issues repost trickery An Awkward Arrival Britons and Celts, Humor 12th Century AD, Clean, Fool, Humiliation, Prophesy, Roman de Rou britons_celts humor regions genre 12th-century-ad clean fool humiliation prophesy roman-de-rou Omens Are Everywhere Greek and Roman, Supernatural 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Issues, Prophesy, Repost greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history issues prophesy repost An Emperor and Gladiator Greek and Roman, History 4th Century AD, Animals, Augustan History, Battle, Body, Gender, Hunting, Issues, Legend, Repost, Scandal greek-and-roman history regions genre 4th-century-ad animals augustan-history battle body gender hunting issues legend repost scandal A Horse is a Horse of Course of Course Humor, Orient 10th Century AD, Animals, Horse, Issues, Monsters, Repost, Shahnameh, Sleep, Weapons humor orient genre regions 10th-century-ad animals horse issues monsters repost shahnameh sleep weapons Dying Pointlessly is the Best Revenge Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 14th Century AD, Decameron, Honor, Humiliation, Mild greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 14th-century-ad decameron honor humiliation mild Gryphon Vs. Simurgh Britons and Celts, Supernatural 10th Century AD, Animals, Immram, Issues, Miracle, Monsters, Religion, Repost, Saint Brendan britons_celts supernatural regions genre 10th-century-ad animals immram issues miracle monsters religion repost saint-brendan A Shrew Saves the Day Humor 13th Century AD, Eyri, Gender, Gisli's Saga, Issues, Marriage, Trickery humor genre 13th-century-ad eyri gender gislis-saga issues marriage trickery On the Topic of Opium Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 1st Century AD, Drugs, Garden, Issues, Medicine, Pliny, Repost greek-and-roman science regions genre 1st-century-ad drugs garden issues medicine pliny repost A Scholar and a Prankster Britons and Celts, History 17th Century AD, Aubrey, Celebrity, Clean, Fool, Monsters, Trickery britons_celts history regions genre 17th-century-ad aubrey celebrity clean fool monsters trickery The Peasants Push Back History, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Class, Mild, Repost, The Deeds of Louis The Fat history western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad class mild repost the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat Pleeease Give me More Gold? Humor, Orient 14th Century BC, Clean, Diplomacy, Letters from Mesopotamia, Toughness humor orient genre regions 14th-century-bc clean diplomacy letters-from-mesopotamia toughness The Bodies Keep Piling Up Britons and Celts, Supernatural 13th Century AD, Clean, King's Mirror, Places, Revenant britons_celts supernatural regions genre 13th-century-ad clean kings-mirror places revenant Serenity in All Things Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 2nd Century AD, Clean, Meditations, Philosophy, Toughness greek-and-roman science regions genre 2nd-century-ad clean meditations philosophy toughness Champion Level Pettiness Medieval Mentality, Western Europe 8th Century AD, Animals, Clean, Horse, Langobards, Revenge science western_europe genre regions 8th-century-ad animals clean horse langobards revenge Theseus and the Women Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Evil, Gender, Plutarch greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad celebrity clean evil gender plutarch Marriage in the Afterlife Human Affairs, Orient 14th Century AD, Afterlife, Death, Family, Issues, Marco Polo, Marriage, Repost, Ritual human-affairs orient genre regions 14th-century-ad afterlife death family issues marco-polo marriage repost ritual A Legendary Betrayal Britons and Celts, Violence 12th Century AD, Crime, Evil, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Issues, Legend, Repost britons_celts violence regions genre 12th-century-ad crime evil geoffrey-of-monmouth issues legend repost A King Weighs His Options Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Clean, Family, Kindness, Roman de Rou, Wisdom britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad clean family kindness roman-de-rou wisdom Accept the Way Things Are Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 2nd Century AD, Clean, Meditations, Philosophy greek-and-roman science regions genre 2nd-century-ad clean meditations philosophy Honor Before Loyalty, Victory, and Good Sense History, Western Europe 8th Century AD, Battle, Clean, Honor, Langobards history western_europe genre regions 8th-century-ad battle clean honor langobards The Downsides of Kingship Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Animals, Clean, Evil, Gesta Romanorum, Governance, Repost, Wisdom greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad animals clean evil gesta-romanorum governance repost wisdom A Mermaid and Her Son Supernatural, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Didrik of Bern, Family, Gender, Humanoid, Issues, Monsters, Repost supernatural western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad didrik-of-bern family gender humanoid issues monsters repost Boys and their Birds Greek and Roman, Human Affairs Animals, Entertainment, Evil, Love, Luxury, Sport greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre animals entertainment evil love luxury sport The Breath of a Roman Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 1st Century AD, Body, Gross, Hygene, Issues, Pliny, Repost greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 1st-century-ad body gross hygene issues pliny repost The Land of Beer Abundance Medieval Mentality, Viking 13th Century AD, Booze, Clean, King's Mirror, Repost, Science science viking genre regions 13th-century-ad booze clean kings-mirror repost science Priorities Clarified Britons and Celts, Violence 13th Century AD, Animals, Bevis, Family, Horse, Justice, Mild britons_celts violence regions genre 13th-century-ad animals bevis family horse justice mild Earning a Seat at the Table Human Affairs, Viking 14th Century AD, Celebrity, Feast, Governance, Manners, Mild, Tale of Toki Tokason human-affairs viking genre regions 14th-century-ad celebrity feast governance manners mild tale-of-toki-tokason A Cloak of Fishscales Sparks a War Britons and Celts, Humor 15th Century AD, Governance, Legend, Mild, Repost, Scotichronicon, Trickery britons_celts humor regions genre 15th-century-ad governance legend mild repost scotichronicon trickery The Decency of Crooks
“I’m not going to kill them,” replied Bjarni evenly.
Thrandur frowned, “If they go free, someday these boys will be the death of nearly every man here.”
Bjarni answered, “I wouldn’t kill them any more than I would kill myself.” […]Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Crime, Family, Faroe-Island Saga, Honor, Mild human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad crime family faroe-island-saga honor mild The Ugly Birth of All Things Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Body, Clean, Evil, Gender, Gods, Gore, Hesiod, Revenge, Sex greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc body clean evil gender gods gore hesiod revenge sex An Elizabethan Bully Britons and Celts, History 17th Century AD, Aubrey, Celebrity, Clean, Evil, Manners britons_celts history regions genre 17th-century-ad aubrey celebrity clean evil manners In the Belly of the Metaphorical Whale Human Affairs, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Clean, Cruelty, Food, Justice, Lazarillo, Trickery human-affairs western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad clean cruelty food justice lazarillo trickery A Retreat Becomes a Rout Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Author, Battle, Celebrity, Conquest of Gaul, Fool, Issues, Repost, Tactics greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad author battle celebrity conquest-of-gaul fool issues repost tactics The Crystal Tower Britons and Celts, Supernatural 10th Century AD, Immram, Issues, Legend, Loot, Places, Repost, Saint Brendan britons_celts supernatural regions genre 10th-century-ad immram issues legend loot places repost saint-brendan The Prettiest Barbarian Greek and Roman, History 6th Century AD, Beauty, Burial, Clean, Hair, Jordanes, Repost greek-and-roman history regions genre 6th-century-ad beauty burial clean hair jordanes repost The Knight Who Wouldn’t Shut Up Humor, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Didrik of Bern, Issues, Luxury, Repost, Speech humor western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad didrik-of-bern issues luxury repost speech The Ghosts of Iceland Supernatural, Viking 16th Century AD, Mild, Olaus Magnus, Repost, Revenant supernatural viking genre regions 16th-century-ad mild olaus-magnus repost revenant A Dog’s Reward Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 12th Century AD, Animals, Gerald of Wales, Honor, Issues, Repost britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 12th-century-ad animals gerald-of-wales honor issues repost The Clothes Make the Man Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Clean, Clothes, Etiquette, Family, Gesta Romanorum, Manners greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad clean clothes etiquette family gesta-romanorum manners Hamlet’s Viking Funeral Viking, Violence 12th Century AD, Celebrity, Evil, Gesta Danorum, Legend, Mild, Repost, Revenge, Sanity viking violence regions genre 12th-century-ad celebrity evil gesta-danorum legend mild repost revenge sanity The Governance of Bees Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 1st Century AD, Animals, Author, Celebrity, Issues, Pliny, Repost greek-and-roman science regions genre 1st-century-ad animals author celebrity issues pliny repost Single Combat with Honor Britons and Celts, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Bevis, Duel, Gore, Horse, Mild britons_celts violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle bevis duel gore horse mild Confessions of a Nun Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Family, Issues, Laxdaela Saga, Love human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad family issues laxdaela-saga love Live Free or Die: Unicorn Edition Britons and Celts, Supernatural 15th Century AD, Horse, Mild, Monsters, Repost, Scotichronicon britons_celts supernatural regions genre 15th-century-ad horse mild monsters repost scotichronicon Pirate v. Pirate in the Far North Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Faroe-Island Saga, Mild, Ocean viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle faroe-island-saga mild ocean Night, Whom Even the Deathless Gods Fear Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Clean, Death, Evil, Gods, Hesiod, Sleep greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc clean death evil gods hesiod sleep The Beauty of a Giant Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 17th Century AD, Aubrey, Beauty, Body, Celebrity, Clean britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 17th-century-ad aubrey beauty body celebrity clean The Chains of Etiquette Humor, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Class, Clean, Etiquette, Lazarillo, Manners humor western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad class clean etiquette lazarillo manners Insults from the Battlements Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Conquest of Gaul, Crafting, Humiliation, Issues, Peoples, Repost, Tactics greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad conquest-of-gaul crafting humiliation issues peoples repost tactics A Dream Mistress of Great Power
“Wield this weapon of mine,” said the woman,
“Much blood has been spilt at the bite of its blade,
And as you slash and swish it will serve you unswaveringly.”’ […]Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 15th Century AD, Alliterative Morte D'Arthur, Celebrity, Clothes, Gender, Issues, Luxury, Prophesy, Sleep britons_celts science regions genre 15th-century-ad alliterative-morte-darthur celebrity clothes gender issues luxury prophesy sleep The Punishment of Judas Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 10th Century AD, Celebrity, Immram, Issues, Places, Religion, Saint Brendan britons_celts science regions genre 10th-century-ad celebrity immram issues places religion saint-brendan A Duel By Night Violence, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Didrik of Bern, Duel, Honor, Issues, Loot, Repost violence western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad didrik-of-bern duel honor issues loot repost The Dangerous World of Ice-Skating Human Affairs, Viking 16th Century AD, Gore, Mild, Olaus Magnus, Repost, Sport human-affairs viking genre regions 16th-century-ad gore mild olaus-magnus repost sport A Self-Proclaimed Master Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 12th Century AD, Arts, Author, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Repost britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 12th-century-ad arts author gerald-of-wales issues repost The Paradise of Fools Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Clean, Fool, Garden, Gesta Romanorum, Luxury, Magic, Trickery greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad clean fool garden gesta-romanorum luxury magic trickery The Off-Key Emperor Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 11th Century AD, Humiliation, John Skylitzes, Mild, Music, Religion greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 11th-century-ad humiliation john-skylitzes mild music religion The Scandalous Empress Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Author, Issues, Pliny, Repost, Scandal greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad author issues pliny repost scandal Alien, Airship, or Mass Hallucinations? Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Humanoid, King's Mirror, Monsters, Religion, Repost supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean humanoid kings-mirror monsters religion repost Bevis the Boar Killer Orient, Violence 13th Century AD, Animals, Bevis, Heroics, Hunting, Mild orient violence regions genre 13th-century-ad animals bevis heroics hunting mild A Righteous Fury Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Honor, Issues, Laxdaela Saga, Marriage human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad honor issues laxdaela-saga marriage The Conscience of an Assassin Britons and Celts, History 15th Century AD, Evil, Gender, Justice, Marriage, Mild, Morality, Repost, Revenge, Scotichronicon britons_celts history regions genre 15th-century-ad evil gender justice marriage mild morality repost revenge scotichronicon Farmers vs. Vikings Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Crime, Faroe-Island Saga, Mild viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle crime faroe-island-saga mild The Queen of Monsters Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Clean, Gender, Gods, Hesiod, Legend, Monsters greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc clean gender gods hesiod legend monsters The Son Strikes Back Britons and Celts, Humor 17th Century AD, Aubrey, Celebrity, Clean, Feast, Food, Generations, Manners britons_celts humor regions genre 17th-century-ad aubrey celebrity clean feast food generations manners Working is Hard to Stomach Human Affairs, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Class, Clean, Etiquette, Honor, Lazarillo, Manners, Money human-affairs western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad class clean etiquette honor lazarillo manners money The Mercy of Caesar Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Author, Celebrity, Conquest of Gaul, Evil, Honor, Issues, Repost greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad author celebrity conquest-of-gaul evil honor issues repost The Magic of Music Britons and Celts, Supernatural 10th Century AD, Immram, Issues, Magic, Miracle, Music, Repost, Saint Brendan britons_celts supernatural regions genre 10th-century-ad immram issues magic miracle music repost saint-brendan Doomed to the Dance of Lust Supernatural, Viking 16th Century AD, Humanoid, Mild, Olaus Magnus, Religion, Repost, Transformation supernatural viking genre regions 16th-century-ad humanoid mild olaus-magnus religion repost transformation A Taste of Welsh Kindness Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 12th Century AD, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Kindness, Music, Peoples, Repost britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 12th-century-ad gerald-of-wales issues kindness music peoples repost What Makes a Man Turn Neutral? Britons and Celts, Supernatural 10th Century AD, Animals, Immram, Issues, Justice, Religion, Saint Brendan britons_celts supernatural regions genre 10th-century-ad animals immram issues justice religion saint-brendan Caesar and the Ghost Greek and Roman, Supernatural 13th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Demon, Gesta Romanorum greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 13th-century-ad celebrity clean demon gesta-romanorum The Origin of Inspiration Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Arts, Author, Clean, Gods, Hesiod greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc arts author clean gods hesiod Unsatisfactory Mating Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 1st Century AD, Animals, Author, Issues, Pliny, Repost, Sex greek-and-roman science regions genre 1st-century-ad animals author issues pliny repost sex Theseus and the Labyrinth Greek and Roman, Supernatural 1st Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Legend, Monsters, Plutarch greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 1st-century-ad celebrity clean legend monsters plutarch Bevis Rules the Day Greek and Roman, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Bevis, Horse, Mild greek-and-roman violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle bevis horse mild The Coldest of Counsel Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Family, Honor, Issues, Laxdaela Saga human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad family honor issues laxdaela-saga The Dog of War Britons and Celts, History 15th Century AD, Animals, Dogs, Mild, Repost, Scotichronicon britons_celts history regions genre 15th-century-ad animals dogs mild repost scotichronicon Bonds Forged Through Battle Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Diplomacy, Faroe-Island Saga, Honor, Mild viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle diplomacy faroe-island-saga honor mild Tales of Lesser-Known Gods Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Clean, Gods, Governance, Hesiod greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc clean gods governance hesiod A Blessing for a Canary Artist Britons and Celts, Humor 17th Century AD, Aubrey, Celebrity, Clean, Fool, Governance, Manners, Poetry, Trickery britons_celts humor regions genre 17th-century-ad aubrey celebrity clean fool governance manners poetry trickery Enemy to the Human Race? Human Affairs, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Author, Class, Clean, Food, Lazarillo, Religion human-affairs western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad author class clean food lazarillo religion A Society Built on War History, Western Europe 1st Century AD, Conquest of Gaul, Family, Issues, Peoples, Repost, Toughness history western_europe genre regions 1st-century-ad conquest-of-gaul family issues peoples repost toughness Too Quick to Kill Greek and Roman, Violence 13th Century AD, Clean, Evil, Family, Gender, Gesta Romanorum, Justice, Marriage greek-and-roman violence regions genre 13th-century-ad clean evil family gender gesta-romanorum justice marriage Divine Parricide Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Clean, Evil, Family, Generations, Gods, Hesiod, Revenge greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc clean evil family generations gods hesiod revenge Vinegar the Miracle Drink Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 1st Century AD, Gross, Issues, Medicine, Pliny, Repost, Science greek-and-roman science regions genre 1st-century-ad gross issues medicine pliny repost science Meet the Mer-MAN Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Humanoid, King's Mirror, Monsters, Ocean, Repost supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean humanoid kings-mirror monsters ocean repost Three Knights Versus the City of London Britons and Celts, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Bevis, Evil, Gore, Heroics, Mild britons_celts violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle bevis evil gore heroics mild Beware the Advice of Raving Hermits Greek and Roman, History 11th Century AD, Governance, John Skylitzes, Mild, Prophesy, Religion, Sanity, Trickery greek-and-roman history regions genre 11th-century-ad governance john-skylitzes mild prophesy religion sanity trickery Origins of a Sacred Stone
In that same place where the stone has been laid.” […]Britons and Celts, History 15th Century AD, Loot, Mild, Prophesy, Repost, Ritual, Scotichronicon britons_celts history regions genre 15th-century-ad loot mild prophesy repost ritual scotichronicon The Bloody Poetry Rushes Forth Viking, Violence 12th Century AD, Battle, Gesta Danorum, Gore, Mild, Repost viking violence regions genre 12th-century-ad battle gesta-danorum gore mild repost The Fate of Prometheus Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Celebrity, Clean, Evil, Gods, Governance, Hesiod, Justice, Revenge, Trickery greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc celebrity clean evil gods governance hesiod justice revenge trickery Curiosity Killed the Bacon Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 17th Century AD, Aubrey, Celebrity, Clean, Death, Health, Science britons_celts science regions genre 17th-century-ad aubrey celebrity clean death health science A Bad Life Gets Worse Human Affairs, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Body, Class, Clean, Cruelty, Justice, Lazarillo human-affairs western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad body class clean cruelty justice lazarillo Chariot of the Britons Britons and Celts, History 1st Century AD, Conquest of Gaul, Crafting, Issues, Peoples, Repost, Tactics britons_celts history regions genre 1st-century-ad conquest-of-gaul crafting issues peoples repost tactics Saint Brendan and the Kaiju Britons and Celts, Supernatural 10th Century AD, Immram, Issues, Monsters, Ocean, Religion, Repost, Saint Brendan britons_celts supernatural regions genre 10th-century-ad immram issues monsters ocean religion repost saint-brendan The Dead Rise Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Issues, Revenant, Sickness, Vinland supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad issues revenant sickness vinland Dishonored Humor, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Didrik of Bern, Honor, Humiliation, Issues, Loot, Repost, Weapons humor western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad didrik-of-bern honor humiliation issues loot repost weapons Deliver us from Gilbert Supernatural, Viking 16th Century AD, Magic, Mild, Olaus Magnus, Places, Repost, Trickery supernatural viking genre regions 16th-century-ad magic mild olaus-magnus places repost trickery Welsh Birth Control Britons and Celts, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Magic, Places, Repost, Sex britons_celts supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad gerald-of-wales issues magic places repost sex Playing with a Horse’s “Dangler” Humor, Viking 14th Century AD, Horse, Mild, Ritual, Sex, Tale of Volsi, Viks, Vulgarity, Wordplay humor viking genre regions 14th-century-ad horse mild ritual sex tale-of-volsi viks vulgarity wordplay Eternal Sunshine of the Emperors Mind Greek and Roman, History 13th Century AD, Clean, Emotion, Gender, Gesta Romanorum, Loot, Love, Magic, Trickery greek-and-roman history regions genre 13th-century-ad clean emotion gender gesta-romanorum loot love magic trickery The Fall of Grettir and Illugi Viking, Violence 14th Century AD, Battle, Gore, Grettir, Honor, Issues viking violence regions genre 14th-century-ad battle gore grettir honor issues An Appetite For Revenge Greek and Roman, Violence 14th Century AD, Crime, Decameron, Evil, Feast, Mild greek-and-roman violence regions genre 14th-century-ad crime decameron evil feast mild Royal Brothers Bicker Britons and Celts, Human Affairs Family, Fool, Honor, Horse, Humor, Roman de Rou, Weapons, Wisdom britons_celts human-affairs regions genre family fool honor horse humor roman-de-rou weapons wisdom Profile of a Victorious Army Orient, Violence 14th Century AD, Battle, Horse, Issues, Marco Polo, Repost, Tactics orient violence regions genre 14th-century-ad battle horse issues marco-polo repost tactics Rostam Suffers No Fools Orient, Violence 10th Century AD, Humiliation, Issues, Repost, Shahnameh, Weapons, Wordplay orient violence regions genre 10th-century-ad humiliation issues repost shahnameh weapons wordplay The King Has Joined the Fight Violence, Western Europe Battle, Clean, Duel, Governance, Honor, Langobards violence western_europe genre regions battle clean duel governance honor langobards A Fine Tale Quickly Told Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Author, Duel, Eyri, Gisli's Saga, Honor, Issues, Loot, Repost human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad author duel eyri gislis-saga honor issues loot repost O, That This Too Solid Flesh Would Melt Greek and Roman, History 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Death, Governance, Issues, Medicine, Miracle greek-and-roman history regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history death governance issues medicine miracle Arthur’s Wrath
Weeping and howling they wrung their hands.
And everywhere in his wake he wasted through war
Their wealth and their houses, and awoke their woe.” […]Britons and Celts, History 15th Century AD, Alliterative Morte D'Arthur, Battle, Celebrity, Evil, Feast, Issues britons_celts history regions genre 15th-century-ad alliterative-morte-darthur battle celebrity evil feast issues Power of a Portly King History, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Governance, Heroics, Mild, Repost, The Deeds of Louis The Fat history western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad governance heroics mild repost the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat Glory or Family Human Affairs, Viking 14th Century AD, Family, Generations, Hrolf Kraki, Issues, Repost human-affairs viking genre regions 14th-century-ad family generations hrolf-kraki issues repost The Power of a Song Greek and Roman, History 6th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Clean, Jordanes, Music, Repost, Trickery greek-and-roman history regions genre 6th-century-ad battle celebrity clean jordanes music repost trickery Four Against One and To the Death Viking, Violence 14th Century AD, Asmund the Champion Slayer, Battle, Honor, Mild, Viks viking violence regions genre 14th-century-ad asmund-the-champion-slayer battle honor mild viks A Cow-Powered Threat Humor, Viking 13th Century AD, Animals, Magic, Mild, Regnar, Ritual humor viking genre regions 13th-century-ad animals magic mild regnar ritual A Retort for an Assassin Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Family, Honor, Mild, Njal, Wordplay human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad family honor mild njal wordplay To The Lazy Goes the Spoils Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Family, Generations, Gesta Romanorum, Hygene, Luxury, Repost greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad celebrity clean family generations gesta-romanorum hygene luxury repost Pursued to the Ends of the Earth Viking, Violence 14th Century AD, Crime, Grettir, Issues, Justice, Revenge viking violence regions genre 14th-century-ad crime grettir issues justice revenge The Renaissance Don as a Loving Father Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 14th Century AD, Decameron, Emotion, Family, Gender, Generations, Kindness, Mild greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 14th-century-ad decameron emotion family gender generations kindness mild The Army William Made Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Battle, Clean, Roman de Rou, Weapons britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad battle clean roman-de-rou weapons The Desert’s Lethal Defenses History, Orient 14th Century AD, Death, Horse, Issues, Marco Polo, Repost, Weather history orient genre regions 14th-century-ad death horse issues marco-polo repost weather A Massacre of Demons Orient, Supernatural 10th Century AD, Demon, Gore, Heroics, Repost, Shahnameh, Weapons orient supernatural regions genre 10th-century-ad demon gore heroics repost shahnameh weapons Death by Stupidity
“I did not ask your permission,” said the lad.” […]Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Crime, Eyri, Gisli's Saga, Issues, Repost, Trickery viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad crime eyri gislis-saga issues repost trickery The Revenge of Gawain
Riving off rivets and ripping through shields,
Causing carnage in the ranks but keeping his course,
Rampaging through the rearguard and riding onward,
Then reigning back, that right royal battler,
And returning to the ranks of his own Round Table.” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Alliterative Morte D'Arthur, Battle, Celebrity, Emotion, Gore, Honor, Issues britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad alliterative-morte-darthur battle celebrity emotion gore honor issues A Challenge from King to King History, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Duel, Governance, Honor, Mild, Repost, The Deeds of Louis The Fat history western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad duel governance honor mild repost the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat A Deadly Dinner History, Western Europe 8th Century AD, Clean, Feast, Food, Governance, Honor, Langobards, Wordplay history western_europe genre regions 8th-century-ad clean feast food governance honor langobards wordplay Code of Violence Viking, Violence 14th Century AD, Family, Honor, Hrolf Kraki, Issues, Outlaw, Repost viking violence regions genre 14th-century-ad family honor hrolf-kraki issues outlaw repost The Sword of the God of War Eastern Europe, History 6th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Gods, Hair, Jordanes, Legend, Loot, Repost, Weapons eastern_europe history regions genre 6th-century-ad celebrity clean gods hair jordanes legend loot repost weapons The Beauty of Honor Human Affairs, Viking 14th Century AD, Asmund the Champion Slayer, Beauty, Honor, Love, Marriage, Mild, Viks human-affairs viking genre regions 14th-century-ad asmund-the-champion-slayer beauty honor love marriage mild viks A God Moves On Greek and Roman, Supernatural 14th Century AD, Booze, Gods, John of Fordun, Legend, Mild, Places, Repost greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 14th-century-ad booze gods john-of-fordun legend mild places repost The Cuckold’s Ultimatum Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Crime, Etiquette, Evil, Marriage, Mild, Murder, Regnar, Sex human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad crime etiquette evil marriage mild murder regnar sex The Medieval Legal Mind Medieval Mentality, Viking 13th Century AD, Justice, Mild, Njal, Trickery, Wordplay science viking genre regions 13th-century-ad justice mild njal trickery wordplay Lives in the Hands of Gods Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Battle, Celebrity, Gods, Homer, Issues, Repost greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc battle celebrity gods homer issues repost The Reverse Trojan Horse Maneuver Greek and Roman, Humor 13th Century AD, Booze, Clean, Drugs, Gesta Romanorum, Repost, Revenge, Trickery greek-and-roman humor regions genre 13th-century-ad booze clean drugs gesta-romanorum repost revenge trickery Who’s Been Singing in My Bed? Human Affairs, Viking 14th Century AD, Grettir, Issues, Marriage, Music, Sex, Trickery human-affairs viking genre regions 14th-century-ad grettir issues marriage music sex trickery A Dream of Death; a Life of Sorrow Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 14th Century AD, Death, Decameron, Dreams, Emotion, Mild greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 14th-century-ad death decameron dreams emotion mild The Humiliation of a King History, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Battle, Clean, Governance, Honor, Roman de Rou, Weapons history western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad battle clean governance honor roman-de-rou weapons The Way of the Mongol Human Affairs, Orient 14th Century AD, Body, Food, Gross, Horse, Issues, Marco Polo, Repost, Toughness, Weapons human-affairs orient genre regions 14th-century-ad body food gross horse issues marco-polo repost toughness weapons Rage of a Hero Orient, Violence Duel, Emotions, Heroics, Honor, Issues, Shahnameh, Weapons, Wordplay orient violence regions genre duel emotions heroics honor issues shahnameh weapons wordplay Conversion of the Langobards Medieval Mentality, Western Europe 8th Century AD, Clean, Langobards, Prophesy, Religion science western_europe genre regions 8th-century-ad clean langobards prophesy religion Duel of Swords and Words Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Body, Duel, Eyri, Gisli's Saga, Issues, Loot, Poetry, Repost, Weapons, Wordplay viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad body duel eyri gislis-saga issues loot poetry repost weapons wordplay The Emperor’s Infinite Forgiveness Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Diplomacy, Governance, Issues, Kindness greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history diplomacy governance issues kindness Knights of the Round Table to the Rescue
With great gusto went galloping against them,
Though in the melees with their middle guard they were ill matched.
What a marvel to see such a massing multitude!” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Alliterative Morte D'Arthur, Battle, Issues britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad alliterative-morte-darthur battle issues A Murdered Beloved Human Affairs, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Death, Emotions, Gender, Hair, Marriage, Mild, Repost, The Deeds of Louis The Fat human-affairs western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad death emotions gender hair marriage mild repost the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat An Embar-ass-ing Setback Viking, Violence 14th Century AD, Body, Hrolf Kraki, Issues, Repost, Trickery viking violence regions genre 14th-century-ad body hrolf-kraki issues repost trickery The Downtrodden Show Their Might Greek and Roman, History 6th Century AD, Battle, Burial, Clean, Honor, Jordanes, Peoples, Repost, Weapons greek-and-roman history regions genre 6th-century-ad battle burial clean honor jordanes peoples repost weapons The Arrogance of Metalworkers Human Affairs, Viking 14th Century AD, Asmund the Champion Slayer, Crafting, Governance, Hair, Loot, Mild, Viks human-affairs viking genre regions 14th-century-ad asmund-the-champion-slayer crafting governance hair loot mild viks A Patriot’s Vision of his Homeland Britons and Celts, History 14th Century AD, Author, John of Fordun, Mild, Places, Repost britons_celts history regions genre 14th-century-ad author john-of-fordun mild places repost Following a Deer to Civilization Eastern Europe, History 10th Century AD, Evil, Legend, Peoples, Widukind eastern_europe history regions genre 10th-century-ad evil legend peoples widukind The Failed Ambush Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Gore, Heroics, Honor, Mild, Njal viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle gore heroics honor mild njal The Drama of the Stork Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Animals, Clean, Entertainment, Gesta Romanorum, Love, Repost, Revenge, Sex greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad animals clean entertainment gesta-romanorum love repost revenge sex Totally Normal Behavior Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 14th Century AD, Burial, Death, Decameron, Emotion, Garden, Mild greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 14th-century-ad burial death decameron emotion garden mild Olympus Has Fallen History, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Battle, Governance, Honor, Roman de Rou, Weapons history western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad battle governance honor roman-de-rou weapons To Defy a Khan History, Orient 14th Century AD, Battle, Governance, Issues, Marco Polo, Religion, Repost, Weapons history orient genre regions 14th-century-ad battle governance issues marco-polo religion repost weapons To Stare in the Face of Death Medieval Mentality, Orient 10th Century AD, Death, Duel, Issues, Philosophy, Shahnameh, Weapons, Wisdom science orient genre regions 10th-century-ad death duel issues philosophy shahnameh weapons wisdom Escape from the Langobards History, Western Europe Booze, Clean, Heroics, Honor, Langobards, Trickery history western_europe genre regions booze clean heroics honor langobards trickery Stubbornness of the Stable Boy Human Affairs, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Didrik of Bern, Fool, Issues, Repost human-affairs western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad didrik-of-bern fool issues repost Never in a Goat’s Eye Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Clean, Gesta Romanorum, Medicine, Repost, Wisdom human-affairs genre 13th-century-ad clean gesta-romanorum medicine repost wisdom Two Against One and the Odds are Even Viking, Violence 14th Century AD, Duel, Grettir, Issues, Justice viking violence regions genre 14th-century-ad duel grettir issues justice War of the Deathless Gods Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Battle, Clean, Generations, Gods, Hesiod, Humanoid, Monsters greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc battle clean generations gods hesiod humanoid monsters An Untrustworthy Archbishop Eastern Europe, History 10th Century AD, Diplomacy, Honor, Religion, Trickery, Widukind eastern_europe history regions genre 10th-century-ad diplomacy honor religion trickery widukind Just What Happens on a Wedding Night?
And lasting bliss no interruption know,
While with like heat, her faithful bosom warms;
For in his time he was the flower of arms.” […]Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 15th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Love, Marriage, Poetry, Repost, Sex, Wallace britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 15th-century-ad celebrity clean love marriage poetry repost sex wallace The Phalanx March Greek and Roman, Violence 8th Century BC, Battle, Celebrity, Homer, Issues, Poetry, Repost greek-and-roman violence regions genre 8th-century-bc battle celebrity homer issues poetry repost Death of a Viking Legend History, Viking 13th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Faroe-Island Saga, Gore, Mild, Ocean history viking genre regions 13th-century-ad battle celebrity faroe-island-saga gore mild ocean Righteous Punishment Medieval Mentality, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Evil, Gore, Justice, Mild, Religion, Repost, The Deeds of Louis The Fat science western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad evil gore justice mild religion repost the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat The Dolphins and the Fishermen Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 1st Century AD, Animals, Hunting, Issues, Ocean, Pliny, Repost greek-and-roman science regions genre 1st-century-ad animals hunting issues ocean pliny repost The Pharaoh’s Losses
Before the birth, as I have found, of God’s incarnate Son,
Was Pharaoh, following the Jews, in the Red Sea Undone” […]Greek and Roman, History 14th Century AD, Author, John of Fordun, Legend, Mild, Poetry, Repost greek-and-roman history regions genre 14th-century-ad author john-of-fordun legend mild poetry repost On the Road with a Killer Angel Greek and Roman, Violence 13th Century AD, Clean, Demon, Etiquette, Gesta Romanorum, Repost, Trickery greek-and-roman violence regions genre 13th-century-ad clean demon etiquette gesta-romanorum repost trickery Wife-Swapping Brits Britons and Celts, History 1st Century AD, Conquest of Gaul, Family, Gender, Issues, Marriage, Repost britons_celts history regions genre 1st-century-ad conquest-of-gaul family gender issues marriage repost The Man in the Jaws of the Dragon Supernatural, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Didrik of Bern, Hair, Issues, Monsters, Repost, Weapons supernatural western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad didrik-of-bern hair issues monsters repost weapons Hail the Viking Wizard-Pirate Supernatural, Viking 16th Century AD, Magic, Mild, Ocean, Olaus Magnus, Repost supernatural viking genre regions 16th-century-ad magic mild ocean olaus-magnus repost The Honorable Weasel Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 12th Century AD, Animals, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Repost, Revenge britons_celts science regions genre 12th-century-ad animals gerald-of-wales issues repost revenge The Dangers of Medieval Comedy Humor, Orient 15th Century AD, Arabian Nights, Clean, Humor, Justice, Money humor orient genre regions 15th-century-ad arabian-nights clean humor justice money The City of the Gods Medieval Mentality, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Gods, Places, Prose Edda science viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean gods places prose-edda A Stygian Oath Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Clean, Hesiod, Legend, Ocean, Ritual greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc clean hesiod legend ocean ritual Medieval Labor Relations Human Affairs, Viking 14th Century AD, Class, Etiquette, Grettir, Honor, Issues human-affairs viking genre regions 14th-century-ad class etiquette grettir honor issues The Honesty of a Goldsmith History 10th Century AD, Crafting, Honor, Trickery, Widukind history genre 10th-century-ad crafting honor trickery widukind Witness to a Witch Trial Orient, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Berber, Evil, Gender, Issues, Magic, Repost orient supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad berber evil gender issues magic repost A Comedian in His Bones Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Death, Humor, King's Mirror, Repost supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean death humor kings-mirror repost The Goddess Prepares for War Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Clothes, Homer, Issues, Loot, Poetry, Repost, Valkyrie greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc clothes homer issues loot poetry repost valkyrie Conversion by the Sword Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Crime, Diplomacy, Faroe-Island Saga, Mild, Religion, Weapons human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad crime diplomacy faroe-island-saga mild religion weapons Beaten with Scorpions History, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Animals, Evil, Mild, Morality, Repost, The Deeds of Louis The Fat history western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad animals evil mild morality repost the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat The Bird Who Talks Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 1st Century AD, Animals, Burial, Issues, Pliny, Repost greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 1st-century-ad animals burial issues pliny repost Ireland: The Promised Land Britons and Celts, History 14th Century AD, Family, John of Fordun, Legend, Mild, Ocean, Peoples, Places, Repost britons_celts history regions genre 14th-century-ad family john-of-fordun legend mild ocean peoples places repost Asses Must Know their Place Greek and Roman, Humor 13th Century AD, Animals, Clean, Gesta Romanorum, Religion, Repost greek-and-roman humor regions genre 13th-century-ad animals clean gesta-romanorum religion repost Caesar’s Marines Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Author, Celebrity, Conquest of Gaul, Issues, Ocean, Repost, Tactics greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad author celebrity conquest-of-gaul issues ocean repost tactics A Dastardly Drifter Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Class, Crime, Duel, Eyrbyggja Saga, Eyri, Issues viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad class crime duel eyrbyggja-saga eyri issues Passion Cuts Both Ways Violence, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Didrik of Bern, Gender, Issues, Love, Repost, Weapons violence western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad didrik-of-bern gender issues love repost weapons The Place is Packed with Wizards Supernatural, Viking 16th Century AD, Demon, Mild, Olaus Magnus, Places, Repost, Ritual supernatural viking genre regions 16th-century-ad demon mild olaus-magnus places repost ritual A Demon in Disguise Supernatural, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Demon, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Repost, Trickery supernatural western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad demon gerald-of-wales issues repost trickery The Mystery of the Semen Stain Humor, Orient 15th Century AD, Animals, Arabian Nights, Clean, Gross, Humor, Sex humor orient genre regions 15th-century-ad animals arabian-nights clean gross humor sex The Wolves of the Sun Medieval Mentality, Viking 13th Century AD, Animals, Clean, Dogs, Legend, Prose Edda science viking genre regions 13th-century-ad animals clean dogs legend prose-edda A Bloody Brawl Viking, Violence 14th Century AD, Battle, Duel, Grettir, Issues viking violence regions genre 14th-century-ad battle duel grettir issues Zeus vs. Typhon Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Battle, Clean, Demon, Gods, Hesiod, Legend, Monsters greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc battle clean demon gods hesiod legend monsters A Saxon Attack History, Western Europe 10th Century AD, Battle, Widukind history western_europe genre regions 10th-century-ad battle widukind The Skin-skirt of the Fish-Woman Eastern Europe, Supernatural Animals, Berber, Body, Gender, Humanoid, Issues, Ocean, Repost, Weapons eastern_europe supernatural regions genre animals berber body gender humanoid issues ocean repost weapons A God-killer Strikes Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Battle, Duel, Gods, Homer, Issues, Repost greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc battle duel gods homer issues repost No Respite from an Implacable Foe Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Death, Faroe-Island Saga, Heroics, Honor, Mild, Ocean human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad death faroe-island-saga heroics honor mild ocean The Priest of Battle Medieval Mentality, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Heroics, Honor, Mild, Religion, Repost, The Deeds of Louis The Fat science western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad heroics honor mild religion repost the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat Cleopatra and the Pearls Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Celebrity, Issues, Luxury, Pliny, Repost greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad celebrity issues luxury pliny repost Coastal Scots, Wild Highlanders Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 14th Century AD, Beauty, Clothes, Governance, John of Fordun, Mild, Peoples, Repost britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 14th-century-ad beauty clothes governance john-of-fordun mild peoples repost Everyone Hates Toads Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Animals, Clean, Gesta Romanorum, Medicine, Revenge greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad animals clean gesta-romanorum medicine revenge Brothers Sworn in Blood Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Eyri, Gisli's Saga, Honor, Issues, Religion, Repost, Ritual human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad eyri gislis-saga honor issues religion repost ritual Caesar’s Surprise Victory Greek and Roman, History 1st Century AD, Author, Battle, Celebrity, Conquest of Gaul, Issues, Repost, Tactics greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-ad author battle celebrity conquest-of-gaul issues repost tactics Any Price to Keep the Feast Going Humor, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Didrik of Bern, Food, Fool, Issues, Loot, Luxury, Repost humor western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad didrik-of-bern food fool issues loot luxury repost What Shall We Do About All this Magic? Supernatural, Viking 16th Century AD, Author, Magic, Mild, Olaus Magnus, Peoples, Religion, Repost, Weather supernatural viking genre regions 16th-century-ad author magic mild olaus-magnus peoples religion repost weather The Shadow of the Elephant Violence, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Animals, Battle, Didrik of Bern, Issues, Repost violence western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad animals battle didrik-of-bern issues repost The Beaver Self-Castrates Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 12th Century AD, Animals, Body, Gerald of Wales, Gross, Issues, Repost britons_celts science regions genre 12th-century-ad animals body gerald-of-wales gross issues repost Odin’s Wives Medieval Mentality, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Gods, Marriage, Prose Edda science viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean gods marriage prose-edda Making an Ass of Himself Humor 15th Century AD, Animals, Arabian Nights, Clean, Criminal, Fool, Transformation humor genre 15th-century-ad animals arabian-nights clean criminal fool transformation Zeus, Father of Gods Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Celebrity, Clean, Family, Gender, Gods, Hesiod, Sex greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc celebrity clean family gender gods hesiod sex When Trial By Ordeal Goes Wrong Medieval Mentality, Viking 14th Century AD, Crime, Grettir, Honor, Issues, Religion, Ritual science viking genre regions 14th-century-ad crime grettir honor issues religion ritual A Marriage Arranged by Force Human Affairs, Western Europe 10th Century AD, Governance, Marriage, Trickery, Widukind human-affairs western_europe genre regions 10th-century-ad governance marriage trickery widukind Skiers of Bulgaria Eastern Europe, History 12th Century AD, Berber, Crafting, Hunting, Repost eastern_europe history regions genre 12th-century-ad berber crafting hunting repost A Terrifying Oath Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 8th Century BC, Gore, Homer, Honor, Issues, Repost greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 8th-century-bc gore homer honor issues repost Bold Action Saves the Day Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Faroe-Island Saga, Heroics, Mild, Ocean viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle faroe-island-saga heroics mild ocean Louis the Brawler King History, Western Europe 12th Century AD, Battle, Duel, Emotions, Governance, Horse, Mild, The Deeds of Louis The Fat history western_europe genre regions 12th-century-ad battle duel emotions governance horse mild the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat When Octopuses Attack! Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 1st Century AD, Animals, Issues, Ocean, Pliny, Repost greek-and-roman science regions genre 1st-century-ad animals issues ocean pliny repost A Spurned Ultimatum Britons and Celts, History 14th Century AD, Celebrity, Diplomacy, John of Fordun, Mild, Repost, Speech britons_celts history regions genre 14th-century-ad celebrity diplomacy john-of-fordun mild repost speech A Temple to the Old Gods Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Eyrbyggja Saga, Eyri, Gods, Issues, Places, Religion, Repost, Ritual human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad eyrbyggja-saga eyri gods issues places religion repost ritual The Defiance of Germany Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 1st Century BC, Celebrity, Conquest of Gaul, Issues, Peoples greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 1st-century-bc celebrity conquest-of-gaul issues peoples Wisdom of the Snake Medieval Mentality, Viking 16th Century AD, Fool, Magic, Mild, Olaus Magnus, Repost science viking genre regions 16th-century-ad fool magic mild olaus-magnus repost Some Dreams End in Death Britons and Celts, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Animals, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Prophesy, Repost, Sleep, Wisdom britons_celts supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad animals gerald-of-wales issues prophesy repost sleep wisdom Separating the Men and the Boys Human Affairs, Orient 15th Century AD, Arabian Nights, Clean, Hair, Humor, Sex human-affairs orient genre regions 15th-century-ad arabian-nights clean hair humor sex Death of the Great Frost Father Medieval Mentality, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Evil, Gods, Humanoid, Legend, Prose Edda science viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean evil gods humanoid legend prose-edda Berserker versus Revenant Supernatural, Viking 14th Century AD, Celebrity, Duel, Grettir, Humanoid, Revenant supernatural viking genre regions 14th-century-ad celebrity duel grettir humanoid revenant Saint Durable Supernatural, Western Europe 10th Century AD, Death, Evil, Religion, Toughness, Widukind supernatural western_europe genre regions 10th-century-ad death evil religion toughness widukind Traders on the Sea of Darkness Orient, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Berber, Issues, Money, Monsters, Places, Repost orient supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad berber issues money monsters places repost Front-Line Poetry Greek and Roman, Violence 8th Century BC, Battle, Death, Homer, Issues, Poetry, Repost greek-and-roman violence regions genre 8th-century-bc battle death homer issues poetry repost Raider versus Raider on the Open Sea Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Duel, Faroe-Island Saga, Mild, Ocean viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle duel faroe-island-saga mild ocean A King Brought Low by Love Uncategorized 12th Century AD, Body, Family, Health, Honor, Marriage, Mild, Morality, The Deeds of Louis The Fat uncategorized 12th-century-ad body family health honor marriage mild morality the-deeds-of-louis-the-fat The Dolphins of Tunisia Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 1st Century AD, Animals, Issues, Ocean, Pliny, Repost greek-and-roman science regions genre 1st-century-ad animals issues ocean pliny repost The Mild-Mannered Berserker Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Criminal, Eyrbyggja Saga, Eyri, Honor, Humiliation, Issues, Repost, Revenge, Toughness viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle criminal eyrbyggja-saga eyri honor humiliation issues repost revenge toughness The Poison Kiss Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Gender, Gesta Romanorum, Marriage, Trickery greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad celebrity clean gender gesta-romanorum marriage trickery History as a Science Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 14th Century AD, Author, John of Fordun, Mild, Religion, Repost britons_celts science regions genre 14th-century-ad author john-of-fordun mild religion repost The Currency of God’s Esteem Supernatural, Western Europe 8th Century AD, Clean, Justice, Langobards, Money, Religion supernatural western_europe genre regions 8th-century-ad clean justice langobards money religion Sports With Deadly Stakes Human Affairs, Western Europe 15th Century AD, Didrik of Bern, Food, Issues, Kindness, Luck, Money, Repost human-affairs western_europe genre regions 15th-century-ad didrik-of-bern food issues kindness luck money repost Prince and Pariah Greek and Roman, History 14th Century AD, Celebrity, Generations, John of Fordun, Mild, Outlaw, Repost greek-and-roman history regions genre 14th-century-ad celebrity generations john-of-fordun mild outlaw repost A Plague of Frogs Britons and Celts, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Death, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Repost britons_celts supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad death gerald-of-wales issues repost The Pleasure Contest Medieval Mentality, Orient 15th Century AD, Arabian Nights, Clean, Religion, Sex, Wordplay science orient genre regions 15th-century-ad arabian-nights clean religion sex wordplay The Origins of Northern Life Medieval Mentality, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Gods, Humanoid, Legend, Places, Prose Edda science viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean gods humanoid legend places prose-edda A Body in the Mountains Supernatural, Viking 14th Century AD, Grettir, Humanoid, Issues, Magic, Religion supernatural viking genre regions 14th-century-ad grettir humanoid issues magic religion Blowing Smoke Humor, Orient 15th Century AD, Arabian Nights, Body, Clean, Gross, Hair, Humor, Medicine humor orient genre regions 15th-century-ad arabian-nights body clean gross hair humor medicine The First and Eldest God Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Gods, Places, Prose Edda supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean gods places prose-edda Race and Color in the 16th Century Human Affairs, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Class, Clean, Family, Generations, Lazarillo, Peoples human-affairs western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad class clean family generations lazarillo peoples Who Cares What the Crows Think? Humor, Western Europe 13th Century AD, Animals, Prophesy, Stephen de Bourbon, Wisdom humor western_europe genre regions 13th-century-ad animals prophesy stephen-de-bourbon wisdom Christmas in Camelot Britons and Celts, Humor 14th Century AD, Etiquette, Gawain and the Green Knight, Holiday, Party britons_celts humor regions genre 14th-century-ad etiquette gawain-and-the-green-knight holiday party The Grump of Christmas Eve Medieval Mentality, Viking 14th Century AD, Etiquette, Food, Grettir, Issues, Manners, Religion science viking genre regions 14th-century-ad etiquette food grettir issues manners religion A Bloody Battle in Ballad
Them to describe in our unlearned rhyme.
How arms met arms, and swords went clishy clash.
For rural lays to sing would be too rash.” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Author, Battle, Celebrity, Clean, Poetry, Repost, Wallace, Weapons britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad author battle celebrity clean poetry repost wallace weapons Scandalous Stallions Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 17th Century AD, Animals, Aubrey, Clean, Horse, Humiliation, Sex britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 17th-century-ad animals aubrey clean horse humiliation sex An Exchange of Insults Gets Surreal Humor, Viking 13th Century AD, Animals, Gender, Honor, Humanoid, Humiliation, Issues, Repost, Saga of the Volsungs, Sex, Wordplay humor viking genre regions 13th-century-ad animals gender honor humanoid humiliation issues repost saga-of-the-volsungs sex wordplay My Strength is Yours To Spy Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Clean, Governance, Hair, Honor, Master Wace, Roman de Rou, Trickery, Wisdom britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad battle celebrity clean governance hair honor master-wace roman-de-rou trickery wisdom A Dirty Rotten Prank Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 16th Century AD, Beware the Cat, Clean, Gross, Health, Hygene, Medicine, Trickery, Vulgarity britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 16th-century-ad beware-the-cat clean gross health hygene medicine trickery vulgarity An Icelandic Anomaly Humor, Viking 13th Century AD, Food, Issues, Laxdaela Saga humor viking genre regions 13th-century-ad food issues laxdaela-saga Reasons Not to Drink Blood Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 11th Century AD, Evil, Food, John Skylitzes, Mild, Prophesy, Sanity greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 11th-century-ad evil food john-skylitzes mild prophesy sanity The Clarity of a Lunatic Human Affairs, Viking 12th Century AD, Celebrity, Clever, Clothes, Gender, Gesta Danorum, Hygene, Manners, Mild, Prophesy, Repost, Sanity, Wisdom human-affairs viking genre regions 12th-century-ad celebrity clever clothes gender gesta-danorum hygene manners mild prophesy repost sanity wisdom A Heroic Escape Britons and Celts, Violence 12th Century AD, Battle, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Honor, Issues, Repost, Toughness britons_celts violence regions genre 12th-century-ad battle geoffrey-of-monmouth honor issues repost toughness Assassins Origins Orient, Violence 14th Century AD, Afterlife, Celebrity, Evil, Honor, Issues, Legend, Marco Polo, Repost, Trickery orient violence regions genre 14th-century-ad afterlife celebrity evil honor issues legend marco-polo repost trickery To Fool an Emperor Greek and Roman, Humor 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Fool, Hair, Humor, Issues greek-and-roman humor regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history fool hair humor issues Gross-out at Grace
to overcome the temptation
of thrusting you into myself,
if we were lying alone,
pleasuring one another.” […]Humor, Viking 14th Century AD, Body, Manners, Mild, Religion, Ritual, Sex, Tale of Volsi, Viks, Vulgarity humor viking genre regions 14th-century-ad body manners mild religion ritual sex tale-of-volsi viks vulgarity A Legend in Battle
Crushing down crests and crashing through brains,
Slaying infantry and armored horses,
Chopping down chevaliers on chalk-white chargers.” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Alliterative Morte D'Arthur, Battle, Humanoid, Issues, Poetry, Wordplay britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad alliterative-morte-darthur battle humanoid issues poetry wordplay #BeggarHacks Human Affairs, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Class, Clean, Lazarillo, Medicine, Money, Prophesy, Trickery human-affairs western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad class clean lazarillo medicine money prophesy trickery Unstoppable on the Battlefield Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Battle, Clean, Duel, Heroics, Sogubrot, Valkyrie viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad battle clean duel heroics sogubrot valkyrie Saved By Honor Greek and Roman, Violence 1st Century BC, Clean, Diodorus Siculus, Family, Honor, Legend, Repost greek-and-roman violence regions genre 1st-century-bc clean diodorus-siculus family honor legend repost Nothing Will Stop William Wallace
Till Wallace fretting at the long delay,
Came on himself, and with a furious shock,
The bar and staple all in flinders broke.” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Clean, Heroics, Poetry, Repost, Wallace britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad battle celebrity clean heroics poetry repost wallace Heroism Has a Cost Supernatural, Viking 14th Century AD, Death, Honor, Mild, Monsters, Sage of Eirek the traveller, Viks supernatural viking genre regions 14th-century-ad death honor mild monsters sage-of-eirek-the-traveller viks The Man Who Farted Britons and Celts, Humor 17th Century AD, Body, Celebrity, Clean, Governance, Humiliation, Vulgarity britons_celts humor regions genre 17th-century-ad body celebrity clean governance humiliation vulgarity Out-of-Touch Medieval Elites Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Booze, Class, Issues, Marriage, Repost, Saga of the Volsungs, Trickery human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad booze class issues marriage repost saga-of-the-volsungs trickery Wrestling With Power Humor, Viking 13th Century AD, Honor, Issues, Laxdaela Saga, Ocean, Sport humor viking genre regions 13th-century-ad honor issues laxdaela-saga ocean sport The Emperor’s No-Good Step-Brother Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Issues, Morality greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history issues morality Eat, Drink, and Die Tomorrow Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Battle, Booze, Celebrity, Clean, Feast, Honor, Morality, Music, Party, Religion, Roman de Rou britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad battle booze celebrity clean feast honor morality music party religion roman-de-rou Please Do Not Read This Post Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 16th Century AD, Beware the Cat, Clean, Food, Gross, Hygene, Medicine, Sanity, Vulgarity britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 16th-century-ad beware-the-cat clean food gross hygene medicine sanity vulgarity Assassination of An Emperor Greek and Roman, History 11th Century AD, Crime, Evil, John Skylitzes, Mild, Religion greek-and-roman history regions genre 11th-century-ad crime evil john-skylitzes mild religion Bloody-Handed Hamlet Viking, Violence 12th Century AD, Celebrity, Crime, Evil, Gesta Danorum, Gore, Gross, Repost, Sanity, Trickery, Wordplay viking violence regions genre 12th-century-ad celebrity crime evil gesta-danorum gore gross repost sanity trickery wordplay Young Merlin Speaks Britons and Celts, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Celebrity, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Issues, Monsters, Prophesy, Repost britons_celts supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad celebrity geoffrey-of-monmouth issues monsters prophesy repost What Can Change the Nature of a Man? Medieval Mentality, Orient 14th Century AD, Issues, Marco Polo, Repost, Science science orient genre regions 14th-century-ad issues marco-polo repost science The Emperor in the Bath Greek and Roman, Humor 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Hygene, Issues, Justice greek-and-roman humor regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history hygene issues justice The One-Legged Viking Viking, Violence 14th Century AD, Battle, Body, Duel, Grettir, Issues, Ocean viking violence regions genre 14th-century-ad battle body duel grettir issues ocean A Knight to Tend to Every Desire
Overlord of England, answerable to you only,
And that person is Sir Mordred, whom you have praised repeatedly
A deputy, my dear, to attend your every desire.” […]Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 14th Century AD, Alliterative Morte D'Arthur, Celebrity, Issues, Love, Marriage britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 14th-century-ad alliterative-morte-darthur celebrity issues love marriage Weird Wolves in the Woods Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Animals, Generations, Honor, Issues, Magic, Medicine, Monsters, Repost, Saga of the Volsungs, Transformation supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad animals generations honor issues magic medicine monsters repost saga-of-the-volsungs transformation Tricks of a Charlatan Priest Medieval Mentality, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Clean, Lazarillo, Money, Religion, Trickery science western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad clean lazarillo money religion trickery Prophesy and Pettiness Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Emotions, Family, Prophesy, Repost, Sleep, Sogubrot, Trickery supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad emotions family prophesy repost sleep sogubrot trickery The First Latin City Greek and Roman, History 1st Century BC, Clean, Diodorus Siculus, Legend, Peoples, Places, Prophesy, Repost greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-bc clean diodorus-siculus legend peoples places prophesy repost Wha Daur Meddle Wi Me?
The shearing sword cut thro’ his collar bone:
Another on the arm, that stood near by,
He struck, till hand and sword on the field did lie.” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Heroics, Hunting, Poetry, Repost, Toughness, Wallace, Weapons britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad celebrity clean heroics hunting poetry repost toughness wallace weapons A Humbled King History, Viking 12th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Family, Gender, Governance, Sven Aggesen, Trickery, Viks history viking genre regions 12th-century-ad celebrity clean family gender governance sven-aggesen trickery viks The Drinking Life of Thomas Hobbes Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 17th Century AD, Aubrey, Body, Booze, Celebrity, Clean, Gross britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 17th-century-ad aubrey body booze celebrity clean gross The Awkward Priest History, Western Europe 9th Century AD, Charlemagne, Governance, Issues, Justice, Music, Notker, Religion, Repost history western_europe genre regions 9th-century-ad charlemagne governance issues justice music notker religion repost An Aging Badass Viking, Violence 13th Century AD, Crime, Duel, Generations, Issues, Laxdaela Saga viking violence regions genre 13th-century-ad crime duel generations issues laxdaela-saga On the Eve of History Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Clean, Emotions, Family, Honor, Morality, Religion, Roman de Rou, Weapons britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad battle celebrity clean emotions family honor morality religion roman-de-rou weapons Fear and Loathing in the Church Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 16th Century AD, Animals, Beware the Cat, Clean, Drugs, Sanity, Trickery britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 16th-century-ad animals beware-the-cat clean drugs sanity trickery The Point of No Return Orient, Violence 11th Century AD, Crime, John Skylitzes, Mild, Ocean orient violence regions genre 11th-century-ad crime john-skylitzes mild ocean The Insanity Defense Human Affairs, Viking 12th Century AD, Celebrity, Gesta Danorum, Honor, Mild, Repost, Sanity, Trickery human-affairs viking genre regions 12th-century-ad celebrity gesta-danorum honor mild repost sanity trickery Hengist Goes to Hell Britons and Celts, Violence 12th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Duel, Geoffrey of Monmouth britons_celts violence regions genre 12th-century-ad battle celebrity duel geoffrey-of-monmouth God Frowns on Wine, But Brandy is OK Medieval Mentality, Orient 14th Century AD, Booze, Issues, Justice, Marco Polo, Religion, Repost science orient genre regions 14th-century-ad booze issues justice marco-polo religion repost The Emperor and the Academics Greek and Roman, History 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Issues, Learning, Science, Wisdom greek-and-roman history regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history issues learning science wisdom Gettir the Tomb Raider Supernatural, Viking 14th Century AD, Duel, Grettir, Humanoid, Revenant supernatural viking genre regions 14th-century-ad duel grettir humanoid revenant The Well Fletched Arrows Flew at the Foe
Cut a wide swath as he scythed down warriors,
Woefully wounding those who stood in his way.” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Alliterative Morte D'Arthur, Battle, Celebrity, Duel, Horse, Issues, Poetry britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad alliterative-morte-darthur battle celebrity duel horse issues poetry The Life and Doings of a Degenerate Priest Human Affairs, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Clean, Honor, Justice, Lazarillo, Religion human-affairs western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad clean honor justice lazarillo religion Forbidden Love Must Be Atoned Medieval Mentality, Viking 14th Century AD, Grettir, Issues, Justice, Love, Marriage, Religion science viking genre regions 14th-century-ad grettir issues justice love marriage religion An End to the Peace History, Viking 13th Century AD, Battle, Governance, Honor, Repost, Sogubrot history viking genre regions 13th-century-ad battle governance honor repost sogubrot Zeus’ Wrath Greek and Roman, Supernatural 1st Century BC, Clean, Diodorus Siculus, Gods, Repost, Weapons greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 1st-century-bc clean diodorus-siculus gods repost weapons Not Built to Turn the Other Cheek
And there give him the whistle of his plack.
Along his ribs he gave him such a rout,
Till all his entrails and his lungs hung out;” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Gore, Poetry, Repost, Wallace, Weapons britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad celebrity clean gore poetry repost wallace weapons When Wooing Goes Wrong Humor, Viking 14th Century AD, Gender, Hrolf Kraki, Humiliation, Issues, Love, Marriage, Trickery, Valkyrie, Viks humor viking genre regions 14th-century-ad gender hrolf-kraki humiliation issues love marriage trickery valkyrie viks The Death of Walter Raleigh Britons and Celts, History 17th Century AD, Aubrey, Burial, Celebrity, Clean, Death, Drugs, Justice, Religion britons_celts history regions genre 17th-century-ad aubrey burial celebrity clean death drugs justice religion Death with Honor Violence, Western Europe 13th Century AD, Celebrity, Death, Evil, Honor, Issues, Saga of the Volsungs, Toughness, Viks violence western_europe genre regions 13th-century-ad celebrity death evil honor issues saga-of-the-volsungs toughness viks Curse of a Deadbeat Dad
– “I’d much rather lose a fortune than my sword,” replied Geirmund.
– “Then you shall never have it back,” said Thurid. “You have treated us disgracefully, and you will never see me again.” […]Human Affairs, Viking 13th Century AD, Family, Issues, Laxdaela Saga, Loot, Marriage human-affairs viking genre regions 13th-century-ad family issues laxdaela-saga loot marriage The Bishop of Battle Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 12th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Emotions, Honor, Morality, Religion, Roman de Rou britons_celts science regions genre 12th-century-ad battle celebrity emotions honor morality religion roman-de-rou A Cat Tricks and is Tricked Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 16th Century AD, Animals, Beware the Cat, Clean, Religion, Trickery britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 16th-century-ad animals beware-the-cat clean religion trickery The Gullible Emperor Greek and Roman, Humor 11th Century AD, Crime, Governance, John Skylitzes, Mild, Trickery greek-and-roman humor regions genre 11th-century-ad crime governance john-skylitzes mild trickery The Sex-Trap Human Affairs 12th Century AD, Celebrity, Clever, Gender, Gesta Danorum, Mild, Repost, Sanity, Sex, Trickery human-affairs genre 12th-century-ad celebrity clever gender gesta-danorum mild repost sanity sex trickery Caesar in Battle Britons and Celts, Violence 12th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Duel, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Issues, Repost britons_celts violence regions genre 12th-century-ad battle celebrity duel geoffrey-of-monmouth issues repost Three Kings of Orient Tell Their Tale Medieval Mentality, Orient 14th Century AD, Issues, Legend, Marco Polo, Religion, Repost science orient genre regions 14th-century-ad issues legend marco-polo religion repost First in Power, Last in Anger Greek and Roman, History 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Governance, Issues, Kindness, Medicine, Peoples greek-and-roman history regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history governance issues kindness medicine peoples An Axe to the Bottle-Back Humor, Viking 14th Century AD, Grettir, Issues, Luck, Poetry, Wordplay humor viking genre regions 14th-century-ad grettir issues luck poetry wordplay Gawain’s Fury
Gripped a great spear and speedily spiked him;
Through the guts and gore his weapon glided
Till the sharpened steel sliced into his heart.” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Alliterative Morte D'Arthur, Celebrity, Gore, Horse, Issues, Poetry britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad alliterative-morte-darthur celebrity gore horse issues poetry Wearing the Horns of the Bull Human Affairs, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Clean, Honor, Lazarillo, Marriage, Sex human-affairs western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad clean honor lazarillo marriage sex Follower of a Fickle God Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Clean, Legend, Sogubrot, Tactics supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad battle celebrity clean legend sogubrot tactics Origins of Spartan Civilization Greek and Roman, History 1st Century BC, Clean, Diodorus Siculus, Governance, Justice, Money, Peoples, Prophesy, Repost greek-and-roman history regions genre 1st-century-bc clean diodorus-siculus governance justice money peoples prophesy repost The Violent Youth of a Violent Hero
In spite of all his men so throng about,
And boldly without either fear or dread,
Upon the spot he stick’d young Selbie dead.” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Crime, Evil, Honor, Poetry, Repost, Wallace britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad celebrity clean crime evil honor poetry repost wallace Blood on the Battlefield Viking, Violence 14th Century AD, Battle, Gongu-Hrolf Saga, Gore, Mild, Viks viking violence regions genre 14th-century-ad battle gongu-hrolf-saga gore mild viks Shakespeare’s Dramatic Youth Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 17th Century AD, Aubrey, Celebrity, Clean, Speech britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 17th-century-ad aubrey celebrity clean speech The Form of a Legendary King History, Western Europe 9th Century AD, Beauty, Body, Celebrity, Charlemagne, Hair, Issues history western_europe genre regions 9th-century-ad beauty body celebrity charlemagne hair issues Sometimes They Come Back… Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Burial, Issues, Laxdaela Saga, Revenant supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad burial issues laxdaela-saga revenant The Stink of Commerce Greek and Roman, History 11th Century AD, Governance, Honor, John Skylitzes, Love, Mild, Money greek-and-roman history regions genre 11th-century-ad governance honor john-skylitzes love mild money The Battle of Hastings Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Battle, Clean, Heroics, Legend, Weapons britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad battle clean heroics legend weapons The Cat Who Caught a Cock Britons and Celts, Human Affairs 16th Century AD, Animals, Beware the Cat, Clean, Honor, Sex, Trickery, Vulgarity britons_celts human-affairs regions genre 16th-century-ad animals beware-the-cat clean honor sex trickery vulgarity A Dignified Duel Viking, Violence 12th Century AD, Death, Duel, Gesta Danorum, Honor, Repost, Wordplay viking violence regions genre 12th-century-ad death duel gesta-danorum honor repost wordplay Brutus: Founder of Britain Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Celebrity, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Gods, Humanoid, Issues, Peoples, Places britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad celebrity geoffrey-of-monmouth gods humanoid issues peoples places Trivia of Dead Worlds: Demosthenes’ Training Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia Trivia of Dead Worlds: Descartes Robot Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia Trivia of Dead Worlds: Kidd’s Demise Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia Trivia of Dead Worlds: The Last Words of Marie Antoinette Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia Trivia of Dead Worlds: Mongol Executions Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia Trivia of Dead Worlds: Schwedentrunk Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia Trivia of Dead Worlds: Mongolian Drinks Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia Trivia of Dead Worlds: Killer Kites Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia Trivia of Dead Worlds: Winter Campaign Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia Trivia of Dead Worlds: Taboo Names Knowledge, Trivialities of Dead Worlds knowledge trivia An Obsession with Feet Human Affairs, Orient 14th Century AD, Beauty, Gore, Issues, Marco Polo, Religion, Repost, Sex human-affairs orient genre regions 14th-century-ad beauty gore issues marco-polo religion repost sex A Righteous Emperor Greek and Roman, History 4th Century AD, Augustan History, Governance, Issues, Luxury, Marriage, Morality greek-and-roman history regions genre 4th-century-ad augustan-history governance issues luxury marriage morality The Honor of Audun Chicken Humor, Viking 14th Century AD, Grettir, Honor, Issues, Money, Revenge humor viking genre regions 14th-century-ad grettir honor issues money revenge King Arthur Vs. the Cannibal Count
So the hulk’s blood poured hot across the hilt;
Through the bladder and bowels he drove that blow,
Piercing his privates ripping them apart.” […]Britons and Celts, Violence 15th Century AD, Alliterative Morte D'Arthur, Celebrity, Duel, Evil, Gore, Issues britons_celts violence regions genre 15th-century-ad alliterative-morte-darthur celebrity duel evil gore issues The Clash of Armies Greek and Roman, Violence 8th Century BC, Battle, Homer, Issues, Poetry, Repost greek-and-roman violence regions genre 8th-century-bc battle homer issues poetry repost The Many Uses of Garlic Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 3rd Century AD, Animals, Dogs, Food, Medicine, Mild, Science greek-and-roman science regions genre 3rd-century-ad animals dogs food medicine mild science Get Rich Quick or Go Blind Trying Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Clean, Fool, Gesta Romanorum, Justice, Money, Repost, Trickery greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad clean fool gesta-romanorum justice money repost trickery The Werewolves of God’s Wrath Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Animals, Clean, Humanoid, Justice, King's Mirror, Legend, Repost, Transformation supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad animals clean humanoid justice kings-mirror legend repost transformation The Smell of Royalty Humor, Orient 14th Century BC, Body, Clean, Letters from Mesopotamia, Luxury, Manners humor orient genre regions 14th-century-bc body clean letters-from-mesopotamia luxury manners The Origin of Suffering Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Celebrity, Clean, Hesiod, Legend, Trickery greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc celebrity clean hesiod legend trickery Persistence and Demon-Summoning Supernatural, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Clean, Demon, Magic, Ritual, The Faust Book supernatural western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad clean demon magic ritual the-faust-book A Respectful Difference of Opinion Britons and Celts, Humor 12th Century AD, Author, Celebrity, Clean, Legend, William of Newburgh britons_celts humor regions genre 12th-century-ad author celebrity clean legend william-of-newburgh How to Bury a Zombie Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Burial, Eyrbyggja Saga, Eyri, Issues, Repost, Revenant, Ritual supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad burial eyrbyggja-saga eyri issues repost revenant ritual How to Shield Your Sins from Demons Britons and Celts, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Demon, Gender, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Repost britons_celts supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad demon gender gerald-of-wales issues repost The Abdication of Odin Supernatural, Viking 12th Century AD, Crime, Euhemerism, Gesta Danorum, Gods, Governance, Honor, Mild, Repost supernatural viking genre regions 12th-century-ad crime euhemerism gesta-danorum gods governance honor mild repost A Wedding for the Ages Human Affairs, Orient 10th Century AD, Animals, Beauty, Family, Issues, Luxury, Marriage, Repost, Shahnameh, Wedding human-affairs orient genre regions 10th-century-ad animals beauty family issues luxury marriage repost shahnameh wedding Used to be a King Until I Got an Arrow in My Eye Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Battle, Clean, Gore, Legend, Roman de Rou britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad battle clean gore legend roman-de-rou Dracula’s Breakfast Eastern Europe, History 15th Century AD, Celebrity, Evil, Food, Random eastern_europe history regions genre 15th-century-ad celebrity evil food random Lady Godiva Bares All History, Western Europe 13th Century AD, Body, Clean, Gender, Governance, Marriage, Places, Random, Sex history western_europe genre regions 13th-century-ad body clean gender governance marriage places random sex The Churn of Battle Greek and Roman, Violence 8th Century BC, Battle, Gore, Homer, Issues, Loot, Repost greek-and-roman violence regions genre 8th-century-bc battle gore homer issues loot repost The Truth About Almonds Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 3rd Century AD, Animals, Booze, Food, Medicine, Mild, Science greek-and-roman science regions genre 3rd-century-ad animals booze food medicine mild science Choose Thy Fate Alone Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 13th Century AD, Clean, Fool, Gesta Romanorum, Justice, Religion, Repost, Ritual, Wisdom greek-and-roman science regions genre 13th-century-ad clean fool gesta-romanorum justice religion repost ritual wisdom One Hell of a Pinch Medieval Mentality, Viking 13th Century AD, Clean, Justice, King's Mirror, Religion, Repost science viking genre regions 13th-century-ad clean justice kings-mirror religion repost Talking Back to the Boss Humor, Orient 7th Century BC, Booze, Clean, Diplomacy, Governance, Humiliation, Letters from Mesopotamia humor orient genre regions 7th-century-bc booze clean diplomacy governance humiliation letters-from-mesopotamia The Five Ages of Men Greek and Roman, Supernatural 8th Century BC, Clean, Generations, Hesiod, Legend, Peoples greek-and-roman supernatural regions genre 8th-century-bc clean generations hesiod legend peoples Demonic Bureaucracy Supernatural, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Clean, Demon, Magic, Ritual, The Faust Book supernatural western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad clean demon magic ritual the-faust-book Doubter of Legends Britons and Celts, Medieval Mentality 12th Century AD, Author, Celebrity, Legend, William of Newburgh britons_celts science regions genre 12th-century-ad author celebrity legend william-of-newburgh The Curse of the Returned One Supernatural, Viking 13th Century AD, Evil, Eyrbyggja Saga, Eyri, Issues, Magic, Repost, Revenant supernatural viking genre regions 13th-century-ad evil eyrbyggja-saga eyri issues magic repost revenant A Strangely Insulting Gift Humor, Western Europe 10th Century AD, Animals, Dogs, Humiliation, Widukind humor western_europe genre regions 10th-century-ad animals dogs humiliation widukind The Fate of the Dog-Monkeys Britons and Celts, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Animals, Evil, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Monsters, Repost britons_celts supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad animals evil gerald-of-wales issues monsters repost Odin Strikes Out Supernatural, Viking 12th Century AD, Class, Gender, Gesta Danorum, Gods, Love, Luxury, Manners, Mild, Repost supernatural viking genre regions 12th-century-ad class gender gesta-danorum gods love luxury manners mild repost Wisdom Wins the Day Medieval Mentality, Orient 10th Century AD, Clever, Issues, Repost, Shahnameh, Trickery, Weapons, Wisdom science orient genre regions 10th-century-ad clever issues repost shahnameh trickery weapons wisdom A Heroic Last Gamble Britons and Celts, Violence 12th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Clean, Heroics, Roman de Rou britons_celts violence regions genre 12th-century-ad battle celebrity clean heroics roman-de-rou Kill or Be Killed Eastern Europe, Violence 15th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Evil, Random eastern_europe violence regions genre 15th-century-ad celebrity clean evil random The Wrath of Odysseus Greek and Roman, Violence 8th Century BC, Celebrity, Gore, Heroics, Homer, Honor, Issues, Repost, Revenge greek-and-roman violence regions genre 8th-century-bc celebrity gore heroics homer honor issues repost revenge Crappy Medicine Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 6th Century AD, Gross, Medicine, Mild, Science greek-and-roman science regions genre 6th-century-ad gross medicine mild science Undone by a Bull of his own Making Greek and Roman, Violence 13th Century AD, Clean, Crafting, Evil, Gesta Romanorum, Justice, Repost, Revenge greek-and-roman violence regions genre 13th-century-ad clean crafting evil gesta-romanorum justice repost revenge The Role of a King History, Viking 13th Century AD, Animals, Clean, Entertainment, Governance, Justice, King's Mirror, Repost history viking genre regions 13th-century-ad animals clean entertainment governance justice kings-mirror repost Destroyed with a Tablet Humor, Orient 7th Century BC, Clean, Diplomacy, Gender, Letters from Mesopotamia, Manners humor orient genre regions 7th-century-bc clean diplomacy gender letters-from-mesopotamia manners A Time of Desolation Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 8th Century BC, Animals, Author, Clean, Gender, Hesiod, Poet, Weather greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 8th-century-bc animals author clean gender hesiod poet weather A Damned Contract Supernatural, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Clean, Demon, Justice, The Faust Book supernatural western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad clean demon justice the-faust-book A Puissant Priest Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Clean, Governance, Religion, William of Newburgh britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad clean governance religion william-of-newburgh Death Comes for Arnkel Viking, Violence Battle, Death, Duel, Eyrbyggja Saga, Eyri, Honor, Issues viking violence regions genre battle death duel eyrbyggja-saga eyri honor issues Portrait of a Great King History, Western Europe 10th Century AD, Celebrity, Death, Governance, Widukind history western_europe genre regions 10th-century-ad celebrity death governance widukind Opening Arthur’s Tomb Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Burial, Celebrity, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Legend, Repost britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad burial celebrity gerald-of-wales issues legend repost Death by Celebration Humor, Viking 12th Century AD, Booze, Death, Gesta Danorum, Mild, Repost, Revenge humor viking genre regions 12th-century-ad booze death gesta-danorum mild repost revenge Effortless Dragonslaying Orient, Supernatural 10th Century AD, Heroics, Issues, Repost, Shahnameh, Weapons orient supernatural regions genre 10th-century-ad heroics issues repost shahnameh weapons The Last King of the Angles Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Clean, Death, Legend, Peoples, Roman de Rou britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad battle celebrity clean death legend peoples roman-de-rou A Focus on Torture Eastern Europe, Violence 15th Century AD, Celebrity, Clean, Evil, Random eastern_europe violence regions genre 15th-century-ad celebrity clean evil random Homer’s Poetry of Battle Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 8th Century BC, Author, Celebrity, Homer, Issues, Poetry, Repost greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 8th-century-bc author celebrity homer issues poetry repost The Kingdom of the Body Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 6th Century AD, Body, Medicine, Mild, Science greek-and-roman science regions genre 6th-century-ad body medicine mild science A Satiated Tyrant Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Clean, Gesta Romanorum, Governance, Repost, Wealth, Wisdom greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad clean gesta-romanorum governance repost wealth wisdom Humble Servants of the King History, Viking 13th Century AD, Class, Clean, Governance, Honor, King's Mirror, Repost history viking genre regions 13th-century-ad class clean governance honor kings-mirror repost A King and his Chum Humor, Orient 7th Century BC, Clean, Clothes, Friendship, Governance, Letters from Mesopotamia, Ritual humor orient genre regions 7th-century-bc clean clothes friendship governance letters-from-mesopotamia ritual Summertime… and the Living’s Easy Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 8th Century BC, Booze, Clean, Garden, Hesiod, Luxury, Weather greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 8th-century-bc booze clean garden hesiod luxury weather A Soul Sold Cheaply Supernatural, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Class, Clean, Demon, Luxury, Money, The Faust Book supernatural western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad class clean demon luxury money the-faust-book No Respect in Death Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Burial, Clean, Justice, Religion, William of Newburgh britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad burial clean justice religion william-of-newburgh Misplaced Priorities Humor, Viking 13th Century AD, Class, Eyrbyggja Saga, Eyri, Honor, Issues humor viking genre regions 13th-century-ad class eyrbyggja-saga eyri honor issues An Army of Thieves History, Western Europe 10th Century AD, Crime, Governance, Justice, Widukind history western_europe genre regions 10th-century-ad crime governance justice widukind Demonic Efficiency Britons and Celts, Supernatural 12th Century AD, Class, Family, Gerald of Wales, Issues, Monsters, Religion, Trickery britons_celts supernatural regions genre 12th-century-ad class family gerald-of-wales issues monsters religion trickery The Revenge of a Scorned God Supernatural, Viking 12th Century AD, Battle, Euhemerism, Gesta Danorum, Heroics, Loot, Mild, Repost, Revenge supernatural viking genre regions 12th-century-ad battle euhemerism gesta-danorum heroics loot mild repost revenge The Light Shall Drive Out the Dark Orient, Violence 10th Century AD, Battle, Demon, Family, Issues, Repost, Shahnameh, Weapons orient violence regions genre 10th-century-ad battle demon family issues repost shahnameh weapons A Picture of Victory Britons and Celts, History 12th Century AD, Battle, Celebrity, Clean, Governance, Honor, Roman de Rou britons_celts history regions genre 12th-century-ad battle celebrity clean governance honor roman-de-rou Violence Over Love Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality 8th Century BC, Death, Evil, Family, Gore, Homer, Issues, Love, Repost greek-and-roman science regions genre 8th-century-bc death evil family gore homer issues love repost Sex Berries Greek and Roman, Medieval Mentality Clean, Medicine, Mild, Repost, Science, Sex greek-and-roman science regions genre clean medicine mild repost science sex The Devil You Know Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 13th Century AD, Clean, Gesta Romanorum, Governance, Repost, Wisdom greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 13th-century-ad clean gesta-romanorum governance repost wisdom Lucifer Makes His Move Medieval Mentality, Viking 13th Century AD, Animals, Celebrity, Clean, Evil, King's Mirror, Legend, Religion, Repost, Trickery science viking genre regions 13th-century-ad animals celebrity clean evil kings-mirror legend religion repost trickery A Gods Daily Routine Orient, Supernatural 7th Century BC, Clean, Gods, Letters from Mesopotamia, Ritual orient supernatural regions genre 7th-century-bc clean gods letters-from-mesopotamia ritual The Ocean Gives and Takes Away Greek and Roman, Human Affairs 8th Century BC, Clean, Hesiod, Money, Ocean, Weather greek-and-roman human-affairs regions genre 8th-century-bc clean hesiod money ocean weather Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Edward Coke Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Plutarch Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Sallust Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Tacitus Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Tacitus Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Tacitus Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Cato the Younger Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Cato the Elder Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Cicero Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Cicero Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Cicero Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Erasmus Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Erasmus Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Erasmus Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Homer Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Homer Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Virgil Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Dante Aligheri Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Seneca Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Seneca Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Seneca Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Marcus Aurelius Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Marcus Aurelius Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Socrates Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Socrates Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Socrates Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote A Devilish Alternative to Marriage Supernatural, Western Europe 16th Century AD, Clean, Demon, Marriage, Sex, The Faust Book supernatural western_europe genre regions 16th-century-ad clean demon marriage sex the-faust-book The Archbishop Who Refused to Have Sex Britons and Celts, Humor 12th Century AD, Burial, Clean, Death, Religion, Sex, William of Newburgh britons_celts humor regions genre 12th-century-ad burial clean death religion sex william-of-newburgh Rest Not in Peace Uncategorized 13th Century AD, Burial, Evil, Eyrbyggja Saga, Eyri, Issues, Magic, Repost, Revenant, Ritual uncategorized 13th-century-ad burial evil eyrbyggja-saga eyri issues magic repost revenant ritual Alternative Justice Through Jousting Humor, Western Europe 10th Century AD, Justice, Sport, Widukind humor western_europe genre regions 10th-century-ad justice sport widukind Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Plato Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Plato Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Aristotle Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Aristotle Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Leonardo Da Vinci Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Leonardo Da Vinci Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Leonardo Da Vinci Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Baruch Spinoza Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: William Blake Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: William Blake Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: William Blake Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote Wisdom of Dead Worlds: William Blake Knowledge, Wisdom of Dead Worlds knowledge quote