To Kiss a Viking

THE SCENE: In the midst of frantic ship to ship combat, the great champion Bui is horrifically wounded… but takes it all in a stride.

THE TEXT: In the confusion Thorkell Midlong leapt from his ship on to Bui’s and made a sudden blow at him. All this happened in the twinkling of an eye. He hewed off his lip and chin all the was down so that his teeth flew out of his head. Bui said: “The Danish women in Bornholm won’t think it so pleasant to kiss me now.”

Bui hewed at Thorkell in return. It was slippery on board and, in trying to save himself, Thorkell fell on the gunwale. The blow landed on Thorkell’s waist cutting him in two as he lay across the gunwale. Immediately after that Bui took his gold chests and shouted loudly: “Overboard all Bui’s men” – and then he leapt overboard with the chests.

– The Saga of the Jomsvikings, 13th Century AD