The Power of a Song

THE SCENE: Unarmed and outclassed, the proto-German Getae people somehow managed to defeat Philip of Macedon (Father of Alexander the Great) by solely through the power of music.

THE TEXT: Then Philip, the father of Alexander the Great, determined to lead out his forces and sack Odessus, which was then subject to the [Getae]. Thereupon those priests of the [Getae] that are called the Holy Men suddenly opened the gates of Odessus and came forth to meet them. They bore harps and were clad in snowy robes, and chanted in suppliant strains to the gods of their fathers that they might be propitious and repel the Macedonians. When the Macedonians saw them coming with such confidence to meet them, they were astonished and, so to speak, the armed were terrified by the unarmed. Straightway they broke the line they had formed for battle and not only refrained from destroying the city, but even gave back those whom they had captured outside by right of war. Then they made a truce and returned to their own country.

– Getica, Jordanes, 6th Century AD