THE SCENE: Pushed to his limits by the taunts and accusations of friends and foes alike, the normally passive Thorarin finally snaps, cleaving a bloody path of destruction that impacts both his enemies and his loved ones.
THE TEXT: After that, Thorbjorn established a door court and named six men to judge the case. Thorbjorn brought a charge of horse-theft against Thorarin. Just at that moment, Geirrid came out the door and saw what was happening.
“That judgment is all too true,” she said, “that you, Thorarin, have as much a woman’s disposition as a man’s. I don’t understand why I have such a son.
“I don’t feel like standing around here any longer,” replied Thorarin. At that, Thorarin and his men ran out intending to break up the court. There were seven of them in all, and a fight began immediately. Thorarin killed a farmhand of Thorbjorn’s. A farmhand of Thorarin’s was also killed there. Aud, the mistress of the house, called on the women to separate them and they threw clothes over their weapons. Thorarin and his men went indoors after that and Thorbjorn and his men rode away.
In the hayfield at Mavahlid a hand was found where the fight had taken place. It was shown to Thorarin, and he saw that it was the hand of a woman. He asked where Aud was, and was told that she was lying in her bed. He went in to see her and asked whether she was wounded. Aud told him not to worry about it, but he realized none the less that it was her hand that had been cut off.
Then Thorarin went out with his companions and ran after Thorbjorn and his men. When they were a short distance from the haystack they overhead Thorbjorn and his men talking. Hallstein was speaking.
“Thorarin fought off any suggestion of cowardice today,” he said.
“He fought boldly,” said Thorbjorn, “but many a man becomes brave in dire straights, though they’re not at all brave the rest of the time.”
“Thorarin may be the best of fighters,” replied Odd, “but it will be considered a mishap that he chopped off his wife’s hand.”
“Is that true?” said Thorbjorn.
“True as daylight,” said Odd.
With that they all fell about laughing and ridiculing Thorarin. At that moment, Thorarin and his men came upon them. Thorarin went for Thorbjorn and struck him on the head with his sword, splitting it in two down to the jaw. Then Thorir Arnason and two other men attacked him. The result was that Thorarin cut of Thorir’s leg at the thickest part of the calf, and killed both his companions.
– The Saga of the People of Eyri, 13th Century AD