THE SCENE: This 7th Century subordinate probably should have “slept on it” before sending off this testily written tablet to his king and overlord.
THE TEXT: Why does Your Majesty constantly send me messages full of ill-temper, reproach, and anger; your father did not give me orders in such a manner even when they spoke unrepeatable slanders about me and were committing crimes right and left, up and down. Yet the king of all gods, sublime and noble, has handed over to you, his worshipper, the full extent of the inhabited world!
As to the lapis lazuli concerning which Your Majesty has written me as follows: “They should requisition it!” – does Your Majesty not know that lapis lazuli is now high in price and the country would rebel against me if I had actually requisitioned it? Rather – if it pleases Your Majesty – let a large body of troops come here and let them requisition lapis lazuli. And then the king must not consider it a crime of mine when I will not eat with them, nor drink water with them, nor even rise before your Messenger, not inquire of him about Your Majesty’s health, when they come here.
– Letters from Mesopotamia, edited & translated by A. Leo Oppenheimer, 7th Century BC