The Honor of Audun Chicken

THE SCENE: Onund and Asgrim confront Earl Audun – a man involved in their father’s death – and leave him with far less wealth (and honor) than they found him with.

THE TEXT: Onund knew about everything that was happening at the farm and sent for his brothers. When they arrived, Onund gave them the choice of keeping guard over the farm or attacking the Earl, and they chose to attack him. They broke down the door of the loft with a battering ram and Asmund grabbed the earl’s two companions and dashed them down so hard that he almost killed them. Asgrim ran at the Earl and demanded compensation for his father’s death, because Audun had plotted with Grim the Hersir and joined in the attack when Ondott was killed. The Earl said he had no money with him and asked to be able to pay later. Then Asgrim pressed the point of his spear against the Earl’s chest and told him to pay up at once. The Earl took off his necklace, three gold rings and a velvet cloak. Asgrim took these valuables and gave him the nickname Audun Chicken. 

– The Saga of Grettir the Strong, 14th Century AD