THE SCENE: As described by his biographer Einhard, Charlemagne sounds more like he looked like Santa Claus than the fierce Frankish fighter of legend.
THE TEXT: His body was large and strong. He was tall, but not unduly so, since his height was seven times the length of his own foot. The top of his head was round, his eyes were large and lively, his nose was a little larger than average, he had fine white hair and a cheerful and attractive face. So, standing or sitting his presence was greatly increased in authority and dignity. His neck seemed short and thick and his stomach seemed to project, but the symmetry of the other parts hid these flaws. His pace was firm and the whole bearing of his body powerful. Indeed his voice was clear but, given his size, not as strong as might have been expected. Towards the end he would limp on one foot. Even then he trusted his own judgement more than the advice of his doctors, women he almost hated, since they urged him to stop heading roast meat, which he liked, and start eating boiled meat.
– The Life of Charlemagne, Einhard, 9th Century AD