The Coldest of Counsel

THE SCENE: When Thorgerd’s sons are not sufficiently aggressive about avenging their brother Kjartan, she takes a moment to remind them of their obligations in no uncertain terms.

THE TEXT: They rode on until they came opposite the farm of Saelingdale Tongue. Then Thorgerd turned her horse towards the farm and asked, “What is this farm called?”
“As if you didn’t know already, mother!” replied Halldor. “This farm is called Tongue”
“And who lives here?” she asked.
“You know that too, mother,” he replied.
Thorgerd snorted. “Yes, I certainly know!” she said. “I know that Bolli lives here, your brother’s killer. And you are remarkably unlike your noble kinsmen if you don’t want to avenge such a brother as Kjartan was. Your grandfather, Egil Skalla-Grimsson, would never have behaved like this. It is cruel to have such craven sons; and I for one believe it would have suited you better to have been your father’s daughters and been married off.

The old saying, “to every family its flaw”, is certainly borne out here, Halldor. To my mind this was Olaf’s greatest misfortune, that he blundered so badly in begetting his sons. I am speaking to you, Halldor, since you think yourself the leader of your brothers. And now we shall turn back, for my main reason for coming here was to remind you of this, in case you had forgotten.”

– Laxdaela Saga, 13th Century AD