
An Exchange of Insults Gets Surreal

“You probably do not remember clearly now when you were the witch on Varinsey and said that you wanted to marry a man and you chose me for the role of husband. And afterward you were a Valkyrie in Asgard and all were on the verge of fighting for your sake. I sired nine wolves on you at Laganess, and I was the father of them all.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Legend in Battle

“With hard steel clubs they clattered at helmets,
Crushing down crests and crashing through brains,
Slaying infantry and armored horses,
Chopping down chevaliers on chalk-white chargers.” […]


Bloody-Handed Hamlet

“Then, cutting his body into morsels, he seethed it in boiling water, and flung it through the mouth of an open sewer for the swine to eat, bestrewing the stinking mire with his hapless limbs.” […]


A Dignified Duel

“Then Horwendil endeavoured to address the king first, asking him in what way it was his pleasure to fight, and declaring that one best which needed the courage of as few as possible. For, said he, the duel was the surest of all modes of combat for winning the meed of bravery, because it relied only upon native courage, and excluded all help from the hand of another.” […]


Do Not Have Sex With a God

“. In fine, the things of earth would not mate with those of heaven, being sundered by a great original gulf through a difference in nature; inasmuch as mortal man was infinitely far from the glory of the divine majesty.” […]

Greek and Roman

Origins of Human Civilization

“The sounds they made were at first unintelligible and indistinct, yet gradually they came to give articulation to their speech, and by agreeing with one another upon symbols for each thing which presented itself to them, came to know among themselves the meaning attached to each term. ” […]

Eastern Europe

Origin of an Alphabet

” Whosoever condemns the Slavic writing shall be excluded from the Church until he mends his ways. For such men are not sheep but wolves; by their fruits ye shall know them and guard against them. ” […]

Medieval Mentality

A Disagreement about Decapitation

“King Hrolf hadn’t been paying attention to their conversation, but he noticed the head flying off. King Hrolf became so angry at this that he was on the verge of attacking Asmund. He said that such a wicked and outrageous deed had been done that they would never recover from the disgrace.” […]