Greek and Roman

Choose Thy Fate Alone

“The other assented, and, by the direction of his friend, proceeded to draw blood from his right arm. “I,” said the latter, “will drink of thy blood, and thou of mine; so that neither in prosperity nor in adversity shall our covenant be broken, and whatsoever the one gains, shall be divided by the other.” The foolish knight agreed; and they ratified the treaty by a draught of each other’s blood.” […]

Medieval Mentality

Wisdom Wins the Day

“The twelve tall trees, each of which had thirty branches, are the twelve months of the year; twelve times the moon is renewed in her place, like a new king seated on his thrones, and each month has thirty days; this is how time passes.” […]

Greek and Roman

A Satiated Tyrant

“For by driving away the flies now saturated with my blood, I should afford an opportunity to those that were empty and hungry to supply their place. ” […]

Greek and Roman

The Devil You Know

“”When I was a girl, and governed by a tyrant, I wished for his removal, and presently we obtained a worse instead. Having got rid of him, a worse still succeeded.” […]


Do Not Have Sex With a God

“. In fine, the things of earth would not mate with those of heaven, being sundered by a great original gulf through a difference in nature; inasmuch as mortal man was infinitely far from the glory of the divine majesty.” […]


In Defense of My Writing…

“I think it’s best for those who can’t improve the story not to find fault with it. Whether it’s true or not, let him have enjoyment from it who can, and let the others enjoy something that they like better.” […]


Prester John and the Golden King

“It happened one day that the Golden King went out for his sport with only a handful of followers, and among them were these seven traitors. When they had crossed a river about a mile distant from the place, and left their companions on the farther bank, the seven henchmen, seeing that the kind had no one to protect him, resolved to carry out the purpose for which they had come.” […]

Human Affairs

Wisdom of a Valkyrie

“If you hear foolish words from drunken men, do not dispute with those who are drunk on wine and have lost their wits. To many men such things bring much grief or even death.” […]