
No! Not the Bees!

“But the latter is said to have had at hand many hives of bees, which he broke open and let loose against the duke’s horsemen. The bees tormented the horses with their sings, and made them mad, so that their riders began to be imperiled.” […]


Strange Omens

“Also, the left hand of a certain man which had been cut off with a knife was, after a lapse of a year, restored almost whole to him while he was asleep.” […]


Victory for the People

“Some reached the ships again, but in their terror they missed their footing and plunged into the water, while others overloaded some of the boats and capsized them so that as a result only a very few survived.” […]


The King Turns the Tide

“With this he took up his shield and the sacred lance, and putting himself at the head of the horsemen he turned against the enemy, fulfilling the functions both a very brave soldier and a very great commander.” […]


A Blessed Massacre

“On the following day the head of the chieftain was set up in the camp, and around it the decapitated bodies of seven hundred of the captives, and also his chief adviser, with his eyes gouged out and his tongue cut off, was left helpless in the midst of the corpses.” […]


God Put to the Test

“The next morning he ordered a bar of iron of great weight to be heated with fire, and then bade the cleric, in defense of the Catholic faith, to carry the glowing iron.” […]