Eastern Europe

Following a Deer to Civilization

“After many generations, since, while living there, they were completely ignorant of any other part of the world, it happened one time that in their pursuit of a deer, they forced their way across the Meotic marshes that had hitherto proved impassable to all men.” […]


The Honesty of a Goldsmith

“The goldsmith on hearing this remained silent as if it were no great moment. But when the job was finished and delivered, he asked for and obtained a few days off. He met the duke, and standing in his path as he was going to the affair, he related to him what he had heard.” […]


Saint Durable

” He replied to the Emperor somewhat sternly, and was cast to the beasts but was unhurt by them. Then he was cast into the midst of a fiery oven, but the flames were put out by an angel and he emerged unhurt.” […]


Portrait of a Great King

“In hunting he was most keen, and on one occasion he caught forty or more wild animals; and although at the banquet he was jovial enough, he never diminished anything of his regal demeanor.” […]


An Army of Thieves

“Hence, whenever he saw anyone who was a thief or a robber, but who was strong of arm and well-suited to warfare, he forgave him his just punishment, and sent him to the suburbs of Merseberg, where he distributed lands and arms, ordering these men to commit no depredations on their fellow-citizens but to practice their robberies upon the barbarians as much as they dared.” […]