
Enemies (and Friends) in Unusual Places

” “Tell me, what have I done to you, Infantes of Carrion? I have kept faith with you and in return you have plotted my death. If I did not forbear for the sake of the Cid, Rodrigo of Vivar, I should exact such vengeance as would startle the world.” […]


Brave as a Lion… or Not

“The Cid leaned on his elbow and rose to his feet, and leaving his cloak over his shoulder he walked towards the lion. When the lion saw him, it was so taken aback that it hung its head and nosed the ground. Don Rodrigo took it by the neck, let it along with his right hand and put it in the net.” […]


A Kiss or a Kill

THE SCENE: After the Spanish General El Cid defeated the army of King Bucar of Morocco, he pursued the fleeing monarch to the sea. After cornering Bucar, El Cid offered him one chance at surrender: […]


The Hospitable Jailer

“The Count set spurs to his horse and rode off, turning his head to look back for fear the Cid should change his mind – a thing that famous man would not do for anything in the world, for never in his life had he gone back on his word.” […]