Louis the Brawler King
“Thus, although it little befitted a king to do such a thing, he arranged a splendid bath for his foe all the way up to his helmet in that stream.” […]
“Thus, although it little befitted a king to do such a thing, he arranged a splendid bath for his foe all the way up to his helmet in that stream.” […]
“He did nothing worthy of the royal majesty, for he was carried away by lust for the married woman he had carried off and gave himself over to gratifying his desires.” […]
“A wooden bridge was attached to the towering machine; it reached out at a height that would enable it to be let down a little above the oak wall and thus provide easy entry into the castle for those coming across it.” […]
“But a Christian took away as prey that which no Christian had ever been heard to take.” […]
“They tumbled down from the tower and became stuck on the points of the standing lances. With arrows flying into them, they breathed their last and carried off their miserable souls in sorrow to hell.” […]
“What a splendid deed! The plunderers themselves were plundered and the torturers tortured with the same or even more pain than they had used to torture others.” […]
“Thus he humbled the man beneath the powerful arm of God, whose affair it was, and made Drogo subject to the dominion of his will like some bedridden patient.” […]
“Even that rustic prophet Merlin, a marvelous visionary who foretold the whole future of the English, spoke well of him in a mighty proclamation with a fine and truthful style.” […]
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