
Power of a Portly King

“The king mounted someone else’s horse and returned to combat in a spirited fashion. He shouted and called his men back, urging the boldest by name not to flee. With sword unsheathed the king rushed amid the enemy ranks to help those whom he could and chose those who were fleeing.” […]

Human Affairs

A Murdered Beloved

“In an outburst of love which her weakness hardly allowed, she slid along like a snake, dragging her own completely bloody body up beside the lifeless corpse. As if he were alive, she gave him as many sweet kisses as she could and broke out into a sorrowful song.” […]

Medieval Mentality

Righteous Punishment

“When he was alive he had lacked a brain, and now that he was dead he lacked a heart, for they ripped it from his entrails and impaled it on a stake, swollen as it was with fraud and evil.” […]


Beaten with Scorpions

“Hugh proved to be a worthless shoot who took after his father with every kind of evil, but ‘those whom his father beat with whips, he, more despicable than his parent, beat with scorpions.'” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Priest of Battle

“When they saw an unarmed priest bravely tearing down the enclosures, they surged forward with their weapons and began striking the palisade with their axes and whatever iron tools they had.” […]

Medieval Mentality

Up Close With a Siege Engine

“A wooden bridge was attached to the towering machine; it reached out at a height that would enable it to be let down a little above the oak wall and thus provide easy entry into the castle for those coming across it.” […]