
Rostam Suffers No Fools

“You know what I call a mother who bears a son like you? A sewer of shrouds, or a mourner at a wake. Bringing your cronies here against me is as pointless as throwing walnuts at a dome in the hope that they’ll stick there.” […]


A Massacre of Demons

“He grabbed him by the head and ears, and holding on to his shoulders with his other hand tore the demon’s head off, like a ravening lion, and flung it covered in blood into the crowd of warriors.” […]

Human Affairs

A Wedding for the Ages

“The elephants and musicians, and the various banners of red, white, yellow, and purple silk, made the earth seem like a paradise: with the blare of trumpets and the sound of harps, the squeal of bugles and the ringing of bells, it seemed as if Judgment Day had come.” […]

Medieval Mentality

Wisdom Wins the Day

“The twelve tall trees, each of which had thirty branches, are the twelve months of the year; twelve times the moon is renewed in her place, like a new king seated on his thrones, and each month has thirty days; this is how time passes.” […]


Effortless Dragonslaying

“. Its spittle burned vultures’ wings, its venom scorched the earth; it snatched monsters from the sea and eagles from the air; the earth was emptied of people and flocks, every living thing retreated before it. When I saw that no one dared oppose it, I emptied my heart of fear and bound on my sword in God’s name.” […]


The Light Shall Drive Out the Dark

“The sky was clouded by the cavalry’s dust, and swords glittered in the dark like lightning; it was as if the air itself caught fire, flashing like diamonds and burning the ground. The din of weapons deafened the fighters, and fire ascended to the heavens.” […]


Bringing the Demons to Heel

“, “Don’t kill us, we can teach you something new and highly profitable.” The king granted them their lives on condition that they reveal their secrets to him, and when he had freed them from their chains they had no choice but to obey him.” […]