The Power of Onions
“Onions are said to be a soporific and, eaten with bread, to be capable of healing mouth sores.” […]
“Onions are said to be a soporific and, eaten with bread, to be capable of healing mouth sores.” […]
“The sounds they made were at first unintelligible and indistinct, yet gradually they came to give articulation to their speech, and by agreeing with one another upon symbols for each thing which presented itself to them, came to know among themselves the meaning attached to each term. ” […]
“It also looks as if sharp points were shot from this flame up into the sky; these are of uneven height and in constant motion, now one, now another darting highest; and the light appears to blaze like a living flame.” […]
” Whosoever condemns the Slavic writing shall be excluded from the Church until he mends his ways. For such men are not sheep but wolves; by their fruits ye shall know them and guard against them. ” […]
“For one Cat which was a mighty big one, gray haired, bristle-bearded, and having broad eyes which shone and sparkled like two stars, sat in the midst, and on either side of her sat another, and before her stood three more, whereof one mewed continually, save when the great cat groaned, & ever when the great cat had finished groaned, this mewing cat began again, first stretching out her neck & as it were making courtesies to them which sat.” […]
“One of the stars, for example, was larger than half the world. A planet is as large as the world. While descending, I did look down upon the world again, and it was no bigger than the yolk of an egg. Why, to me the world seemed scarcely a span long, but the oceans looked to be twice that size.” […]
“When by night a great streak of fire is seen to shoot downward, these are not falling stars, although we do call them that, but only slaggy pieces from the stars. They are big things, to be sure, and, as is true of the stars themselves, some are much bigger than others. But it is my opinion that no star itself falleth except as a scourge of God.” […]
“They related that the Greeks had in their possession the lightning from heaven, and had set them on fire by pouring it forth.” […]
“With their left arms thus encumbered it was impossible for them to fight properly, and many, after repeated attempts to jerk their arms free, preferred to drop the shields and fight unprotected.” […]
“A wooden bridge was attached to the towering machine; it reached out at a height that would enable it to be let down a little above the oak wall and thus provide easy entry into the castle for those coming across it.” […]
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