Dangerous Beauties of the Isles
“She at once vanished, turning to water; however, I thrust my sword into this experimentally, upon which the water became blood. Then we marched hurriedly down to our ship and sailed away.” […]
“She at once vanished, turning to water; however, I thrust my sword into this experimentally, upon which the water became blood. Then we marched hurriedly down to our ship and sailed away.” […]
The maiden went, although she wasn’t willing. When she came so close that she could see the troll clearly, she said, “Will you take food, you big troll?” He turned towards her and glowered at her. She ran away and told the princess that she had now seen clearly that it was a male troll. […]
“The imp came to the gates of Hell
Toting both bag and fart as well,
And tossing the bag down when he entered,
And thereupon the fart was vented.” […]
“The snake needed an old ox for each meal, and everyone thought it was the greatest monstrosity.” […]
“He made a habit of propounding problems to grammarians, asking them to say what sounds different animals make, for example: lambs bleat, pigs grunt, doves coo, bears growl, lions roar, leopards snarl, elephants trumpet, frogs croak, horses neigh, bulls bellow – and he would confirm these from old writers.” […]
“They directly opened up the cache of arms from which each quietly fitted himself with fighting-gear. Then they made for the palace, broke into the inner chambers and drew their swords on the sleepers.” […]
“Almighty God forbid, and all His angels, that France should lose her fame because of me! I’d much prefer to die than come to shame; for fighting well, the emperor will love us.” […]
“For while he was reading, a spider came down from the ceiling by a thread, hooked itself on to the deacon’s head, and then ran up again. The most observant Charles saw this happen a second and a third time, but pretended not to notice it.” […]
“His wickedness even appeared after his decease; anyone nearing his tomb was quickly exterminated, and his corpse emitted such foul plagues that he almost seemed to leave more loathsome reminder of himself dead than when alive.” […]
“If you hear foolish words from drunken men, do not dispute with those who are drunk on wine and have lost their wits. To many men such things bring much grief or even death.” […]
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