
There’s More Than One Way to Seduce

“For love hath many avenues; the path of pleasure is opened to some by grace, to others by bravery of soul, and to some by skill in accomplishments. Courtesy brings to some stores of Love, while most are commended by brightness of beauty. Nor do the brave inflict a shallower wound on maidens than the comely.” […]

Britons and Celts

Drag Me to Hell

“Thou art now judged, and the Lord hath hardened thy heart against repentance; and whereas thou hast trifled with His long-suffering, hast not heeded warning, and hast proudly refused honour to God, thou shalt on the third day after this be caught up alive by devils into the air at the third hour.” […]

Greek and Roman

A Vision of Paradise

“All round stand great trees of pellucid crystal, whose fruit is drinking-cups of every shape and size. A guest arriving plucks a cup or two and sets them at his place, where they at once fill with wine. ” […]

Medieval Mentality

A Disagreement about Decapitation

“King Hrolf hadn’t been paying attention to their conversation, but he noticed the head flying off. King Hrolf became so angry at this that he was on the verge of attacking Asmund. He said that such a wicked and outrageous deed had been done that they would never recover from the disgrace.” […]

Greek and Roman

Strange Punishments for Everyday Crimes

“When the facts had been established, he ordered two oxen of extraordinary size to be cut open suddenly, while still alive, and the soldiers to be thrust one into each, with their heads protruding so that they could talk to each other. ” […]


Respect in Death

“The beardless youth was the last survivor. When he saw that he was going to be captured, he climbed a nearby tree and stabbed himself in vital organs until he died.” […]