
The Author as a Liar

“And, as I have no truth to put on record, having lived a very humdrum life, I fall back on falsehood — but falsehood of a more consistent variety; for I now make the only true statement you are to expect — that I am a liar.” […]


In Defense of My Writing…

“I think it’s best for those who can’t improve the story not to find fault with it. Whether it’s true or not, let him have enjoyment from it who can, and let the others enjoy something that they like better.” […]

Greek and Roman

Origins of Human Civilization

“The sounds they made were at first unintelligible and indistinct, yet gradually they came to give articulation to their speech, and by agreeing with one another upon symbols for each thing which presented itself to them, came to know among themselves the meaning attached to each term. ” […]


Let God Guide the Sword of the Righteous

“Thierry sees he is wounded in the face – bright blood is falling on the grassy plain – hits Pinabel upon his smooth steel casque and cracks it, splits it open to the nasal, and busts his skull, so brains come spilling out, then wrenches free and lets him fall down dead.” […]


A Fateful Encounter

“About this time Hother chanced, while hunting, to be led astray by a mist, and he came on a certain lodge in which were wood-maidens; and when they greeted him by his own name, he asked who they were. They declared that it was their guidance and government that mainly determined the fortunes of war. ” […]

Human Affairs

Love and Marriage in the Viking World

“So Thorgerd married Herjolf and went with him to his home, and they came to love one another dearly. Thorgerd quickly proved what an exceptionally capable woman she was, and Herjolf was considered to have enhanced his prestige and standing greatly by winning such a wife as Thorgerd.” […]


Viking in their Victim’s Eyes

“They didn’t know the strength of the Rus, and thought they would behave like Greeks or Armenians. An hour after battle was joined, the Rus launched an attack that routed the army of Bardha’a. The volunteers and the rest of the soldiers turned and fled. Only the Daylamites stood their ground; they were all killed except for those mounted on horses.” […]