Human Affairs

Sports With Deadly Stakes

“They went out onto the field. Walter took a stone that weighed 2 ship-pounds, and he threw it 9 feet. Then Detsleff threw 10 feet. So Walter threw 13 feet. Detsleff threw 14 feet. Then Walter didn’t want to play that game any more.” […]

Greek and Roman

Prince and Pariah

“Roused to anger, and backed by a numerous band of youths, Gaythelos disturbed his father’s kingdom by many cruel misdeeds, and angered his father and his people by his insolence.” […]


An Exchange of Insults Gets Surreal

“You probably do not remember clearly now when you were the witch on Varinsey and said that you wanted to marry a man and you chose me for the role of husband. And afterward you were a Valkyrie in Asgard and all were on the verge of fighting for your sake. I sired nine wolves on you at Laganess, and I was the father of them all.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Heroic Escape

“He shattered skulls, arms, shoulder-blades and even legs, causing the greatest possible terror, and before he left the spot he had killed seventy men with the stake which he held.” […]


Assassins Origins

“When the Sheikh desired the death of some great lord, he would take some of these Asssassins of his and send them wherever he might wish, telling them that he was minded to dispatch them to Paradise. They would according go and kill such and such a man; if they died on their mission, they would go there all the sooner.” […]

Greek and Roman

Saved By Honor

“This was the reason, we are told, why he, together with the Trojans who still survived, was allowed to leave the Troad in complete safety and go to whatever land he wished.” […]