Britons and Celts

A Spurned Ultimatum

“Think not, O Caesar, that thou canst entice us, like children, by the blandishments of cajolery like this – that thou canst succeed in leading us astray, leaving the pleasant and noble road of freedom, our birthright, a road wherein our fathers were ever wont to walk straight forwards.” […]

Medieval Mentality

Wisdom of the Snake

“A Norwegian woman, intending to provide for the future good fortune of her son Roller, prepared a dish of food, into which she let drip the putrid saliva of three vipers hanging above it from a slender cord.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Dolphins of Tunisia

“Dolphins are not afraid of humans as something alien, but come to meet vessels at sea and play and leap around them; they try to race ships and overtake them even when they are under full sail.” […]


The Mild-Mannered Berserker

“n the hayfield at Mavahlid a hand was found where the fight had taken place. It was shown to Thorarin, and he saw that it was the hand of a woman. He asked where Aud was, and was told that she was lying in her bed. He went in to see her and asked whether she was wounded.” […]

Britons and Celts

History as a Science

“The Word of God the Father was made flesh, and began to dwell amongst us, 5199 years after the beginning of the world, 2452 after the crossing of the Red Sea, 1206 after the taking of Troy. Seven hundred and fifty-two years had passed from the building of Rome, when Christ sanctified the world.” […]

Human Affairs

Sports With Deadly Stakes

“They went out onto the field. Walter took a stone that weighed 2 ship-pounds, and he threw it 9 feet. Then Detsleff threw 10 feet. So Walter threw 13 feet. Detsleff threw 14 feet. Then Walter didn’t want to play that game any more.” […]