
What Shall We Do About All this Magic?

” There was a time when the Finns, among other pagan delusions, would offer wind for sale to traders who were detained on their coasts by offshore gales, and when payment had been brought would given them in return three magic knots tied in a strap not likely to break.” […]

Medieval Mentality

When Trial By Ordeal Goes Wrong

“As Grettir was walking down the aisle a young and quite ugly boy ran up to him and said, ‘What a strange custom in this country that call itself Christian, to allow evil-doers and bandits and thieves to go about in peace and undergo ordeals.'” […]


Saint Durable

” He replied to the Emperor somewhat sternly, and was cast to the beasts but was unhurt by them. Then he was cast into the midst of a fiery oven, but the flames were put out by an angel and he emerged unhurt.” […]

Britons and Celts

History as a Science

“The Word of God the Father was made flesh, and began to dwell amongst us, 5199 years after the beginning of the world, 2452 after the crossing of the Red Sea, 1206 after the taking of Troy. Seven hundred and fifty-two years had passed from the building of Rome, when Christ sanctified the world.” […]


The Currency of God’s Esteem

“Narses the patrician of Italy came to the city with many treasures, and there in his dwelling he secretly dug a great cistern in which he deposited many thousand centenaria of gold and silver. And when all who knew of the matter had been killed, he entrusted these to the care of one old man only, exacting from him an oath.” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Pleasure Contest

“At once the slave from Madinah clasped his hands and began to caress them gently, while the one from Kufah, lying lower, rubbed his feet and took advantage of her position to slip up her hand from time to time and handle the principal merchandise.” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Grump of Christmas Eve

“Glam replied, “you have all sorts of superstitions that I dismiss as worthless. People don’t strike me as being any better off now than they were in the days when they didn’t practice such things.” […]