
A Cow-Powered Threat

“They had great faith in a certain cow, and they called her Sibilja. She received so many sacrifices that men could now withstand her bellowing. It was the king’s custom, when an invasion was expected, that this very same cow went in front of the ranks.” […]


The Might of the Cow

“The cow was turned loose, and she charged in front of the ranks and bellowed horribly, and there was such great confusion among the fighters who heard it that they fought each other, except for the two brothers who managed to hold out. The evil creature gored many men wither her horns that day. ” […]


Your Beauty Gives You Away

“No one will believe that,” said the old man “This child is much more attractive than we are. We’re both completely ugly, and it won’t seem likely that the two of us would have such a child, as horrid as we both are.” […]


A Famous Fatality

THE SCENE: The “blood-eagle” was a legendary Viking execution method. The passage below represents one of the few instances where an actual blood eagle is described in detail. THE TEXT: Where the armies met each […]

Human Affairs

The Manners of a Viking

“You two must be incredibly unlike,” they said, “as hideous as you are. We have never seen a maiden so beautiful, and we don’t think that she looks anything like you, because you are the greatest monstrosity.” […]