
A Spurious Speywife

“When her people indicated that strangers were coming to her, she would lurk in her chamber to hear why they were traveling and where they were coming from and other details which her people astutely asked about.” […]


Just Another Rain of Blood

“It grew so dark that people could not see beyond the home meadow, and they could scarcely distinguish their own hands. So much rain fell from the cloud that all the hay lying on the ground became soaked. The cloud suddenly drew past and the weather cleared up. People could then see that blood had rained down in the shower.” […]


The Taxonomy of Magic

“It is not surprising that barbarians yields to their weird hocus-pocus and were led into the rites of a debased religion, since even the intelligent Romans were reduced into worshiping similar mortals with divine honours.” […]

Greek and Roman

There’s no Escaping Fate

“Cambyses bitterly lamented the cruelty of his lot, and when the Persians saw the king in tears, they tore their clothes, and showed their sympathy by a great deal of crying and groaning.” […]