
Prophesy and Pettiness

“Your dream needs no interpretation. You yourself can understand what it is: more than likely, in only a little while, it will come to pass that you’ll be dead, and your enemies will seize the kingdom.” […]

Greek and Roman

The First Latin City

“An oracle was given to Aeneas, stating that a four-footed animal would lead him to the place where he should found a city, and once, wen he was in the act of sacrificing a sow, white in colour, which was pregnant, it escaped from his hands and was pursued to a certain hill, where it dropped a farrow of thirty pigs.” […]

Greek and Roman

Origins of Spartan Civilization

“The Lacedaemonians, by observing the laws of Lycurgus, from a lowly people grew to be the most powerful among the Greeks and maintained the leadership among the Greek states for over four hundred years, but after that time, as they little by little began to relax each one of the institutions and to turn to luxury and indifference, and as they grew so corrupted as to use coined money and to amass wealth, they lost the leadership.” […]

Britons and Celts

Dreams of Merlin

“The Fox will devour its mother and then put on an Ass’s head. Once it has assumed this monstrous guide, it will terrify its brothers and drive them away to Normandy. In that country they will in their turn stir up the tusky Boar. Back they will come in a boat and in that way, they will meet the Fox once more.” […]


A Fateful Encounter

“About this time Hother chanced, while hunting, to be led astray by a mist, and he came on a certain lodge in which were wood-maidens; and when they greeted him by his own name, he asked who they were. They declared that it was their guidance and government that mainly determined the fortunes of war. ” […]

Britons and Celts

Dragon’s Future for Britain

“. A fifth Dragon will replace the two dead ones and will destroy the two left alive by various stratagems. It will climb on the back of one, holding a sword in its claws, and hack its head away from its body.” […]


Strange Omens

“Also, the left hand of a certain man which had been cut off with a knife was, after a lapse of a year, restored almost whole to him while he was asleep.” […]