The Heavenly Lights Dance
“It also looks as if sharp points were shot from this flame up into the sky; these are of uneven height and in constant motion, now one, now another darting highest; and the light appears to blaze like a living flame.” […]
“It also looks as if sharp points were shot from this flame up into the sky; these are of uneven height and in constant motion, now one, now another darting highest; and the light appears to blaze like a living flame.” […]
“There no reptile is wont to be seen, no serpent can live. For, if serpents are brought thither from elsewhere, as soon as they begin to scent that air, they die.” […]
“The dreams themselves differed widely in character and appearance. Some were well-grown, smooth-skinned, shapely, handsome fellows, others rough, short, and ugly; some apparently made of gold, others of common cheap stuff. Among them some were found with wings, and other strange variations; others again were like the mummers in a pageant, tricked out as kings or Gods or what not.” […]
THE SCENE: Whether it is true or not, this 12th century description of how Merlin founded Stonehenge (with African rocks stolen from the Irish) provides us with a lively portrayal of him as a character […]
“All round stand great trees of pellucid crystal, whose fruit is drinking-cups of every shape and size. A guest arriving plucks a cup or two and sets them at his place, where they at once fill with wine. ” […]
“One of the stars, for example, was larger than half the world. A planet is as large as the world. While descending, I did look down upon the world again, and it was no bigger than the yolk of an egg. Why, to me the world seemed scarcely a span long, but the oceans looked to be twice that size.” […]
“This is because the slave beaver cuts the wood of the khalanj and other trees with its teeth, and as it gnaws them, they rub its side and its hair fall off right and left. Hence they say, “This pelt is from the servant of the beaver.” The fur of the beaver who owns slaves, on the other hand, is perfect.” […]
“The adult men of the land of Gog and Magog are beardless. When a man with a full beard enters their country, the king, who is of the line of Gog and Magog, orders his beard plucked out.” […]
“When there is no hope left; when as the strength decreases they are eventually so distressed that they prefer to die in death than drag out a life of death, they get themselves finally transported in a boat to the larger island.” […]
“Then came against him a big bull, wading out into the water and bellowing fearfully. A multitude of land-wights followed him. Away he backed from there.” […]
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