Ireland: The Promised Land
“t is both pleasanter, and more praiseworthy, for us to suffer death bravely in battle, than, barely dragging on an ignoble existence, to die daily, miserably fettered under the burden of an execrable subjugation.” […]
“t is both pleasanter, and more praiseworthy, for us to suffer death bravely in battle, than, barely dragging on an ignoble existence, to die daily, miserably fettered under the burden of an execrable subjugation.” […]
“The wizard then enters a room, satisfied to have with him his wife and one other companion, and strikes over an anvil a prescribed number of blows with a hammer on a copper frog or serpent.” […]
“A sacrificial bowl was placed on the plat form and in it a sacrificial twig – like a priest’s aspergillum – which was used to sprinkle blood from the blow.” […]
“In the Darkness there is a tree as big as a large village and on it perches an enormous creature, some say a bird.” […]
“We are far from believing him to have been a god, for he was wicked as are all of his race, whom we call Frost-giants.” […]
“All that are righteous shall dwell with him in the place called Gimli, or Vingolf; but the wicked shall go to Hel, and thence to Niflhel, which is below, in the ninth world.” […]
“An oracle was given to Aeneas, stating that a four-footed animal would lead him to the place where he should found a city, and once, wen he was in the act of sacrificing a sow, white in colour, which was pregnant, it escaped from his hands and was pursued to a certain hill, where it dropped a farrow of thirty pigs.” […]
“. It seemed to him that the goddess stood before him and spoke these words to him: “Brutus, beyond the setting of the sun, past the realms of Gaul, there lies an island in the sea, once occupied by giants. Now it is empty and ready for your folk.” […]
“Mount your horse, and ride naked, before all the people, through the market of the town, from one end to the other, and on your return you shall have your request.” […]
“They sail in ships, and whenever two of their boats meet, the sailors lash the two together, and then they draw their swords and fight. This is their form of greeting.” […]
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