Human Affairs

What To Do After a Wet Dream

“One day, when I was the guest of the sister of this amir, she said to her brother: “Lying with my husband, he ejaculated in his sleep. Ask this man if I ought to perform the ritual ablutions.”” […]

Eastern Europe

Beavers Society Explained

“This is because the slave beaver cuts the wood of the khalanj and other trees with its teeth, and as it gnaws them, they rub its side and its hair fall off right and left. Hence they say, “This pelt is from the servant of the beaver.” The fur of the beaver who owns slaves, on the other hand, is perfect.” […]

Human Affairs

Facial Hair Diplomacy

“The adult men of the land of Gog and Magog are beardless. When a man with a full beard enters their country, the king, who is of the line of Gog and Magog, orders his beard plucked out.” […]


A Perilous Kingship

“When they want to appoint this khaqan, they take this man and strangle him with a piece of silk until he is on the point of death. Then they ask him, “How long to you wish to reign?” He replies, “Such and such a number of years.” If he dies before the time expires, fine; if not, he is executed when he reaches the designated year.” […]


A People Cursed by God

“They consume everything, even the grass. Like wild beasts, they slaughter our herds. They even eat the vermin that crawl on the earth. No other species multiplies like they do. Not one of them dies without fathering a thousand children.” […]