Eastern Europe

Law of the Rich, Laws of the Poor

“. If a Russ commits assault with a sword, spear, or any other weapon, he who has committed this crime shall pay five pounds of silver according to the Russian law, but if he is poor, all his available property shall be sold, even to the garments he walks in, and those too shall be taken from him.” […]

Eastern Europe

Origin of an Alphabet

” Whosoever condemns the Slavic writing shall be excluded from the Church until he mends his ways. For such men are not sheep but wolves; by their fruits ye shall know them and guard against them. ” […]

Eastern Europe

Honor Thy Daughter-in-Law

“The Derevlians, on the other hand, existed in bestial fashion, and lived like cattle. They killed one another, ate every impure thing, and there was no marriage among them, but instead they seized upon maidens by capture.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Law of Return

“If any Russ be taken prisoner by the Greeks, he shall likewise be sent back to his native land, and his purchase price shall be repaid, as has been stipulated, according to his value.” […]


The Mutants of the Mountains

“When he beheld their uncleanness, he marveled. They ate every nauseous thing, such as gnats, flies, cats, and serpents. They did not bury their dead, but at them, along with the fruits of abortions and all sorts of impure beasts. On beholding this, Alexander was afraid lest, as they multiplies, they might corrupt the earth.” […]

Eastern Europe

A Chronicle of Revenge

“Olga bent over and inquired whether they found the honor to their taste. They answered that it was worse than the death of [her husband] Igor.” She then commanded that they should be buried alive, and they were thus buried.” […]