Britons and Celts

The Conscience of an Assassin

“Then after she had drained the lethal draught she immediately began: “But that witch’s potion ought not to suffice as full atonement for me who committed such a great crime. No! rather should I be tied to the tails of horses and dragged off to be hanged and this unspeakable body should be burnt to ashes in fires of thorns and the ashes scattered to the wind.” […]


Beaten with Scorpions

“Hugh proved to be a worthless shoot who took after his father with every kind of evil, but ‘those whom his father beat with whips, he, more despicable than his parent, beat with scorpions.'” […]

Britons and Celts

On the Eve of History

“He is a fool,” said Gurth, “who believes in luck, which no brave man ought to do. No brave man should trust to luck. Every one has his day of death; you say you were born on a Saturday, and on that day also you may be killed.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Bishop of Battle

” Then Odo, the good priest, the bishop of Bayeux, galloped up, and said to them, ‘Stand fast! stand fast! be quiet and move not! fear nothing, for if God please, we shall conquer yet.'” […]