Britons and Celts

A Tale of Tails

“A similar incident occurred in the time of the exile of blessed Thomas primate of England, because to insult him (as they believed, but their wickedness deceived them) the people of Rochester disfigured and cut off his horse’s tail, which has let to their descendants in that place being found both with tails.” […]


God Speaks in Mysterious Ways

“While king Cunincpert was taking counsel in what way he might deprive Aldo and Grauso of life, suddenly in the window near which they were standing sat a fly of the largest kind which when Cunincpert attempted to strike with his knife to kill it, he only cut off its foot.” […]

Britons and Celts

Gryphon Vs. Simurgh

“The bird stretched her talons to seize the servants of God. Just then, suddenly, the bird which on the earlier occasion brought them the branch with the fruits, flew swiftly up to the Gryphon, which immediately made to devour her. But that bird defended herself until she overcame and tore out the eyes of the Gryphon.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Magic of Music

“When the fish heard him singing, they came up from the bottom and began to swim in a circle round the boat – in such a way that the brothers could not see beyond the fish anywhere, so great was the multitude of the different fishes swimming.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Noble and Ignoble Outlaw

“It is asserted by the credible relation of many persons, the walls of the church which he had seized and of the adjoining cloister exuded real blood, by which, as it afterwards appeared, was signified, as well the heinousness of his crime as its impending punishment.” […]

Human Affairs

Saintly Dog or Demon Dog?

“The local peasants hearing of the dog’s noble deed and innocent death, began to visit the place and honor the dog as a martyr in quest of help for their sicknesses and other needs. They were seduced and often cheated by the Devil so that he might in this way lead men into error.” […]


A God-Given Double

“He himself was amazed, unconscious as he was of having earned praise, and in the end with difficulty realized that the Lord had supplied him with a substitute.” […]