
The Revenge of a Scorned God

“However, Thor was swinging his club with marvellous might, and shattered all interposing shields, calling as loudly on his foes to attack him as upon his friends to back him up. No kind of armour withstood his onset, no man could receive his stroke and live.” […]

Greek and Roman

Sex Berries

“There is an extraordinarily tall story to the effect that if one covers the penis with it before intercourse, it acts as a contraceptive.” […]


Do Not Have Sex With a God

“. In fine, the things of earth would not mate with those of heaven, being sundered by a great original gulf through a difference in nature; inasmuch as mortal man was infinitely far from the glory of the divine majesty.” […]


A Bandit Robs a Monster

“Aiming a spear at him, he brought him down with the blow, stopped him, and bound him, while he could not make his escape. Then in the most dreadful words he threatened him with the worst, and demanded the sword and bracelets. ” […]


The Might of the Cow

“The cow was turned loose, and she charged in front of the ranks and bellowed horribly, and there was such great confusion among the fighters who heard it that they fought each other, except for the two brothers who managed to hold out. The evil creature gored many men wither her horns that day. ” […]


In Defense of My Writing…

“I think it’s best for those who can’t improve the story not to find fault with it. Whether it’s true or not, let him have enjoyment from it who can, and let the others enjoy something that they like better.” […]

Eastern Europe

Law of the Rich, Laws of the Poor

“. If a Russ commits assault with a sword, spear, or any other weapon, he who has committed this crime shall pay five pounds of silver according to the Russian law, but if he is poor, all his available property shall be sold, even to the garments he walks in, and those too shall be taken from him.” […]


Your Beauty Gives You Away

“No one will believe that,” said the old man “This child is much more attractive than we are. We’re both completely ugly, and it won’t seem likely that the two of us would have such a child, as horrid as we both are.” […]