Greek and Roman

The Many Uses of Garlic

“It heals the wounds which these animals inflict equally well whether it is applied to them, or taken in food or drink. When taken with honey, it heals the bite of a dog.” […]

Greek and Roman

Crappy Medicine

“So first, take wolf droppings, preferably from a wolf who has eaten bones; enclose them in an earthenware vessel and bind it on the right arm or shoulder.” […]

Greek and Roman

Sex Berries

“There is an extraordinarily tall story to the effect that if one covers the penis with it before intercourse, it acts as a contraceptive.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Royal Poisoner

“The King immediately obeyed the advice of the man who had betrayed him, and dropped off to sleep, imagining that he was about to recover his health. The poison ran quickly through his veins and the pores of his body; and thus death, which has the trick of sparing no man, came to him while he slept.” […]


Northern Toughness

“Then Snorri the Godi felt around his throat, and discovered an arrow sticking through the throat and into the base of the tongue. Snorri the Godi then took a pair of pincers and pulled out the arrow, and after that he could eat.” […]