Dangers of Courtship
“t would be less dangerous for a man to court every lady in an entire land than for a lady to remove a single besotted lover from her skirts, for he will immediately attempt to strike back.” […]
“t would be less dangerous for a man to court every lady in an entire land than for a lady to remove a single besotted lover from her skirts, for he will immediately attempt to strike back.” […]
“In truth, father, I shall bring you and my mother together. I shall kill her husband and marry her to you.” […]
“Gudrun was wearing a tunic with a tight-fitting woven bodice, and a tall head-dress, and round her waist she had tied a fringed sash with dark blue stripes. Helgi Harbeinsson went up to her and took one end of the sash and wiped the blood off the spear with which he had run Bolli through.” […]
“I have already invited him to stay overnight,” said Vigdis, “and I have no intention of going back on my word, even though he isn’t everybody’s friend.” […]
“When the king had returned home, together with his wife, branded with the ignominy of not having accomplished his design, their former affection began, by degrees, to grow cold; and causes of dissension arose between them. The queen was highly offended at the behavior of the king, and asserted that she had married a monk, and not a monarch.” […]
“Am I to have a husband? How can I accept him? I am no longer a virgin; I shall be a servant all my days. I never realized that things would turn out this way.” […]
“When he heard that people were talking thus, he was very sad and disturbed, and began to consider how he could prevent anyone seeking his daughter’s hand.” […]
“You have a choice – either you take me in and act as if nothing has happened or I will call witnesses this minute, divorce you and have my father reclaim my bride-price and my dowry. Then you wouldn’t have to worry about my taking up room in your bed ever again.” […]
“All the idolaters, and likewise the Saracens, take six, eight, or ten wives apiece, and as many as they can afford to keep, and beget innumerable children.” […]
“He said that it was on every man’s lips that Harald was the son of King Helgi, and the boy looked just like him. And he said that he had come to let him know about this betrayal.” […]
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