
Just Another Rain of Blood

“It grew so dark that people could not see beyond the home meadow, and they could scarcely distinguish their own hands. So much rain fell from the cloud that all the hay lying on the ground became soaked. The cloud suddenly drew past and the weather cleared up. People could then see that blood had rained down in the shower.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Scottish Voodoo Doll

“We were all upon our knees, and out hair about our eyes, and our hands lifted up to THE DIVELL, and our eyes steadfast looking upon him, praying, and saying words which he learned us, thrice over, for destroying of this Laird’s children, and to make his house heirless.” […]

Britons and Celts

Details Regarding the Devil’s Schlong

“The youngest and lustiest women will have very great pleasure in their carnal cowpulatioun with him, yea much more than with their own husbands, and they will have an exceeding great desire of it with him, as much as he can have to them, and more, and never think shame of it.” […]