
Pleeease Give me More Gold?

“Indeed if there is much gold (in Egypt), do send me as much as your fathers did. In case there is little gold, send me half of what your fathers did, but why in the world did you send only two pounds of gold to me?” […]


The Smell of Royalty

And indeed, I was extremely glad when the fragrance of the king wafted towards me and there was a festival every day because I was so glad. Also the entire country was in awe of my lord when it heard about the sweet fragrance and the kind messenger who had come to me. […]


Destroyed with a Tablet

Why do you not write me any letters, why do you not send me any oral message? Isn’t it in reality because people might say: “Perhaps that one [i.e. the writer of this letter] is higher in rank than she.” […]


A King and his Chum

“In reply to Your Majesty’s writing to me concerning the white ceremonial robes: “How many days should I keep on wearing them?” the king should wear them on the 20th and the 21st; two days are more than enough. On the 22nd he can dress normally.” […]

Human Affairs

The Mask of Civility Slips

“And then the king must not consider it a crime of mine when I will not eat with them, nor drink water with them, nor even rise before your Messenger, not inquire of him about Your Majesty’s health, when they come here.” […]