Human Affairs

A Righteous Fury

“Vigdis raised the purse and struck him on the nose with it, drawing blood; she accompanied this with a stream of derisive words, adding that he would never get the money back, and told him to clear off.” […]

Human Affairs

The Coldest of Counsel

“You are remarkably unlike your noble kinsmen if you don’t want to avenge such a brother as Kjartan was. Your grandfather, Egil Skalla-Grimsson, would never have behaved like this. It is cruel to have such craven sons; and I for one believe it would have suited you better to have been your father’s daughters and been married off.” […]


Wrestling With Power

” Kjartan plunged into the river and made for this man who was the best swimmer, and forced him under water at once and held him there for a while before letting go of him. No sooner had they come to the surface than this man seized hold of Kjartan and pulled him down, and they stayed under for what seemed to Kjartan a very reasonable time. They surfaced for a second time, and still they exchanged no words.” […]


An Aging Badass

“Elgrim now tried to get away, and spurred his horse; and when Hrut saw this he raised his halberd and drove it between Eldgrim’s shoulder-blades so hard that the coat of mail burst open at the impact and the halberd came out through his chest. Eldgrim fell dead from his horse, as was only to be expected.” […]

Human Affairs

Curse of a Deadbeat Dad

– “How badly do you want your sword back?” said Thurid.
– “I’d much rather lose a fortune than my sword,” replied Geirmund.
– “Then you shall never have it back,” said Thurid. “You have treated us disgracefully, and you will never see me again.” […]


Sometimes They Come Back…

“Next morning Olaf went to the place where Hrapp had been buried, and had him dug up. Hrapp’s corpse was still undecayed, and Olaf found his spear-head there. After that he had a pyre built, and Hrapp was burned on it and his ashes were carried out to sea. From that time on no one ever suffered any harm from Hrapp’s hauntings.” […]


Revenge of the Fisherman

“Hall demanded that he should both divide and take the first choice, for he thought himself the better man. Thorolf refused to surrender his rights and became very abusive. Words were exchanged, and neither would give way; then Hall snatched up a gaff lying nearby and tried to drive it into Thorolf’s head, but people intervened and restrained him.” […]

Human Affairs

Love and Marriage in the Viking World

“So Thorgerd married Herjolf and went with him to his home, and they came to love one another dearly. Thorgerd quickly proved what an exceptionally capable woman she was, and Herjolf was considered to have enhanced his prestige and standing greatly by winning such a wife as Thorgerd.” […]