Britons and Celts

A King Weighs His Options

‘But Harold refused, and said that Ourth should not go against the duke and fight without him; and that he would not burn houses and villages, neither would he plunder his people. “How,” said he, “can I injure the people I should govern? I cannot destroy or harass those who ought to prosper under me.”‘ […]

Britons and Celts

A Taste of Welsh Kindness

“Here are two things worth remembering: the Irish are the most jealous people on earth, but the Welsh do not seem to know what jealousy is; and in every Welsh court or family the menfolk consider playing on the harp to be the greatest of accomplishments.” […]

Human Affairs

Sports With Deadly Stakes

“They went out onto the field. Walter took a stone that weighed 2 ship-pounds, and he threw it 9 feet. Then Detsleff threw 10 feet. So Walter threw 13 feet. Detsleff threw 14 feet. Then Walter didn’t want to play that game any more.” […]


The Princess and the Troll

The maiden went, although she wasn’t willing. When she came so close that she could see the troll clearly, she said, “Will you take food, you big troll?” He turned towards her and glowered at her. She ran away and told the princess that she had now seen clearly that it was a male troll. […]


Medieval Friendly Fire

“On being struck so, Roland studies him, then asked him in a soft and gentle voice: “My lord companion, did you mean to do that? It’s Roland, who has been your friend for so long. You gave no sign that you had challenged me.”” […]