
An Army of Thieves

“Hence, whenever he saw anyone who was a thief or a robber, but who was strong of arm and well-suited to warfare, he forgave him his just punishment, and sent him to the suburbs of Merseberg, where he distributed lands and arms, ordering these men to commit no depredations on their fellow-citizens but to practice their robberies upon the barbarians as much as they dared.” […]

Britons and Celts

Death and then Dishonor

“All marvelled that this great king, who had conquered so much, and won so many cities, and so many castles, could not call so much land his own as his body might lie within after death.” […]


The Path of the Exile

“The whole band of warriors was obliged to escort him to a dense wood and wait on the edge of the wood while he withdrew from them and pursued his course into some dark wilderness where he was unable to hear the din of their shouting.” […]


Origins of the Snake

“Thou shalt be a self-chosen vessel of venom and death as evidence that thou didst hide venomous envy in thy body. I declare the covenant sundered between thee and all mankind; thy head and neck shall be crushed under the heel and the tread of men in revenge for the treachery which mankind has suffered through thy slippery cunning.” […]

Britons and Celts

Poor Men Sorely Swinked

“Wa-la-wa! that any man should be so moody, so to upheave himself, and think himself above all other men! May almighty God have mild-heartedness on his soul, and give him forgiveness of his sins!” […]


Revenge of the Fisherman

“Hall demanded that he should both divide and take the first choice, for he thought himself the better man. Thorolf refused to surrender his rights and became very abusive. Words were exchanged, and neither would give way; then Hall snatched up a gaff lying nearby and tried to drive it into Thorolf’s head, but people intervened and restrained him.” […]

Eastern Europe

Law of the Rich, Laws of the Poor

“. If a Russ commits assault with a sword, spear, or any other weapon, he who has committed this crime shall pay five pounds of silver according to the Russian law, but if he is poor, all his available property shall be sold, even to the garments he walks in, and those too shall be taken from him.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Noble and Ignoble Outlaw

“It is asserted by the credible relation of many persons, the walls of the church which he had seized and of the adjoining cloister exuded real blood, by which, as it afterwards appeared, was signified, as well the heinousness of his crime as its impending punishment.” […]