
Medieval Friendly Fire

“On being struck so, Roland studies him, then asked him in a soft and gentle voice: “My lord companion, did you mean to do that? It’s Roland, who has been your friend for so long. You gave no sign that you had challenged me.”” […]


Just Another Rain of Blood

“It grew so dark that people could not see beyond the home meadow, and they could scarcely distinguish their own hands. So much rain fell from the cloud that all the hay lying on the ground became soaked. The cloud suddenly drew past and the weather cleared up. People could then see that blood had rained down in the shower.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Model Cornish King

“Where are you making for, you coward? Where are you running to, you slackers? Turn back! Turn back, I say, and do battle with Corineus! Shame on you! You are so many thousands and yet you run away from me who am one!” […]