Britons and Celts

Welcome Hengist and Horsa

Whenever there occurs a surplus of population of men, the leaders of the different provinces meet together and order the young men of the entire realm to gather before them. They then cast lots and so pick out the most able and the strongest, who must journey off to foreign lands and seek a living for themselves.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Crimes of a Nice Emperor

“The charge of pride was also leveled him, although he had been very humble even as emperor – moreover he was, on the contrary, very polite at banquets, very liberal with signing petitions, and very reasonable over cases of personal freedom.” […]

Britons and Celts

Apathy for the Damned

“The venerable father and his companions saw how the unhappy man was carried off by a multitude of demons to be tormented and was set on fire among them. He said: ‘Alas for you, my son, that you have received such fate as you have deserved while living.'” […]