
The Fall of Grettir and Illugi

“Grettir swung his short-sword at Hjalti Thordarson’s follower Vikar, striking him on the left shoulder as he jumped down into the hut and cutting right through his shoulders and down his right side. The man was chopped clean in half and his body fell on top of Grettir in two pieces.” […]


Two Against One and the Odds are Even

“Thorbjorn rushed forward and swung a blow at Grettir, who drew his buckler with his left hand to parry it, then thrust out with his sword, splitting Thorbjorn’s shield and striking him such a blow on the head that his brains spilled out and he fell down dead on the spot.” […]

Human Affairs

Medieval Labor Relations

” One morning he went off with Atli’s farmhands and worked like a man with a thousand hands. Ali kept this up through the summer. Atli ignored him, but had him fed because he approved of the work he was doing.” […]


A Bloody Brawl

“After they had fought for a while, Atli said, ‘We will earn no prestige from killing each other’s farmhands. There would be more point if we were to fight together by ourselves, for I have never killed a man before.'” […]

Medieval Mentality

When Trial By Ordeal Goes Wrong

“As Grettir was walking down the aisle a young and quite ugly boy ran up to him and said, ‘What a strange custom in this country that call itself Christian, to allow evil-doers and bandits and thieves to go about in peace and undergo ordeals.'” […]


Berserker versus Revenant

” Grettir backed away into one seat after another. All the benches were torn loose and everything in their way was smashed. Glam tried to make it to the door, while Grettir struggled for a foothold.” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Grump of Christmas Eve

“Glam replied, “you have all sorts of superstitions that I dismiss as worthless. People don’t strike me as being any better off now than they were in the days when they didn’t practice such things.” […]