A King Learns to Never Cross the Finns
“Now when King Agni had fallen asleep, Skjalf took a thick cord and fastened it to the necklace.” […]
“Now when King Agni had fallen asleep, Skjalf took a thick cord and fastened it to the necklace.” […]
“Hardly could he speak, but when he did, [craving] pardon for putting off the fulfillment of his promise, all were filled with wonder and sympathy, and the king himself, appeased by the good faith of his prisoner, let him go free.” […]
“Then the chieftains held a council, and they agreed that the famine probably was due to Domaldi, their king, and that they should sacrifice him for better seasons.” […]
“When they wearied of the sport, she would approach their servants, perhaps thirty in number, and fight a duel with each of these; and even thus found no allayment of her craving.” […]
“Now the dog was, by witchcraft, gifted with three men’s wisdom; and when he barked, he spoke one word and barked two.” […]
“Sometimes it occurred that even kings were chosen by lot in similar fashion to be sacrificed, and since this was considered to be an offering most favourable for the kingdom.” […]
“He tied their dead bodies to planks and stretched them upright in such a way that they seemed to be standing.” […]
“Thus he humbled the man beneath the powerful arm of God, whose affair it was, and made Drogo subject to the dominion of his will like some bedridden patient.” […]
“He fell in front of the feet of the king’s horse, and the wind blew his habit right over his neck, so that he was entirely exposed to the unwilling eyes of the lord king.” […]
“An exceedingly strong drink had been prepared.” […]
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