On the Road with a Killer Angel
“The pilgrim turned, and pointed with his finger to the road they were to take; but as he turned, the angel seized him by the shoulders, and precipitated him into the stream below.” […]
“The pilgrim turned, and pointed with his finger to the road they were to take; but as he turned, the angel seized him by the shoulders, and precipitated him into the stream below.” […]
“Quitting his stable, the donkey entered the hall, and running up to the king, raised his clumsy feet with difficulty around the royal neck.” […]
“The serpent glided towards him, and applying its tongue to the wound, sucked up the poison till its mouth was quite full; and then, hastening to the door, cast it out. It returned twice to the wound, and did as before, until the venom was exhausted.” […]
“Do not touch her, for if you do, you will certainly perish. She has been nurtured upon the most deleterious food, which I will prove to you immediately. Here is a malefactor, who is already condemned to death. He shall be united to her, and you will soon see the truth of what I advance.” […]
“They all agreed that the counsel was excellent; and casting lots, the chance fell upon the contriver of the expedient; whose eyes they immediately put out.” […]
“The other assented, and, by the direction of his friend, proceeded to draw blood from his right arm. “I,” said the latter, “will drink of thy blood, and thou of mine; so that neither in prosperity nor in adversity shall our covenant be broken, and whatsoever the one gains, shall be divided by the other.” The foolish knight agreed; and they ratified the treaty by a draught of each other’s blood.” […]
“The king highly applauded the invention, and said, “Friend, the value of thy industry is yet untried: more cruel even than the people account me, thou thyself shalt be the first victim.”” […]
“For by driving away the flies now saturated with my blood, I should afford an opportunity to those that were empty and hungry to supply their place. ” […]
“”When I was a girl, and governed by a tyrant, I wished for his removal, and presently we obtained a worse instead. Having got rid of him, a worse still succeeded.” […]
“The third annoyance was this, that free license was given, upon that day of triumph, to utter the most galling reproaches, and the most cutting sarcasms, against the victor while enjoying his triumph.” […]
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