Britons and Celts

A Dog’s Reward

“In appreciation of what had happened and as a mark of favour to the dog, which had almost died of starvation, the English, who nevertheless hated the Welsh, had the corpse buried with all due ceremony.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Self-Proclaimed Master

“They are surprised that, from all the great and striking subjects which the world can offer, I choose to extol in my writings and to adorn with all the flowers of my rhetoric those rugged countries.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Taste of Welsh Kindness

“Here are two things worth remembering: the Irish are the most jealous people on earth, but the Welsh do not seem to know what jealousy is; and in every Welsh court or family the menfolk consider playing on the harp to be the greatest of accomplishments.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Honorable Weasel

“She went over to a jug of milk, which had been set aside for the man’s son and heir, stood up on her hind legs, spat the venom which she had inside her body into the milk and so infected it with deadly poison.” […]


A Demon in Disguise

“Before Jesus Christ was born in the flesh, devils had great power over human beings; but when He came, this power was greatly diminished. They were dispersed, some here, some there, for they fled headlong from His presence. I remember that I myself jumped down a well.” […]