Britons and Celts

A Legendary Betrayal

“The moment they heard this signal the Saxons drew their daggers, attacking the leaders standing near them and cut the throats of about four hundred and sixty counts and earls, who were thinking of something quite different.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Heroic Escape

“He shattered skulls, arms, shoulder-blades and even legs, causing the greatest possible terror, and before he left the spot he had killed seventy men with the stake which he held.” […]

Britons and Celts

Hengist Goes to Hell

“As each in turn slashed at the other with his sword, the sparks flew from his blows as if he were at once a source of thunder-claps and of lighting-flashes. For a long time it was not clear on which side lay the greater strength.” […]

Britons and Celts

Caesar in Battle

“Ceasar’s sword glanced off Nennius’ helmet and cut into his shield so deeply that, when they had to abandon their hand-to-hand fight because of the troops who crowded in on them, the Emperor could not wrench his sword out.” […]

Britons and Celts

Brutus: Founder of Britain

“. It seemed to him that the goddess stood before him and spoke these words to him: “Brutus, beyond the setting of the sun, past the realms of Gaul, there lies an island in the sea, once occupied by giants. Now it is empty and ready for your folk.” […]

Britons and Celts

Dreams of Merlin

“The Fox will devour its mother and then put on an Ass’s head. Once it has assumed this monstrous guide, it will terrify its brothers and drive them away to Normandy. In that country they will in their turn stir up the tusky Boar. Back they will come in a boat and in that way, they will meet the Fox once more.” […]

Britons and Celts

Dragon’s Future for Britain

“. A fifth Dragon will replace the two dead ones and will destroy the two left alive by various stratagems. It will climb on the back of one, holding a sword in its claws, and hack its head away from its body.” […]

Britons and Celts

Origin of Stonehenge

THE SCENE: Whether it is true or not, this 12th century description of how Merlin founded Stonehenge (with African rocks stolen from the Irish) provides us with a lively portrayal of him as a character […]