Some Medieval Welsh Jokes
“I have only one thing to hold against her,” he said. “She puts too little butter in her salt.” […]
“I have only one thing to hold against her,” he said. “She puts too little butter in her salt.” […]
“After this they hit on a plan which was really very hard on me. They would go into the streets and lanes and say I had sent them to compel travelers to come in. ” […]
“For he says that Albinus, when hungry, ate give hundred dried figs, a hundred Campanian peaches, ten Ostian melons, twenty pounds of Labican grapes, a hundred fig-peckers and four hundred oysters.” […]
“The island was one great cheese, quite firm, as we afterwards ascertained by eating it, and three miles round.” […]
“He ate sparingly, being very addicted to his native vegetable, sometimes found of wine, often abstaining from meat.” […]
The maiden went, although she wasn’t willing. When she came so close that she could see the troll clearly, she said, “Will you take food, you big troll?” He turned towards her and glowered at her. She ran away and told the princess that she had now seen clearly that it was a male troll. […]
“When he beheld their uncleanness, he marveled. They ate every nauseous thing, such as gnats, flies, cats, and serpents. They did not bury their dead, but at them, along with the fruits of abortions and all sorts of impure beasts. On beholding this, Alexander was afraid lest, as they multiplies, they might corrupt the earth.” […]
“He turned him over to a hundred comrades, the best and worst together, from the kitchen. These men plucked out his beard and moustache, and each one hit him four times with his fist.” […]
“The Pope crossed himself before taking meat, and at that moment Doctor Faustus did blow hard into his face. Every time the Pope crossed himself, Faustus would blow into his face again.” […]
“I shall reward you with some joyful news: your father is dead now, and you must return home.” […]
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